Stack of Recipes Page 82 / 525
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Magic Lock Amazing!! travel, kitcten, any where! oks oks oks, I thought spring loaded pegs were great in the kitchen but I have a new love in me kitchen!! Magic Locks are amazing and was smaller and less bulky than those big clips! they don't get knocked off and are sooo simple to use!! www.kizanshoppin... |
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Best cream paua ever please i love it but every one is slightly different...please no garlic do you do yours? |
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Dipping sauce for fishcakes Hi all, am looking for some inspiration for my salmon fishcakes, any ideas? No peanuts please! Thanks :) |
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Your best cheese ball recipes here please much appreciated... |
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Roast mutton Any tips re: temp and length of cooking time? I'm more used to lamb, should I just leave it in for another 1/2 hour or so? |
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Yummy pork/chicken marinade Had this tonight on pork... it was lovely.... 1 clove garlic, crushed 2 T honey 1/2 t ground ginger 1/2 t dry mustard 1/2 cup apple juice ( I used Fresh up original apple) |
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Pizza base - no yeast The man of the house is adament that some years ago (maybe 30) he used to make a pizza base without yeast.He seems to think he used plain flour, does anyone have a recipe like this?He says it was very quick to do, and used to please his women. |
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Huge pot of blackcurrants on the stove... I love summer and stocking the pantry with homemade goodies, making blackcurrant juice today smells fanastic, whats every one else making? |
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POACHED/SCRAMBLED EGGS IN THE MICROWAVE..??? Can this be done? I would love to would save heaps of time, wouldn't it? And are they as nice as the conventional method....? devalois |
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Left over roast chicken what to do with it tonight, maybe chicken chow mein? |
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Boiling potatoes - timing How long to boil new potatoes? Will they cook any quicker if they are boiling furiously (lifting lid, spitting over the stove etc) as compared to just boiling - more than simmering? |
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Plum Jam Wanting to make some plum jam but don't have a recipe for it would someone kindly give me a recipe, thank you:-) |
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Need to make a gorgeous easy birthday cake for my daughter tomorrow - it needs to look pretty as doing her a tea party as well - anyone any ideas? 'Thank you. |
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How do I make butter cream icing please for cupcak cupcakes can y anyone help please> Thank you. |
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Pikelet recipe please Hi I need a tried and true recipe that you can guarantee works. I have a recipe that makes lovely tasting pikelets but they are really flat. I'm looking for nice tasting ones that are a good size... lol |
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Weight watchers Zero points soup Recipe?? Hi has anyone got the ww vege soup recipe handy, as I have miss laid mine and was planning on making it. Thanks |
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Try this easiest ever yummy biscuit recipe!! This recipe was mentioned in one of the Sunday papers and the recipe is on was a bit weary about it working as there is no flour but they are so quick and delicious: Chewy peanut butter and choc cookies- 1 C crunchy peanut butter1 beate... |
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Best foolproof pasta dough recipes For someone that hasnt got a food processor. |
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Christmas chocolate log I tried some of this a couple of weeks ago, but forgot to ask for the recipe..... It is a fudge type roll, with crushed bisc, and dried fruits, Does anyone have a recipe for it??? Thanks |
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Chocolate dipped strawberries Any good hints for jazzing up chocolate dipped strawberries.I'm going to try doing half and half white and dark chocolate, and maybe dark chocolate with flaked chocolate.But any other suggestions welcome.Thanks. |
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Pavlova failures a mystery have had 2 pavlovas fail on me and cant work out why, have ollowed edmonds recipe each time and have made this pav heaps before with no problems, straight away they turn brownish and just go rubbery and no taste, any clues would be appreciated, cheers |
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Lego cake mould How do I borrow one ? |
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Recipe for bbq fish ages ago I was at someones house, they did fish in tinfoil on the bbq - it had tomatoes and stuff inside the foil.. delicious!can anyone give me some tips for cooking this and what to put in the foil? |
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I should be baking but, sugar soap..... with disinfectant and water is in me mitts in a spray bottle and I'm cleaning the walls with the help of a nail brush, face cloth, mop and buckets (1 with same mix and 1 with water to clean the mop after each wipe down). The bestest thing is they are high... |
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WANTED: Chicken Burrito Recipe - Dish Version+Rice mmm daddios take 'n' bake used to be in my town and they made the yummiest burrito dish, not wrapped burritos just kinda like a lasange style, but it was not lasange, and it had rice does anyone have a recipe of this type of dish any help greatly apprecia... |
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