Magic Lock Amazing!! travel, kitcten, any where!

lx4000, Jan 6, 12:21am
oks oks oks, I thought spring loaded pegs were great in the kitchen but I have a new love in me kitchen!! Magic Locks are amazing and was smaller and less bulky than those big clips! they don't get knocked off and are sooo simple to use!! Lock Bag Sealers

I got this last year at the auck easter show. Great buy and even better for camping etc!! Seal those things when traveling overseas and all!! brilliant :)


And yip, keeps food fresh!!
Looking forward to doing a bit of traveling again knowing all is safe if things spill out:)

malcovy, Jan 6, 12:48am
Unfortunately there are no products to display on that link

0800xford, Jan 6, 1:06am

uli, Jan 6, 1:12am
Her old user name :)

lx4000, Jan 6, 1:34am
thanks 0800xford. No idea why that link didn't work!

uli, yip, this is my partners user name. We have have 1 each as we belonged here before we got together.


mybooks, Jan 6, 1:49am
It worked for me.

lilyfield, Jan 6, 2:14am

these are very efficient and cheap sealing clips for my freezer bags.

lythande1, Jan 6, 2:18am
I tie a knot in the bag.

cookessentials, Jan 6, 3:00am
We have had those instore before, just a different brand name as well as these little beauties

lilyfield, Jan 6, 3:09am
they are cute as

marywea, Jan 6, 9:10am
For the ones first mentioned in this thread, try the Coin City shop, I bought at one of those cheAP PLACES A YEAR AGO and agree that they are good .

0800xford, Jan 6, 1:44pm
i came across these in steven's yesterday.
i use a plastic peg myself, i know, how passée...

lx4000, Jan 6, 2:21pm
0800xford I too love the pegs! But these are also at the top of my list!


0800xford, Jan 6, 2:29pm
they reminded me of "domo" when i saw them

rainrain1, Jan 6, 2:31pm
lol... yes, or rubber bands

alebix, Jan 6, 2:34pm
I use a peg...

nfh1, Jan 8, 7:58pm
LOL - I asked that just before Christmas - I was trying to make up a phrase which would fit the letters - not easy!