Hi everyone. I just baked a cake and put it in the fridge. I just want to know how long it can stay in there before it shouldn't be eaten again. Thanks
Apr 25, 3:50am
With most cakes it's usually that they start to go stale and don't taste so good rather than actually being bad for you to eat them.
What sort of cake is it? I wouldn't normally keep cake in the fridge, generally an airtight container is better, or the freezer if you're trying to extend the life, but depends on the icing. Usually cake is best eaten within a few days of making but it does vary greatly depending on type.
Apr 25, 3:51am
What sort of cake? Is it filled with cream or anything like that?
Apr 25, 3:56am
sort of an open question.... What sort of cake? How much was there left before your cake went in the fridge? How many in your household? Are they hungry? can it be used for a dessert? probably only a handful of variables. lol.
Apr 25, 3:57am
It's a banana cake with chocolate icing and I have it in a sistema container that clicks shut
Apr 25, 4:03am
@pickles 7"I just want to know how long it can stay in there before it shouldn't be eaten again" :)
Apr 25, 4:05am
I doubt there is any reason why you cant continue to eat it until it feels stale. It might last longer if its not in the fridge.
Apr 25, 4:08am
the fridge can dry cakes out - its fine in the container without being in the fridge.
Apr 25, 4:09am
Lasts longer if its not in the fridge? WOW, I didn't know that. Maybe I'll just leave it in the cupboard then.
Apr 25, 4:20am
That's right.The flavour will go "off" before the cake goes mouldy.A lot depends on how damp the cake is.A dryish cake like a Madeira or pound cake will keep for 5 - 7 days in a cool place, while a moist cake such as banana cake or gingerbread will only last a couple of days.The more sugary the cake the longer it will last too.
Apr 25, 4:22am
In this weather, it wont need to be in the fridge. An airtight container or cake tin will be fine. Usually a banana cake in a tin will lasta few days with no problem.
Apr 25, 4:41am
If it goes stale, plonk it in the microwave and heat, serve as a hot fudge sauce steamed cake. Kids will still love it.
Apr 25, 4:47am
yes well, in my house a cream cake with just me at home it would not last long... However if it was a fruit cake, no icing it would last a year or two ... I am going to jump in my fridge and chill out, Put your cake in after me...... pleeeeeeez psssst you can only eat it....... ONCE.
Apr 25, 4:52am
banana cake take another look in your fridge Its all gone
Apr 25, 5:01am
The fridge is actually a moist environment and the freezer a dry one.If you want to save a cake for a longer time, it's better to freeze it - preferably before you ice it.
Apr 25, 7:52am
In my house it would last as long as DH didn't discover it!
Apr 26, 3:41am
Hi everyone. I just baked a cake and put it in the fridge. I just want to know how long it can stay in there before it shouldn't be eaten again. Thanks
Apr 26, 3:50am
With most cakes it's usually that they start to go stale and don't taste so good rather than actually being bad for you to eat them.
What sort of cake is it! I wouldn't normally keep cake in the fridge, generally an airtight container is better, or the freezer if you're trying to extend the life, but depends on the icing. Usually cake is best eaten within a few days of making but it does vary greatly depending on type.
Apr 26, 3:51am
What sort of cake! Is it filled with cream or anything like that!
Apr 26, 3:56am
sort of an open question. What sort of cake! How much was there left before your cake went in the fridge! How many in your household! Are they hungry! can it be used for a dessert! probably only a handful of variables. lol.
Apr 26, 3:57am
It's a banana cake with chocolate icing and I have it in a sistema container that clicks shut
Apr 26, 4:03am
@pickles 7"I just want to know how long it can stay in there before it shouldn't be eaten again" :)
Apr 26, 4:09am
Lasts longer if its not in the fridge! WOW, I didn't know that. Maybe I'll just leave it in the cupboard then.
Apr 26, 4:20am
That's right.The flavour will go "off" before the cake goes mouldy.A lot depends on how damp the cake is.A dryish cake like a Madeira or pound cake will keep for 5 - 7 days in a cool place, while a moist cake such as banana cake or gingerbread will only last a couple of days.The more sugary the cake the longer it will last too.
Apr 26, 4:47am
yes well, in my house a cream cake with just me at home it would not last long. However if it was a fruit cake, no icing it would last a year or two . I am going to jump in my fridge and chill out, Put your cake in after me. pleeeeeeez psssst you can only eat it. ONCE.
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