I just asked this on Health and Beauty, then realised I may have asked in the wrong thread. Just wondering if someone can tell me what the NZ equivalent for Fels-Naptha soap would be please? The US recipe calls for Fels-Naptha soap which is not the same as Sunlight soap. Thanks
Aug 9, 4:33am
I don't think its important to use a particular brand soap, just as long as it is 100% pure soap, so Sunlight (grated), lux flakes or a castile soap will do the trick. Castile is plant based but I am finding it hard to find a cheaper one. The Dr Bronner castile soap looks like a good one, although a little pricey so am still thinking on whether I buy some or not. Looking at the Fels-naptha ingrdients list is doesn't sound very healthy. . Stoddard solvent, Fatty acids, C8-C18 and C18-unsaturated, sodium salts, Hydrocarbons, terpene processing by-products terpene processing by-products.
What is your recipe? I have just gotten into this too... I am using a small scoop from one of those concentrated laundry powder boxes and am using; 1 scoop Baking powder 1 scoop Washing soda 0. 5 scoop borax 1 scoop Lux flakes
seems to be working well. Unfortunately half of our stuff is packed away at the moment so I can't bust out my essential oils to fragrance it but once we unpack it will be lavender & rosemary :)
Aug 9, 5:02am
ask KOB, she's definatately know! or else bump the "we don't have to buy it because we make it" thread. It's somewhere on there ...
Aug 9, 5:07am
thanks darling mole- have bumped it and off for a long read now :) cheers
Aug 9, 5:08am
Hi briarferrisdoes this recipe do for one load or do you just use one scoop per load? Also where would I get borax and washing soda. supermarket or chemist? This sounds good me and the added fragrance will be wonderful.
Aug 9, 5:16am
I use KOB's recipe using lux flakes and washing soda only and they both come from the supermarket.
Aug 9, 5:36am
hi ribit, I'm using this for one load but we have a large washing machine so it is for a full load with grubby kids clothes and hubbies work clothes... haven't worked out yet if I can get away with a little bit less than what I am using... . will keep using less of each until I hit the optimal amount. I'm using one of those mini scoops that come in the boxes... I'm trying to google at the moment to find out how big the scoop is for you.
I have found loads of variations on the recipe on the net so am at the playing around stage until I settle on what works best then I will make a bulk mix to scoop out of instead of mixing as I go.
I have bought Baking soda in a bulk 25kg bag & borax from the local Bin-inn type shop, got the 25kg bag of Sodium Carbonate on here (look at my latest buying feedback for the seller), and lux flakes I got from Supermarket. The sodium carbonate I have bought is known as Soda ash, which is the same compound as washing soda except it is more concentrated so I am using less of it.
Would love to use vinegar in the rinse cycle as a softener but my stupid machine doesn't hold softener well (as a grate that lets it go as soon as you pour it in... goodness knows what the designer was thinking! ! LOL) and I don't fancy hanging about to catch the rinse cycle manually.
If you need a brightener then I have read this is the stuff you need- http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing. aspx? id=309318645 but I will revisit that once I have mastered the washing first (I'm really enjoying this can you tell! LOL)
if anyone has figured out where to buy white vinegar in BULK please let me know :)
Aug 9, 5:46am
oh, I must add, we also have hard water so my recipe might be a bit strong for those on soft water. You can tell if you have hard water if you get those annoying yellowy calcium and lime build -up stains in the toilet bowl... . which by the way, I found out how to remove LOL:
first step was to pour in a couple of cups of vinegar and leave to soak over night but I skipped this step as I was impatient and didn't have much vinegar in the house anyway. Then 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of borax... . give the bowl a good scrub and stir and then leave to soak for a couple of hours. Come back and scrub again... this may remove it if very light, otherwise you can try a scrub with a Goldilocks... in the end I resorted to using a sharp knife to prick the build-up which cracked and came away very easily... toilet bowl looked brand new & I was pleased as punch with myself LOL
Aug 9, 8:19pm
Thanks for your tips. I have made the laundry *gloop* before but a sweet child dropped potatoes in the bottom and I didn't find out until the stink nearly choked me!
I do make the powder recipe via Wendyls Green Goddess site. I found a cheaper alternate than Dr Bronners Liquid Castille and it's made here in NZ. I bought some and it's wonderful. Visit dub dub dub dot regenerate dot co dot nz and scroll down to liquid soaps.
I asked question about Fels Naptha as so many Americans use it in their recipes.
I buy 2 litres of White vinegar from Binn Inn. South African brand is cheaper than local brand and is equally as good.
Just a point, I was reading in another thread about *dead cow lard* being illegal in NZ. So wondering if *tallow* which would be *dead cow lard* is still in Sunlight Soap? Anyone know?
I really want to learn to make my own soap but am a little wary of the whole lye process! ! Think I might need someone experienced to show me first time or two. I currently buy my natural soaps from dub dub dub dot goatsmilksoap dot co dot nz. I use their Goats Milk and Avocado soap as a shampoo bar.
Thanks for looking up Fels Naptha info. doesn't sound safe at all.
Aug 9, 9:36pm
*gag* at the potato stink LOL
I can't imagine that "dead cow lard" (LOL) is illegal? What was the reason given? Dripping is animal fat as well and it is still sold. I can't imagine why they would outlaw it?
I've had a look at soap making too but am a bit scared of trying and ending up making skin stripper! ! Maybe when I have worked up the courage I'll give it a go :)
Thanks heaps for those links and about the vinegar- will go and check them out :)
Aug 9, 9:53pm
Briarferris, I read about the *dead cow lard* over in the Health and Beauty thread called "Soap that keeps its shape and doesn't go "mushy"? Person said it is illegal to make soap using Lard? Must investigate that!
Aug 9, 10:34pm
dunno if I'm missing something but the dr bronner's soap works out to $37. 90 including postage for a 944ml bottle (so $0. 040148c per ml) (when bought from http://www.trademe.co.nz/Health-beauty/Bath-shower/Soaps/auc tion-308561164.htm)
and the regenerate.co.nz one works out to $28. 05 including postage for 500ml (so $0. 561 per ml)?
(god- I am such a tightarse! ! LOL)
Aug 9, 11:14pm
Good grief, I hadn't got that far. Well done for doing the price comparisons. That's a big difference. Thanks Briarferris. No you're not tight, your are onto it! ! I'll be rethinking my purchases!
Dec 19, 8:16pm
can soda ash and lux flakes be used together,do you also mix all together in processor. thank you Briar, great site i found.
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