For keeping vegetables fresh? apparently these are amazing but I cannot justify $60 or more
Nov 5, 4:21am
There is some advertised on here - may be cheaper secondhand
Nov 5, 4:32am
They dont seem to be much cheaper second hand... would prefer to pay ten dollars more for new... than get someones that may be smelly
Nov 5, 4:45am
I use a normal plastic bag ... works since about 20 years ...
Nov 5, 4:49am
Wrap them completely in gladwrap also works. Over a long period though I;m not sure about the eco friendliness or the economy of that.
Ask people who bought them 30 years ago whether they still use them. you'll probably find that it was a fad they eventually got sick of and used their vege storer for lego or play dough instead. Maybe the cheapie option is best while you take some time to decide if you really do want to spend the money on one
Nov 5, 7:32am
thanks your probably right!
Nov 5, 7:53am
For once I love you uli!!!WTF are our younger wonderful cooks being conned into purchasing!
C'mon grls = prove you are not being lead by the nose by adveritising!!How the hell did we manage withught this fancy stuff and still\were able to produce good meals which did not result in food poisoning.Ask your Mums girls-they wlll be delighted and a little disappointed when you reject their suggestions in favour of the latest food guru-and believe me they will be having a little private giggle too@
Nov 5, 8:00am
But just think of those endless Tupperware parties they will miss, where you buy yet another thing you don't need, because you don't want to be the meany in the corner!!
Nov 5, 10:08am
I got sucked in.. but I bought them on trade me (new) had to bide my time but got a bargain. I love them. Mushrooms and carrots keep for ages.Not so good on the spring onions but perhaps that's because I had to cut them up to put them in a smaller one. I have seen another container with similar breathing holes, next time I see her I'll try and remember to ask where she got it and what it cost.Wasn't see through though.
Nov 5, 4:39pm
empty ice cream container
Nov 5, 5:43pm
Thats what I use for cut up celery and it lasts for ages.
I have to admit though.. I use my Tupperware lettuce keeper all the time... You take the core out put it on the spike and it keeps it beautiful and fresh from the first leaf to the last... and it sits nicely in the fridge ad well.
Nov 5, 7:10pm
I must be strange. I don't have any tupperware at all. I use plastic bags and damp teatowels.
Jul 16, 4:17pm
Tupperware has been around for over 40 years. I hardly see it as a "fad", and no one is forcing anyone to buy it. Those that love it and see the advantages and using something over and over again as opposed to packaging (plastic) and cheaper containers that don't last 40 years, will still buy it, whether they buy it new or second hand.I was a manager with the company for over 10 years, still use all my stuff, and have given loads away to my friends, who use it too. I have loads put away for my girls too. Whether they choose to use it or not is up to them, they have been brought up on it and love it now.I don't see them "buying into the fad", rather they have been brought up to appreciate sometimes its worth paying for something that is going to last the distance.I know I would rather buy a lunchbox that lasts several years, as opposed to plastic containers that break after a few weeks.
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