Christchurch is being shaken again ...

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winnie231, Dec 25, 3:54pm
We've been hit again by quakes in the night and another series of them just now ... 4.9 the biggest but shallow & intense.
My daughter's in tears, the cat's glaring at me and I've had enough!!!

alewis, Dec 25, 4:04pm
shit sorry to hear that thought they had stopped

pickles7, Dec 25, 4:33pm
I am feeling for you all down there. It is hard to imagine what you are all feeling.

noonesgirl, Dec 25, 4:50pm
And on a lighter note I missed the first hour of Eastenders. We had three during the night, another around 8am then 2 good ones. Glad I wasn't at a Mall.

lindylambchops1, Dec 25, 4:53pm
Shaking, rocking & rolling in Rangiora too!Keep safe!

nfh1, Dec 25, 7:49pm
Really sorry for you , must be very difficult, especially if you have children and animals.

Take care.

michellew2k, Dec 25, 7:51pm
there is a whole category for the Chch qualke, why post in recipes?

nfh1, Dec 25, 7:57pm
I cannot really type here what I am thinking!

I presume you have used up all your Christmas Spirit.

lizab, Dec 25, 8:08pm
... probably because a lot of the regular recipe section posters live in Christchurch and we really feel for them.

toadfish, Dec 25, 8:35pm
Because Winnie231 is a much loved member of the recipe board and is keeping her "friends" up to date.

Sorry to hear that you are becoming unsettled... again... we are thinking of you all.

charli, Dec 25, 8:36pm
Why not in recipes we are a friendly bunch in here - Hope your children and pets have settled- can be very frightening

harrislucinda, Dec 25, 9:16pm
yehbeenabout13to daybutsyillnothavefeltanystrangeas towherewelive

245sam, Dec 25, 11:16pm
Yes, we've been well shaken again - the first one we felt was at 2.08 a.m., just after a late return from being with family in Ashburton, then the next we felt was the one at 10.30 a.m. - a prompt wake-up after a sleep in.
We ventured into the city this afternoon to show our daughter and SIL some of the effects to date of the 7.1 and all the after shocks but what a shock it was to see the extent of the latest damage, so many closed streets.
Mother Nature is still very unsettled so take care all fellow Cantabrians.:-))

calista, Dec 25, 11:20pm
I know they said there would be more, but it's still a nasty shock when they come. Some expert did say they could take up to two years to stop - I hope he's wrong.

cookessentials, Dec 25, 11:31pm
Your poor things, just when you start to relax a little. Hugs to you all. Right where you are too winnie,so very unsettling.

iamkat, Dec 25, 11:41pm
Why not post here? we are friendly and supportive arent we?
Its sure got me with my freak on again! I was out biking during the 10.30 AM one and it freaked the hell out of me trees whipping about like twigs in a breeze, the sound was like an explosion and the river had a strange pattern on it, calm in the centre and major rippling each side. My daughter was in her little car on the top of the eastgate mall carpark and it shook violently and the light poles flexed similarily to the trees where I was and her car jumped up an down - all quite scary for a 16yr old!
Mother nature is a cruel woman!

winnie231, Dec 26, 12:50am
Thanks for the support everyone!
I'm staying at Mum's as have been house & cat sitting for her with DD while she was in Wellington so no idea how things are at my apartment ... will venture down town tomorrow but I presume it's still there as I haven't heard from my landlord.
Hope charlieb's house is ok as I know they are away camping.

katalin2, Dec 26, 12:50am
More breakages here too- so over it! We live close to the city centre so really feeling them all. After a lovely family day yesterday with a huge crowd of people was looking forward to a relaxing day- so much for that idea! Feeling very sorry for myself- then I remember all the people whose homes are getting even worse damage as a result of today.

harrislucinda, Dec 26, 1:01am
weneverfelt any butsonintownsaidthingsfelloffthewallsand he hadtoholdon to hisnewtv

sumstyle, Dec 26, 2:31am
Hi katalin2, was thinking of you, wondering how you were doing cos I walked the dog around your general area this morning.

I have found today really difficult with the hideous aftershocks but also cos Dad had a fall yesterday when I was about to take him back to the rest home.All the other family members had left, so I had to get him into the car and down to the after hours surgery.I kicked myself for not calling an ambulance.Anyway, he had split his head open and needed 4 stitches so he has had an incredibly rough four weeks, having only just come out of hospital.

I went to check on him today, and he said he was finding the after shocks very frightening.He is too weak to get out of bed and somewhere safe, so he just lies there at the mercy of Mother Nature.

juliewn, Dec 26, 6:38am
My thoughts are with you all there.. just saw an item about these newquakes on BBC World news.. I hope you're all ok there and there's no further damage to your homes.. keep safe.. hugs to you all..

katalin2, Dec 26, 6:05pm
thanks sumstyle and julie- sumstyle, must be really scary for your dad, especially if he is feeling sore anyway. It has been really bad for older people, especially ones living on their own. As for us, we have finally moved into our new house and after yesterday's shakes, cracks have appeared in newly plastered interior:(however, today is a good day for getting into the garden and taking your mind off it all...

greerg, Dec 27, 12:28am
Hope everyone is feeling a little better after a quieter day on the earthquake front.It was quite strong out here but friends in the Riccarton area said the 10.30 shake was almost as bad as the original.Feel so sorry for the retailers who had to close again on such a busy shopping day.

noonesgirl, Dec 27, 1:24am
Feel too for all holiday makers to Christchurch whowon't be able to shop as freely as expected. Is Riccarton Mall open?

calista, Dec 27, 1:30am
greerg I was in Riccarton and I agree with your friends it was particularly strong there.I was outside ob the lawn and could feel the shock waves.It was scary and fascinating at the same time.