Does anyone have a recipe for a dessert

moolani, Mar 15, 11:09pm
using coconut cream? cheers

jessie981, Mar 16, 12:39am
Creamy rice baked in the oven can be made with coconut cream.
Check out Google recipes there.

kinna54, Mar 16, 12:42am
There was a samoan pineapple cheesecake recipe using coconut cream floating around but can't find it. Perhaps someone else out there can recall it?

rosathemad, Mar 16, 2:10am
Coconut rice pudding: (really good with stone fruit if you have any)

dantes_auntie, Mar 16, 2:12am

moolani, Mar 16, 3:24am
thanks for your help... will try some of the ideas... the rice pudding sounds nice.

julie_, Mar 16, 5:40am

I'm sure you could use coconut cream instead of milk.My nana used to make this & always included orange leaves but many recipes on the net don't even mention using an orange leaf, that's why I chose this one.

julie_, Mar 16, 5:44am

moolani, Mar 16, 11:09pm
using coconut cream! cheers

kinna54, Mar 17, 12:42am
There was a samoan pineapple cheesecake recipe using coconut cream floating around but can't find it. Perhaps someone else out there can recall it!

moolani, Mar 17, 3:24am
thanks for your help. will try some of the ideas. the rice pudding sounds nice.

julie_, Jun 24, 2:55pm

I'm sure you could use coconut cream instead of milk.My nana used to make this & always included orange leaves but many recipes on the net don't even mention using an orange leaf, that's why I chose this one.