Stack of Recipes Page 107 / 525
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OMG - carb delight - the Cherpumple! “Days later, the 47-year-old Los Angeles resident created a "cherpumple," a three-layer cake with an entire pie baked into each layer—a cherry pie baked inside a white cake, a pumpkin pie baked inside a yellow cake and an apple pie ... |
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Mallowpuff Mini Xmas Puddings A couple of years ago I got a recipe off here and they used Mallow puffs, white chocolate with a jaffa and spearmint leaves, does anyone have the recipe? TIA |
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Trifle Have to make a trifle for an upcoming Christmas party.I remember seeing in a recent magazine - can't find it now!! - what was described as a Cheats Trifle.Has anyone got that or have you an easy trifle for me to make??Would be very grateful.Thanks. |
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Very Low Fat & No Sugar Desserts im watching what i eat and would like some desserts that i can eat thanks |
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Kransky sausage I bought some - I intend to cook them in a pan and wanted to know if you can eat them cold? I thought they might be nice in a salad? ? Your thoughts? ? ? ? |
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This is unbelievable.... |
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Meatloaf without sausage meat does anyone have a recipe that just uses mince? Thanks :) |
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Ok Fondant making pro's I need help I put a post up the other day, finally have my paste to make colours darker, now am putting together, sadly I have corn flour blotches all over the show, whats the best way to remove them,also how to I make the fondant shinny once all done? |
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Christmas Pudding this year We are in charge of Christmas puddings for the table. Pav,Fruit Salads,Trifle,anything ive missed?? anything extra?? |
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Does this beetroot chutney recipe seem right? This beetroot chutney recipe from the book "A Good Spread" doesn't seem rightl emailed the Rural Women and l haven't had a reply so thought l would ask on here Beetroot Chutney 1kg peeled beetroot 750g peeled onions 1kg sugar 1 dessertspoon salt... |
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Wanting small savoury quiche recipe pls for kids p party boxes that I could ideally make and put in the freezer.Can anyone help please?Thank you. |
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Looking for a good savoury muffin recipe with ham cheese etc, i wanna suprise mumfor her birthdaythanks |
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Chocolate condensed milk. I have a tin sitting in the pantry that I want to use but cant think of recipes. |
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Chicken Katsu Curry I went to a Japanese takeaway store a few nights ago and had the Chicken Katsu curry, it was so good that I want to give it a crack at home but I cant find anywere that sells the Chicken Katsu things. Has anyone done this in auckland and know were to buy ... |
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Making christmas cake and the icing meaning the almond and the royal what would the key things i would need to know about handling them.when i say the icing meaning i am going to get it pre made from the shop. Never handled it as this is the first time i am making a christmas cake. |
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Mini xmas cakes or puddings my sister wants to make these as gifts, anyone done this before? if so did you just use a normal recipe and work out the time to cook? any help would be fabulous thanks |
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Xmas menu for a warm day, 10 people & no barbie? I'd like something that can mostly be pre-prepared (so as I can enjoy it) but at the same time is quite fab. No-one will be under 16 years old. Please help me out foodies. |
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Sugar free pikelet recipe pls Just after a sugar free recipe pikelet recipe for my dad thanks |
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Eggless biscuit recipes Am wanting to make chocolate biscuits but they have to be eggless, does anyone have any recipes they care to share |
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Rice Bran Oil This is mainly aimed at the lovely low carbers.Can you tell me if Rice Bran Oil is good, and any links you may have on information is much appreciated. TIA |
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HELP - lemon coconut thread slice thingie I am wanting the recipe for a slice.It is a lemon slice with kind of a shortcakie base.The lemon will have condensed milk in it (it is creamy) and the topping is made with coconut thread and kinda sticks together.Sorry for the totally bad description!!But... |
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Homemade spice rub recipes Has anyone got any good recipes for spice rubs. I would like to jar them up for christmas gifts. Please any help would be appreciated. Thanks. |
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Recipe ideas with sweet condensed milk Any ideas on how I can use up a half can of sweetened condensed milk? Most recipes are heavy on butter. Would love some suggestions. Ta |
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Strawberry and rhubarb cake Does anyone have a good recipe for this please using fresh strawberries?Most of the ones I have come across use strawberry jelly :(.Thanks in advance |
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Really special egg and bacon pie I had forgotten I had this recipe till tonight so made it. Many years ago Colleen McCullough who wrote "The Thorn Birds" wrote a cook book with a friend Jean Easthope. Its full of old fashioned Australian recipes, like damper etc, and this egg a... |
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