Stack of Recipes Page 85 / 525
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What do you make using flaky puff pastry? I've got so much frozen flaky puff pastry sheets in the freezer and need some ideas what I can make with it.Any ideas? Thanks |
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Fresh or dried herbs? I know this may come across as abit of a stupid question but which is better? fresh or dried herbs? thanks for your help |
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Cooking oils Her indoors has asked the question, what is the bestgeneral purpose cooking oil.Italian, Spanish? ? ? ?Virgin, Extra virgin or . .? ?Any thoughts ? Thanks. |
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Easy Lasagna Recipe Would any one have a easy lasagna recipe made with mince meat, thanks. |
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Kahawai smoked fish fish patties on bbq?? Hi anyone have a recipe for this and to cook them on bbq,thanks:) |
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Have you bought pinenuts lately? $97. 00 a kg - couldn't believe it! ! This batch of pesto has walnuts in it instead. |
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Lactose Intolerance help! Hi, Son has been diagnised with lactose intolerence. Is there anywhere to look for lactose free recipes? Also can margarine or oil, or what be used to replace butter, milk, yougurt etc in standard recipes? |
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Christchurch is being shaken again ... We've been hit again by quakes in the night and another series of them just now ... 4.9 the biggest but shallow & intense. My daughter's in tears, the cat's glaring at me and I've had enough!!! |
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Realy easy dinner for 4 for a non cook?! Just need a bit of help with some easy dinner ideas... one doesn't eat red meat. I just need something that's not too much hassle but looks like I've made a little bit of an effort! Any ideas appreciated:) |
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Favourite Food Channel shows for me it has to be: Primal Grill, an Secret Meat Business |
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Corn salad made with corn relish, does anyone know what else? |
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Ice cream maker Cuisinart ice cream maker does nay o ne have one |
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Edmonds Magic Pavlova i saw one of these at the supermarket the other day its bascially pav ingredients (except sugar and water) in an of my kidlets had ripped the instructions when they opend the egg, can anyone tell me please how long and what temp i cook it for? Hav... |
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Cook island doughnuts and chop suey recipe hi im looking to make chop suey and doughnuts, have googled for the recipes but no luck. can anyone help me please? |
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Ambrosia recipe i cant find my recipe for this, would appreciate help. TIA. |
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Boneless ham in the crockpot? Hi, has anyone cooked a boneless ham in the crockpot with a glaze or some yummy liquids? It it worked thought it would be one less thing to fit in the oven on Christmas day. Anyone have some yummmy recipes to share? Thanks |
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Pork crackling What is the best way to make nice crackling on the pork please |
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Can you freeze Vacuum packed cooked ham? Hi all, Have just bought a Cooked Vacuum packed ham and it is a little bigger than we had hoped to buy. Can we divide and freeze part of it to eat later on? Is it SAFE to do this? Many Thanks |
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Dinkum Donuts help please I have just moved and have misplaced my recipe leaflet for the Goldair Dinkum Donuts machine.Could someone please be kind enough to post a copy of the plain donut recipe for me please-have kids crying out to make some.Many thanks for your time |
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How to keep salad greens from going mushy Sometimes my salad greens which I buy in plastic bags from the supermarket go mushy after just a couple of days even though the use by date has not been passed. Any suggestions to keep them fresh? |
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Using up left over Fruit Cake I remember seeing a recipe years ago that used up old fruit / Christmas cake.Does anyone have a recipe they could share with me so that the cake does not go to waste.I think the cake was turned into a steamed pudding, but not totally sure.TIA |
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Making own laundry detergent? I just asked this on Health and Beauty, then realised I may have asked in the wrong thread. Just wondering if someone can tell me what the NZ equivalent for Fels-Naptha soap would be please? The US recipe calls for Fels-Naptha soap which is not the same... |
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Pasta salad does anyone have a really easy basic pasta salad recipe to share please |
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Your Xmas Day Menu Hosting Xmas at home for the first time ever !!!!Apart from Egg Nog and Mulled Wine have no idea what to have...have googled Kiwi Xmas Menu and sitting here watcing Ramsay very complicated Xmas recipes.....thought I would ask you all what you are having t... |
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White wine vinegar? My recipe is asking for 1 tbsp of 'white wine vinegar' I only havewhite vinegar, would that be alright?Many thanks. |
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