Blue and red cod

cj105, Sep 26, 3:36pm
is there any difference in taste between blue and red cod?i know there is a big difference in price and one is deep sea and red is more shallow.

beaker59, Sep 26, 3:43pm
They are both shallow water species though also caught in deeper water. Blue is a firmer more flavoursome fish. Red is soft textured and not as highly prized though still nice enough smoked or cooked in a milk sauce. Blue is better pan fried and the better fish by a long way in my opinion.

Oddly enough my wife is a Chatham Islander the Blue cod there are spectacular but she can't stand them even leaves the house if I cook them as she doesn't like the smell (she loves all other fish). I think they are OK but there are better fish in the sea.

datoofairy, Sep 26, 3:48pm
I think there is a big difference in taste and flavour.We get the yummiest blue cod down here.When my Dad was alive we used to go out fishing a lot.He was in two local fishing clubs and we entered lots of competitions.My brothers still do.While blue cod is highly sought after, re cod is considered rubbish fish and almost always thrown back or used for bait.
I've eaten red cod maybe twice and both times its was bland and very soft and crumbly.Blue cod is much meatier and flavourful.

cj105, Sep 26, 3:48pm
thanks for that.there is a big difference in price, so was wondering if they tasted the same.i was going to batter it and deep fry.

cj105, Sep 26, 3:50pm
thanks for that, as im trying to sort out which would be the best for a fish and chip shop.i will look into finding a supplier for blue cod.

beaker59, Sep 26, 3:56pm
If your fish and chip shop is in Canterbury then definately Blue Cod as a premium fish then give a cheaper option of Hoki or similar. Forget the red cod. They seem to like blue cod down there.

datoofairy, Sep 26, 4:00pm
I dont think it would be very nice battered.I certainly wouldnt buy it at a fish and chip shop.Even the super cheap shark and elephant fish used in many F&C shops is better than red cod.
Good luck :o)

cj105, Sep 26, 4:05pm
hi guys thanks for that.yes i have been asked for blue cod to be put on the menu and i have contacted mossburn enterprise and they agree - blue cod all the way.thanks so much for all your input.

donnabeth, Sep 26, 5:04pm
Whatever you do don't be tempted to buy that cheap Vietnamese river fish. It's taken over the fish and chip shops down here and is truly awful; grey and dense textured. I think they buy it through Dunedin.

cj105, Sep 26, 5:21pm
i only use elephant and snapper at the cod has been asked for alot.thanks for that tip, as i don't want to put out fish thats not nice as there is alot of fish n chip shops in ashburton - so alot of competion.

holdenss, Sep 26, 11:02pm
Basa? I thought It taste alot better than the processed imported stuff most asian f&C shops use and shark. Red cod/akaroa Cod is beautiful battered, i buy It all the time at the local Fishies.

traceedwards, Sep 26, 11:15pm
Bit of useless info

Blue Cod arent really a 'Cod'.Red Cod are though.

nik12, Sep 27, 12:42am
I love red cod battered!I also love blue cod.. but if the red was cheaper that's what I'd buy.
Everyone to their own :-)

professor_plum, Oct 3, 12:08am
Blue cod or snapper are the absolute best fish.Red or Akaroa cod is yuk!

karenz, Oct 3, 12:26am
I don't know how fish and chip shops manage to make a profit with the price of fish being what it is now. The award winning Blue Island Seafoods people here sold the business because they could not buy quality fish that they could sell at an affordable price. The quality has plummeted since under the new owners.

soma2, Oct 3, 12:38am
Rig aka Spotty Dog tastes great deep fried and holds together well if you can get it down there, for a cheaper option cause blue cods become too expensive and a bit over rated in the cod..yuck yuck yuck

dezzie, Oct 3, 1:52am
White or silver warehou is quite a good cheaper fish for fish and chips, high in omega 3 as well.

beaker59, Oct 3, 2:10am
Thats sold as Lemon fish I think isn't it I had some a few weeks ago which was really really good I'd have it again. Mind you that was a very good fish and chip shop in aurange which I always go to when I can.

beaker59, Oct 3, 2:28am
OOps that should read Tauranga

guest_phill_chch, Nov 5, 11:12pm