I don't use cheese all that often and usually end up having to throw the end of the block away as it goes mouldy.What is the best way to keep the leftover block?
Apr 24, 4:51am
I put it in a Clik Clak container...friend grates and then freezes , apparently it goes further with a young family.
Apr 24, 4:53am
I always take it out of it wrapper and wrap in a small plastic bag or snap lock bag. Make sure you squeeze the air out :o)
Apr 24, 5:06am
I leave it in the same bad it came in. But then we go through 1kg every 2 weeks, doesnt get a chance to get mouldy with teenagers.
Apr 24, 5:07am
I leave it in its original wrapper and then inside a freezer bag which I wrap around it firmly.And try not to 'touch' the cheese with your hands.
Apr 24, 5:14am
I do the same as charlie, but use a bread bag.
Apr 24, 5:16am
I remove a 1kg cheese from it's wrapper ... cut it into 4 x 250g chunks,wrap in waxed paper:freeze 3 and keep 1 in the fridge.I always defrost the frozen pieces in the fridge,you would never know it had been frozen :-)
Apr 24, 5:20am
I just leave it it wrapper it comes in. That is only because it never gets a chance to go mouldy as sadly I am addicted to cheese and eat a kilo in about a week, along with the feta, blue cheese.....etc.
Apr 24, 5:38am
get a Tupperware CheeSmart Rectangle. Lifetime guarantee. It comes with 2 grids to control air moisture levels, depending on the kind of cheese. Always take cheese out of plastic pkt.
Apr 24, 10:41am
Thanks everyone for your ideas. Will try a combination of them.
Apr 24, 11:16am
Yes...I also grate and freeze cheese. You don't have to defrost it before putting it into a white sauce (macaroni cheese or cauliflower cheese etc) or even when you want to use if for cheese on toast. As with a lot of things, the larger pack you buy the cheaper it works out so, I buy a kilo when it's on special. Grate half of it, then put it in a container (as apposed to a plastic bag, which usually ends up getting squashed in the freezer). It's very handy to have in there all ready to go. And wrap the rest of the block in grease proof paper for the fridge.
Apr 24, 10:10pm
we usually get a big kg block of cheese and there is only two of us so we try to keep it quite well. We keep it in the original cheese wrapper and make sure the plastic is wrapped tightlyover the cheese that remains, then pop a bit of alum foil on top to stop the air getting in. Never had cheese go mouldy this way.
Apr 24, 10:48pm
I do the same as charlie,ours keeps for about 4 weeks,with the 2 of us,no problem with mould ever.
Apr 25, 12:31am
Just cut the mould off - the cheese underneath is fine
Apr 25, 2:55am
Not with the rubbish cheese nowadays. Was ok years ago when the cheese was hard and real.
Apr 25, 7:51am
Are these Tupperware CheeSmart Rectangles still available? They are not in the current catalogue.
Apr 25, 10:08am
I wrap it in glad-wrap, keeps it fresh.
Apr 25, 2:33pm
We wrap cheese in foil to keep it fresh.Too expensive to waste.
Apr 25, 6:32pm
We do the same... plus I cut off a big chunk and grate and freeze it... mainly because its so easy to use straight from the freezer.
Apr 25, 7:14pm
Get yourself a cheese bag. Open one end of it's original bag and pop it into the cotton cheese bag.
Apr 25, 8:09pm
I have never heard of cheese bags. WHere do you get them? I have tried both gladwrap and tinfoil and these have not worked for me.
Apr 25, 9:06pm
I do just the same as cookessentials. I make my own cheese bags out of calico and put a photo of cheese on it. Works a treat. I put a draw string on the end.
Apr 25, 9:26pm
I was told to wrap it in paper towel then in plastic bag.Paper towel absorbs any moisture.Still not sure but I will start freezing some when I buy the large block.
Apr 25, 9:38pm
I buy kilos blocks just for me. I leave them in the original wrapping and wrap again in gladwrap to make sure they are air tight. I've never had one go mouldy and I would be keeping them for a month or so. I only buy tasty so maybe the longer maturing is the difference. They will not grate properly though.
Apr 26, 7:48pm
I put our cheese in an ordainary tupperware container, and have never had a problem with it going mouldy it stays fresh for a couple of weeks
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