Stack of Recipes Page 109 / 525
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Remind me please-baking soda or baking powder can someone please remind me is it baking powder or baking soda that helps get rid of smells?? one of my twins who i am toilet training peed on the dining room chair last night and it still smells funny even though i cleaned it. |
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Looking for a simple but yummy potato salad please would love one with a mayo base as I have that in the fridge lol |
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I've found Alison Holst's Budget Biscuits recipe Thanks for all the help I got on this but after going through all my stuff again I found it. 50grm butter3 tbsps Golden Syrup 1/2cup sugar 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup flour 1/2 tspn B. Soda 1 tbsp Water Melt the butter, take off the heat and add G. syrup... |
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Homemade Lemonade Hi all, does anyone have a recipe for a lemonade concentrate that is kept refrigerated, I think it may have citric acid in it?I have fond memories of my granny having a flagon of it in her fridge all summer and would love to make it for my own kids.Thanks... |
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Spinach Can anything be done with spinach to spice it up.appreciate any recipes,got some growing, and its coming on quick. |
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Bean Salad - clone of KFC Made but definitely not the same zing. Anyone got one with real spiciness? Put heaps of pepper but no different. |
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Easy recipes that only take 20mins HiI have been searching the recipes which i can use ,that will suit the livestyle i live. Recipes that i can feed to my family . that cover meat veges . fish. which can be prepared and served in 30minsif any one has recipes like that ,can you please passe... |
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Moist smoothe creamy quiche recipes please I once made such a quiche...I think it had cream in it and it was delicious.Lost that recipe now and can only find self crusting or ones that are firm in the centre.Anyone know of what I am thinking of with regards to this style of quiche? |
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Muffin Break - Apricot cream cheese muffins are so nice and moist. |
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Banana Loaf I'm after a banana loaf recipe that makes a good sized loaf,thats nice and moist.I want to make 4 or 5 at a time so I'd like it not to be too expensive to make.I'm looking forward to your posts ! |
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Refined coconut oil Can you get this in New Zealand.It apparently does not have a coconut flavour. TIA |
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Melting chocolate for dipping whats the easier way to do it without it setting real quick? |
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Where did that roast pan chocolate cake recipe go? You know the best ever and easy chocolate cake.I'm at work and said I copy the link for a friend but do you think I can find it?I'm having a terrible time.If someone has it bookmarked, could they please bump it for me.Thanks heaps. |
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Having our son's birthday party need kids party id ideas to go in little lunchboxes.Party is from 10;30am-12:30pm.Have got them little boxes.What would you put in them.We have a party host for two hours but I am wanting to add a few extra touches to the whole thing like the room etc.Any ideas?Many thanks |
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More Fibre in diet needed. finally after a long time of the runs? we had none this morning. YAY. gp and nurse said more fibre is needed to toughen it up. heaps more fresh veges, steamed fish, lean meats, boiled chicken no skinand brown breads. he still has to keep off the dairy pro... |
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Buttermilk Powder Help Please!! Can anyone help me as to where I can buy this from please? I have looked in the 3 supermarkets in my area and cant find any, the health shop has 500gm bags but it is far too expensive there. I will pay if someone could get me some and send it thru to me. ... |
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Ginger / gingerbread loaf does any one know of a recipie to make this, thanks |
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Preparing fish from the supermarket i have not had much luck with cooking fish from the supermarket and i would imagine its something i am doing/ not doing with it that ruins it for eveyone.Am I supposed to rinse it before cooking? I always refrigerate straight away.I have tried fish parcel... |
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ALDI CHRISTMAS CAKES............ Aldi's are just gorgeous. It's just not Christmas without an Aldi's or 3.....well sometimes 5. Regrettably no Aldi that I know of in NZ, but if you have family there, why not get them to post you a cake, you won't regret it. |
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Strawberry choc chip muffins? if I was to use this recipe (its obviously fail-safe!) and added strawberry essence and maybe poked half a strawberry in the top before cooking do you think it would wor... |
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Nice potato recipes for a BBQ meal? I can do a normal potato salad, and potatoes wrapped in tin foil with garlic and butter on the BBQ, but wondering if you have any other ideas for me to make? |
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Whats the best Fondant "paste" I'm going to try to make a Topsy turvy aka mad hatter cake. 1st time playing around with Fondant, what would be the best way to hold fondant to cake and the decorative fondant parts on top of fondant????? hope you understand what I'm trying to say lol |
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Very Dark Xmas cake - with ginger - recipe? I tasted the best rich fruit cake EVER a while ago - and would love to replicate it - the person who made it won't part with the recipe. ANYWAY it is very very dark - like the old fashioned rich fruit cake, but is different in that it has preserved ginger... |
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Pumpkin salad Anyone with a really nice recipe for one that doesn't require anything too fancy? |
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Muffins and or biscuits made with oil? I have bugger all butter/marg left but want to make choc chip cookies and ginger muffins..both requiring butter, so can i just use oil in the muffins? Thanks |
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