Have you bought pinenuts lately?

seaspray1, Feb 21, 8:40pm
$97. 00 a kg - couldn't believe it! ! This batch of pesto has walnuts in it instead.

cookessentials, Feb 21, 8:41pm
I buy mine from Moore Wilson and I paid $14 for a 500g bag

seaspray1, Feb 21, 8:48pm
We're limited to dear ole Pig n Scratch here in Thames and the bulk bin lady warned me before I started scooping (thank you bulk bin lady). Actually we have Bin Inn too (note to self - check Bin Inn prices).

cookessentials, Feb 21, 9:30pm
pig n scratch? ? ?

seaspray1, Feb 21, 9:37pm
My fond name for Pak 'n'Save - be nice if it had some competition but that's a whole other thread really... ... ... ... .

summersunnz, Feb 22, 2:49am
I use lots of sunflower and pumpkin seeds in my pesto now - much cheaper, with lots of crunch and goodness.

elliehen, Feb 22, 2:57am
The other fond name is Pak 'n' Slave ;)

timturtle, Feb 22, 3:26pm
Pak N Shove

purplegoanna, Feb 22, 4:21pm
ours is Pak'n'Slappa!

vinee, Feb 22, 7:51pm
I was just thinking the other day I haven't had pinenuts for ages.

Cashews are 'ok' in pesto too.

ooooooh, now I want nothing but pinenuts!

rainrain1, Feb 22, 10:19pm
Yep today, to go in my baby carrot salad which I have yet to make :-)

seaspray1, Feb 24, 2:00pm
Hmmmmmmm - checked Bin Inn - approximately the same price. Looks like pinenuts are a luxury item now.

duckmoon, Feb 24, 2:33pm
seaspray - would you like to me to post you some pinenuts? ? ?
Happy to purchase them at Moore Wilsons (see cooks pricing) and then courier them to you? ? ?
IF there are any other dry goods you are interested in having priced, let me know.

maxwell.inc, Feb 24, 2:40pm
Saw Pine nuts at Moshims and Steves bulk yesterday $19. 99 moshims and $23kg at steves (steves are organic too) so $97kg has to be an error on someones behalf (that or they like to rip ppl off! )

seaspray1, Feb 26, 1:59pm
Duckmoon - thank you for your kind offer. I have family in Welly who are looking into it for me. Many thanks I do appreciate it.

melford, Feb 26, 3:50pm
Went to New World yesterday . Pinenuts are $112 per kg!

hazedaze, Feb 26, 4:16pm
Or... some un-salted peanuts!

raewyn64, Feb 26, 6:05pm
yes Countdown today in the bulk bin pinenuts were $7. 95 per 100g - so $79. 50 per kg!

rebecca12, Feb 26, 8:02pm
They have been around $70 in the bulk bins for some time, but I was surprised yesterday when they were over ninety, so I bought some packaged ones cheaper. I will have to look for them at moshims, have never seen them there.

samw311, Feb 28, 3:10am
Well you're in for a surprise when you next shop there... . . 300g bag is now $23 & 1kg is $72 (incl gst)... . . & yes I do work there ;)

suzanna, Feb 28, 7:04am
Ok so if you can get them at that price at Moshims then I say 'go for it' and whats more buy several kilos. On Friday I went into Moshims in Christchurchand they were $49. 95 for 500gms. When I questioned the owner he replied "we are a franchise and we can charge what we like so if that is the Auckland price then that is the Auckland price but it's not our's. " Enough said really. Hence I bought cashews which were much cheaper. Moore Wilson is still cheaper than a national franchise... . mmmm... . wonder whatever happened to bulk buying thus enabling negotiating a great ratethus being able to pass it on or are some of the Franchises so doing and pocketing the 'savings'. No more Moshims for me.

guest, Dec 22, 8:01pm
shopped in new world wanaka today, $130 a kilo!