The supermarket had no lard, so I got dripping instead. Will it be ok for cooking chips in?
Nov 6, 3:01am
It's all we ever used in the UK before oil became fashionable!Dripping for cooking (roasting and deep frying) and lard for pastry-making.
Nov 6, 3:09am
yip! dripping fine
Nov 6, 5:25am
Dripping! You found dripping at your supermarket? Lucky you! I am envious. Dripping makes the best chips.
Nov 6, 5:27am
Fine. Makes the best chips. Hate the smell when it's used the first time.
Nov 6, 6:58am
Yes dripping is the most yummy scrummy way to cook chips!!!! As long as you don't mind the 100% saturated fat you get from it!! Its the only way they used to cook chips way back when!!! Watching my figure these days so don't evenhave oven fries on the menu....boring!!!
Nov 6, 7:38am
Hey, and guess what, my mum always used dripping to cook her chips and roasts and she's just gone into a rest home, she'll be 91 in a couple of months - so much for all this low fat diet stuff!
Nov 6, 7:46am
Dripping .. havent heard that word in years .. not since there was a butter shortage in the early 70s and we had bread and dripping and my mum told me they had had it as children .. blerk ... the only coating I put on bread or wraps these days is avocado
PSI bet the chips are amazingly crisp cooked in dripping :o)
Nov 6, 7:51am
Dripping .. havent heard that word in years .. not since there was a butter shortage in the early 70s and we had bread and dripping and my mum told me they had had it as children .. blerk ... the only coating I put on bread or wraps these days is avocado
PSI bet the chips are amazingly crisp cooked in dripping :o)
PPS ... am amazed you are even MAKING chips when you can buy such cheap oven fries at the supermarket !!
Nov 6, 7:57am
Yes possumeyes - & have you read the list of ingredients on those oven fries at the supermarket? I'll bet there's more than just potato!
Potato chips are usually my only deviation from my standard diet and they were great! DH also said that they tasted the way chips are supposed to taste. Got the thumbs up from my dd & ds too.
Nov 6, 9:50am
I think you lit a Guy Fawkes' cracker, accroul, and it was a fizzer ;)
Nov 6, 10:01am
My Mum always used cheffade, which is vegetable shortening. Fab chips. And she always double cooked them, cook from raw till almost cooked, drain, cool, then cook again. Really crispy chips.
Nov 6, 5:45pm
My thoughts exactly...
Nov 6, 9:48pm
Well, I just cut wedges of potato (complete with skin), put them in a roasting dish on a sheet of baking paper (so they don't stick) - drizzle over a teaspoon of oil, and bake at 200 degrees C. Pick up the ends of the paper now and again and move the wedges around. Sometimes I add rosemary or other herbs, and/or crushed garlic. YUM!! It's got to the stage where I can't stand the greasiness of deep-fried chips.
Nov 6, 10:53pm
Sad isn't it? :)
And I really do feel sorry for you ellie and toady - if you think you cannot eat chips cooked in dripping - just because in your view life might be 3 minutes shorter because of it ... however in my view it might be 10 years longer because of it ... LOL ...
Nov 6, 11:21pm
I agree.
Nov 6, 11:24pm
Duck fat would be even nicer!
Nov 6, 11:24pm
ummm trying to work out if uli is in favour of using dripping to cook chips..or is against ' I will only use dripping for chips but we dont have them very often ..
well thats my
Nov 6, 11:33pm
I would use lard myself - but dripping would do :)
Nov 7, 12:21am
Duck fat for me.
Nov 7, 1:06am
And your point is?
Nov 7, 2:23am
What I was referring to (as I am sure Ellihen was as well) The thread was started to stir up debate and it failed.I have no problems eating chips cooked in dripping...nom nom nom
Nov 7, 2:29am
accroul wrote: I wonder if I just put a cat amoungst the TM Pigeons?
edited to add: hasn't worked yet... first 2 answers were positive.
Nov 7, 3:00am
Excuse me? My question WAS actually what I thought was a LEGITAMATE question - I knew I could use lard for chips but didn't know about using dripping so I asked.... THEN wondered if I was going to 'put the cat amoung the pigeons' - not the other way around. Has nothing to do with Guy Fawkes either - I've got better things to blow my money on than smoke.
How lovely to know that you and elliehen visit the Low Carb site though!
Nov 7, 3:01am
I was having a little joke with accroul (who, incidentally, has a good sense of humour).
She posted on the low carb website that she had put a cat among the pigeons on Trade Me and expected a reaction, but had only got positive comments :)
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