i wanna make a dessert prefereably something easy that doesnt take too long. i like chocolate and bananas so any suggestions would be cool :)
Nov 4, 5:25am
Nov 5, 1:18am
banoffee pie, and you could swirl melted chocolate over the top?
Nov 5, 1:22am
slit banana skin length wise, stuff sit with choc chips/buttons/choc pieces and marshmalows, wrap in tinfoil and bake in oven bor maybe about 20 or so minutes till bbanana mushy and stuffing gooey
Nov 5, 3:21am
banana and choc muffins.i use banana cake recipe but use brown sugar. throw in some choc chips and make in mini muffin tins.takes only a few minutes to cook. makes dozens and they freeze well.
I serve 2 or 3 on a side plate with dollop of cream, choc or caramel sauce and some sliced fruit
Nov 5, 3:22am
Oh yum.would be nice on bbq also?
Nov 5, 4:44am
Yep it would! (I mader this when I was at Guides and we cooked it on the camp fire, and my daughter has cooked it at guides too-on Gas burners I think)
Nov 5, 4:55am
1 packet of chocolate thins;1 banana(or more) thinly sliced; 1 bottle cream whipped; chocolate shavings, rum(a little or lots)
Dip the biscuit side of the chocolate thins in the rum. Drink the leftover rum.
Sandwich the thins with sliced bananas and cream onto a long plate to form into a log.
Smother the log with whipped cream and sprinkle with the chocloate shavings.
For a more chocolatey flavour, melt some chocolate and mix it with the cream to make chocolate cream.
Enjoy. ps It also works well with pineapple and gingernuts instead of chocolate thins and bananas.
Nov 5, 9:23am
I saw a Jamacian cooking program do a variation of this the other week. I jotted it down because it looked tasty... Slit open a banana, open gently and sprinkle with brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger mixed together. Add a knob of butter and a squeeze of lime juice. Wrap in tinfoil and bbq for 12-15min turning once.
Jul 15, 7:54pm
I love banana splits. Split the banana, throw on some hokey pokey (or your favourite flavour) icecream. Few Choc Chips, sprinkles for the kids, whipped cream, and chocolate and/or raspberry sauce. I also love a few boysenberries (usually out of a tin) thrown on top as well. So easy, and goes down really well as a kids birthday party treat as well.. let them make there own and they love you forever lol.
edit to say... just remembered, as a kid we used to split banana, put some icecream on top, sprinkle with icing sugar and milo and put in the microwave for 30 sec?.. the banana would warm through but the icecream didn't totally melt.Might have to retry that one, it was yum!hmmm, but do I want the kids to know about that one??
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