orange capsicum half a egg plant baby carrots 3 big brown mushrooms 1 zuchinni bok choi cauliflour lettus salad
What meal can I make from this? I've made a vegie curry 2nite, but dont know what else to do with them?!
All i do know its that I need the vitamins etc from them!
Nov 5, 5:01am
Fry onion if available add chopped capsicum, courgette and egg plant and the mushrooms. Add herbs (parsley, thyme rosemary, chilli garlic) and some tomatoes (tin is fine).
Cook cauliflower and serve with the above and some nice fried steaks - or if not available - some fried eggs.
You can serve the lettuce as a side dish if you wish - then go shopping again tomorrow :)
Nov 5, 5:18am
ooooooh wow uli thank you sooo much!!
But people keep them coming because i am goin to the market 2morrow
thanks head!
Nov 5, 5:21am
Let us know what you got from the market tomorrow - and I can give you some more good ideas what to cook :)
Good luck for tonight!
Nov 5, 6:02am
Oh i will do! thanks heaps!
Nov 5, 11:47pm
All I brought 2day @ the market was onions nd brocoli everything I was intending on getting was very expensive!!!
Nov 6, 12:48am
Vegetarian Quiche
Nov 6, 1:08am
uli, you are such a sweetie :-) :-)
Nov 6, 2:45am
I know!!! isnt she an angel!! mwah!
Nov 6, 2:45am
thought of that, but now wonder how to make it without flour?! hmmmm lol
Nov 6, 3:09am
without using flour...maybe a frittata...or a vegetable lasagne...?
Nov 6, 4:27am
Vegetarian Fried Rice 2c uncooked rice - In a large saucepan of boiling water add rice, pinch o salt. Boil rapidly approx 10 -15 mins or until cooked stirring occasionally. Rins well & leave to 1side. 1/2 -1c of above veges. Microwave veges on high 10 mins or until tender. Saute giner & garlic or onion .Stir inrice. Add soya sauce, mix well. Ad veges & toss until well combined. Serve lettuce as side dish.
How about good old fav- Roast Veges Preheaat oven to 230 Cut veges in chunks, if using an onion leave whole. Microwav with a litle water 10 mins then drain. Coat bakig tray & place veges on the tray Bake on top rack 30 - 40 mins or until golden turning once.
Nov 6, 4:38am
Easy! Just beat up as many eggs as you have - I use between 4 and 12 depending on eaters number - add some chilli or black pepper, salt, parsley, chives, onions or leeks chopped up and some silverbeet or spinach if you have, feta if available and any cooked veges you have on hand.
Use a baking dish or a frypan with a non-plastic handle and pour it all in. Then top it with some sliced tomatoes if available and some grated cheese and put into 200 degree oven for about 20 to 40 minutes - depending on amount.
Works with any amount of veges and eggs. Just adjust the cooking time. Flat dish is best.
Good luck! :)
Nov 6, 6:09am
How is dinner coming along allurs?
Nov 6, 7:41pm
Well i made a salad nd tuna for tea, cause i ended up in a rush! lol But on the menu 2nite is a fritata, just following your recipe! so i'm gonna pre cook some of them soon and then just wip it all up 2nite!
Thank you again uli!!
Nov 6, 9:07pm
Let's know how you get on :)
Nov 7, 1:38am
Hey uli! well for some strange reason lol I hada weird idea to roast the baby carrots, egg plant, cauliflour nd mushroom! so once they are cooked i'll put them into the mix and then i thought i'll wizz up the bok choy, capsicum nd zuchinni and a bita onion to go with it :D
But yeah i think i might have to get a bita meat outa the freezer for 2morro, might make either blue cheese patties or maybe just give in and make chop sue hehehe! All i know its gota be easy
But thank you again for your help uli! u truly are lovely lady, and it will come bak to you 10fold! :D
Nov 7, 7:52am
Oi - hoe could I possibly cope with 10fold? :) Hope dinner was great though!
Jul 19, 2:57am
it was soooo yummy thanks!
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