My daughter wants a cupcake wedding cake for her garden wedding in Feb next year. I am happy to make this and would appreciate tips, hints and advise from expert bakers. I need recipes that will freeze well but will also last the distance from being defrosted 24 to 30 hours ahead of when they will be eaten. I would also appreciate advise on how to get a uniform shape and prevent the little mountains that appear in the middle of cupcakes. Any other hints regarding icing and decorations would be great. At the moment the theme for the cake is daisies.
Nov 3, 12:11am
Why would you want to offer frozen cup cakes for your Daughter's Wedding?. If you are going to be too busy ask an Aunt of the Bride, to bake and ice them. The Aunt would be only too pleased to be of help.
Nov 3, 1:09am
I made one of these last year. I did mini cupcakes the day before and iced them on the day, but i wasnt a guest. My best advice is making sure the display boxes etc are stable and look pretty.
Nov 3, 3:12pm
Thanks for all the helpful suggestions. I think the chocolate mud cake idea is probably the best option. I will probably use a fondant icing rather than a butter cream as it will tolerate the Feb heat a bit better.
I made ginger and lime syrup cupcakes for my brothers Jan wedding this year - made ahead and froze them - syrup kept them moist. ginger buttercream frosting held up fine (just keep them out of the sun!) and i bought fondant frangipani flowers from a seller on TM (forgotten her name but they were gorgeous).You can hire or buy a cupcake stand- I just bought a plain silver cardboard one from Spotlight.Also bought pretty pink cupcake wrappers on TM too, to match bride's dress. I would advise against using too much fondant as your main icing as it really isn't very nice to eat - buttercream is much nicer. I iced them on the morning for a midday reception - kept them in a cool room and they were fine
Nov 3, 7:55pm
Thank you that looks like a great recipe, I will give it a trial run this weekend. The family will be very much over cupcakes by Feb!!
Nov 3, 7:58pm
Thank you. I was concerned that the butter icing might go soft in the heat but I will do some and leave them out and do a taste test. I did not think of going to spotlight for the stands. I have been inquiring about hiring one but they are expensive.
Nov 3, 10:20pm
It's very hard to get sick of those cupcakes, they are by far my favourites!Also, give the ganache in that recipe a go too... white chocolate and sour cream.
Nov 4, 1:04pm
Thanks, will look it up now.
Nov 5, 2:06pm
I have made the white chocolate cupcakes and they turned out very well and taste great. I can see that I will be using this recipe a lot from now on.
Nov 5, 2:16pm
I think the cup cake idea is great - I've seen some really nice displays - also it saves having to cut pieces of cake for the guests.
Nov 5, 5:06pm
Told you luckyduck!That's great :)
Nov 5, 11:45pm
I will post a photo of the finished cake in Feb. ( if it turn out ok!!)
Nov 6, 1:21am
What about Nigella's wedding cupcakes from the "Feast" book.
Nov 6, 1:42am
I will google it and have a look. Thanks, the more help I have the better!!
Nov 7, 4:57am
You will need to be careful of the recipe you use, some of the heavier cake recipes will leave your cupcake papers greasy on the bottom.
Jul 19, 11:48am
Yes, I have found that out with my experimenting. The white chocolate mud cake and a vanilla cake are the popular choices at the moment. I have to do the freeze then defrost and leave for 24 hours, taste test soon.
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