Stack of Recipes Page 108 / 525
Topic | Replies | Last post |
Gluten free flour What flour would I use for baking cakes.I need 2 cups of flour but I want gluten free. |
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Breadmaker near death HELP! I have a Sunbeam breadmaker and the pan and mixing paddle are combined in one unit and are now falling to pieces. Has anyone been able to source a new pan?The rest of the unit is fine and I really do not want to join the throw away society and just consig... |
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Dripping ok for cooking chips? The supermarket had no lard, so I got dripping instead. Will it be ok for cooking chips in? |
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Moist christmas cake recipe please can anyone give me a nice moist recipe for christmas cake, I dont like crumbly dry ones i like the real nice moist ones. Thanks heaps. |
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Christmas cake - best way to store please?? Need to put it away before it gets eaten! thanks |
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Can I use self-raising flour in a Christmas cake I bought SR flour by mistake.The basic ingredients are 12 oz flour, 12 oz sugar, 12 oz butter, 5 eggs with 3lb of fruit.Plus golden syrup, pineapple and spices.Many thanks. |
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Cupcake wedding cake My daughter wants a cupcake wedding cake for her garden wedding in Feb next year. I am happy to make this and would appreciate tips, hints and advise from expert bakers. I need recipes that will freeze well but will also last the distance from being defr... |
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Annabel Langbeins baked apples on tv last night Did anyone see her do this recipe on tv last night?What did she pour over them?? It was maple syrup and what???also were they covered in the oven or in an open dish??I can remember the stuffing but bugger all else about the recipe. Thanks :) |
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In my fridge I have ...... orange capsicum half a egg plant baby carrots 3 big brown mushrooms 1 zuchinni bok choi cauliflour lettus salad What meal can I make from this?I've made a vegie curry 2nite, but dont know what else to do with them?!All i do know its that I n... |
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Banana cake flop I was really excited to find on this site a fantastic banana cake recipe. Its has oil and sour cream in it. Makes a large cake, is moist and delicious. Unlike all my other attempts at banana cakes,I have never had much luck. Today it came out of the oven ... |
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Aaawww would ya look at this !!....My grandy !! *chest splits open with pride* |
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Master chef toffee apple balls Has anyone got the recipe for the little toffee apple balls that were made on Australian master chef several weeks ago? The toffee has glucose in it. I wrote it down but have lost it. Would like to try them for Christmas. |
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Freeze able snack / party food?? Anyone have any easy recipes for me?Thanks |
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Speights cookbook lambs fry recipe I suspect I am getting this book for Christmas (son's pretty keen on the Speights Ale House hearty-type food) but in the meantime I would like to try the "grandma's lambs fry and bacon" recipe. One son really wants me to make this and although I... |
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Ice cream cupcake cones what is the best way to cook them in the cone its self or once the cupcake is cooked push into the cone ? I am wanting to make these for a girls firs birthday. any help would be great thank you any recipes for these as well |
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Flank steak What part of the cattle beast is this?,what do we call it?Bobby Flay was cooking it on the bbq.thanks |
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Can you mix butter with oil as an alternative: I just wondered if you cuold mix the two up in a food processor so that you have a healier form of butter without the additives that are found in anything store bought?I was thinking of beating the butter and oil together in the food processor, either, ol... |
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Blue and red cod is there any difference in taste between blue and red cod?i know there is a big difference in price and one is deep sea and red is more shallow. |
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New oven, any tips on keeping it nice, I can't cook everything in an oven bag can I? |
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Yoghurt icing recipe Does any one have a recipe for icing made with yoghurt ? Thanks in advance. |
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Any cheaper equivalent for Tupperware fridgesmart For keeping vegetables fresh? apparently these are amazing but I cannot justify $60 or more |
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Yeast sachet Would anybody know how many tsp of active yeast would equal 1 sachet. Thanks |
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Yikes too much chilli powder What can I add to tone it down slightly??? |
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Gourmet toffee caramel apples - HOW?? Anyone tried making these delicious treats that have a caramel toffee covering? Can you share how to make the caramel?Or is there a caramel toffee lollie you could melt down? McIntoshes?? Those light brown and white fudgey ones??Any ideas helpful - THANKS... |
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Banana and choccy dessert wanted i wanna make a dessert prefereably something easy that doesnt take too long. i like chocolate and bananas so any suggestions would be cool :) |
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