I have cleaned it within an inch of it's life, yet the smell lingers. It smells like morning breath, if you know what I mean. Any tips on how to eliminate it please???
Oct 20, 7:07pm
i keep a small glass of baking soda( i think) in my fridge and it absorbes the smell.
Oct 20, 7:07pm
wipe out with vanilla essence
Oct 20, 7:08pm
Have you checked the drainage channel at the back. I once had this problem and discovered that there was gunk trapped in that that was making the whole fridge smell awful.Cleaned it out with bleach and had no more problems.
Oct 20, 7:40pm
Have you pulled the fridge out also? as sometimes, you may find your fridge has been hosting a wee "visitor" who has expired underneath it!
Oct 23, 9:30pm
Leave a vanilla bean ( pod ) in the fridge - you can buy them really cheaply here on Trademe - great for deodorising anything - including cars - but even better inyour food! ( and Yes- before anyone screams - I do sell them!).
Oct 23, 9:51pm
Have you checked for any expired foods that may have gone off?
Oct 23, 9:57pm
I had the same problem, someone suggested I turn the temp. down on it which I did. It fixed it for a while but the smell has come back though not so bad.
Oct 24, 6:37am
You really need to find out what's making the smell and get rid of whatever it is, no amount of cleaning and deodorising will clear out a smell that's being generated by something still in there.
Jun 20, 11:10pm
Locate the drainage pan receptacle , empty it, wash it and sanitize it. Empty the fridge, remove all drawers and shelves and do the same. Spray & wipe the entire fridge interior with colloidal silver and / or (optional) hydrogen peroxide +/- 3%. I have yet to see a stinky fridge or anything else, that this treatment can't beat :) Completely harmless and non toxic and won't leave any lingering odours.
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