This is unbelievable....

cookessentials, Nov 10, 1:48am
Your point?

marree, Nov 10, 2:04am
Sure is smoocherpete - don't know how I managed that one!I'm just starting to get used to loading photos on here - was meant for the 'Travel thread' and 'Parenting thread' - not recipes! - farouk - god knows what went wrong!

uli, Nov 10, 2:07am
Is it?

charlieb2, Nov 10, 2:09am
lol smoocherpete... you have to click on the photo you want to show and copy that http

tinkerbell62, Nov 10, 2:24am
Recipes for breadman breadmaker
I am looking for some recipes for my own.

jubli, Nov 10, 2:34am
why have these photos of our rental property been uploaded here? It now has a long term lease on it and is no longer available to rent

charlieb2, Nov 10, 2:38am
lol.. dont panic jubli.

The original poster has posted a generic link which will take each of us to our own Trade me photos...

For example, when I hit the link, I see my dog! When you hit it you see your photos....

Its either a mistake on their part or a silly attempt to wind people up

smoocherpete, Nov 10, 2:52am
Oh for heavens sake. Sorry, it seems my attempt to upload photos has gone awry again. I thought I had it sorted this time.
It was a photo of a "motorised" rolling pin. It is a prank gift. Apologies if I upset some people. Cheers Peter

charlieb2, Nov 10, 3:11am
No worries Peter!!

hee hee, thats funny. The height of laziness really.....

marree, Nov 10, 3:22am
OMG - are we all sorted out?What went wrong there smoocherpete. Did I upload / post wrong place or did you do something?Crazy stuff - couldn't believe it when I saw it - oh well hopefully sorted now.

smoocherpete, Nov 10, 3:29am
Hi Marree, I copied and pasted the wrong link. Charlieb2 put me straight.

marree, Nov 10, 5:21am
Smoocherpete,I have trouble trying to drive my way around these threads too - no prob's - bit of a laugh really - we will get there!!, Jul 26, 2:59pm
LMAO that really sums up todays society eh... to lazy to push a freaking rolling pin lol