Have to make a trifle for an upcoming Christmas party.I remember seeing in a recent magazine - can't find it now!! - what was described as a Cheats Trifle.Has anyone got that or have you an easy trifle for me to make??Would be very grateful.Thanks.
Nov 8, 12:34am
Chop up either a swiss roll or sponge cake covered with jam and put at the bottom of serving bowl. Sprinkle with sherry or red wine or orange juice. Make up a blackberry or raspberry jelly with half the waterstated on the instructions and cool, then pour over sponge. Drain a large tin of fruit salad and pour fruit over the sponge cake. Make a custard to the packet instructions and pour over fruit. When cold and set you can cover with whipped cream. This is a very basic recipe and can be altered to what ingredients you have in your pantry. Tastes good made a day ahead.
Nov 8, 1:41am
Thanks luckyduck.Sounds good so will give it a go!!
Nov 8, 3:15am
When you have put on the custard layer, spread a layer of Gladwrap over the surface of thecustard and it won't develop a 'skin'.Remember to peel it off before you put the cream on ;)
Nov 8, 1:18pm
Very good advice...!
Nov 8, 2:46pm
"cheats trifle"??How much easier could a recipe be?Layer of sponge, fruit, custard, jelly, cream(I don't use cream in mine though) then repeat.Unless of course you are making the spond from scratch lol.
Nov 8, 5:16pm
I use a large(sometimes 1 and a half depending how big wanting it) unfilled trifle sponge, spread with raspberry jam. Cut into squares. Put in large glass bowl, and pour over sherry mixed with Ginger Ale. Perhaps a good nip of sherry per cup of ginger ale. And use as much to get the sponge as moist as you like it...best not to have it too dry. Then place over pineapple pieces(you could use strawberries..or any fruit). Then make up a large pot of custard(thick) and pour over so it is a good couple of inches thick. Then top with fresh whipped cream and decorate with what ever you like. Sorry not more precise measurements....Mum taught me this recipe years ago, so just make it and judge how much of each I need as I make it.
Nov 8, 8:37pm
Thank you all very much.The 'cheat's trifle' was, I think, in a recent Australian magazine and sounded quite good but is now a distant memory!!Thank you all again for taking the trouble to respond to me - I'm organised!!!!
Nov 8, 9:30pm
I like mine with no jelly and plenty of booze either sherry or limoncello.
There must be enough left over to eat for breakfast on Boxing Day.
Nov 8, 10:32pm
I don't put jelly in mine. I just give the trifle sponge a quick spread with raspberry jam, cut it into chunks, douse it in sherry (very important) put the fruit on (boysenberries, strawberries, whatever's there), cover with custard, top with cream, and it's done. It's so easy I'm not sure how you can have a 'cheat's' version ;-)
Nov 10, 3:39am
MMM definately better the next day so always make a huge one.
Nov 10, 11:25am
I once had a jaffa trifle - chocolate custard, orange jelly! Yum.
Nov 10, 1:26pm
I put fruit and walnuts in mine. no jelly. You could buy the sponge cake, custard, ginger ale, fruit and a pkt of nuts. Done. We prefer jelly, on the side.
Jul 27, 5:57am
Swiss roll cake sliced up in bottom of bowl, good sprinkle of sherry, large tin of pams tropical fruit salad with some of the juice, carton of custard on top, bottle of cream whipped on top - decorate - chocolate hail, sprinkles, fruit or wotever you have. I've been known to make this in less than 5 minutes!!!!
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