I wason the third floor when the 4.9 struck.Pusskins and I thought the house was finally going to collapse !Awful.Even worse than all the new physical damage that it's caused,is the fact that it's set all our nerves on edge again.I'm back to being jumpy when sliding doors rumble open,etc.Finding good solace in baking and cooking however :-)
Dec 27, 1:17pm
Funny, 2halls I am finding solace in eating full stop!
Yes the rumble of buses coming down the road once again makes me pause expectantly.I had previously rated myself reasonably high on the calmness-in-the-face-of-advers- ity scale but now I am surprised how tearful I feel when there is an aftershock, or when I looked through the earthquake book recently.
Dec 27, 1:22pm
sumstyle ... I should bake and you should eat !I've just finished icing a gigantic banana cake,and I don't even eat cake !!He he.Will feed hubby and the neighbours nicely :-)
Dec 27, 1:38pm
I made chili jam last week and was surprised how easy it was (haven't made jam since my school days at "manual") so I will get back into it.
Just me at home at present and no work til the 5th (I usually take any baking in to the office) so I need to be self controlled and freeze stuff, but I "accidentally" eat it!!
Dec 27, 1:54pm
I made chilli jam too !Did you use the recipe out of Zest from a couple of weeks ago ?I have been using it to make quick salad dressings ... chilli jam,splash of extra virgin olive oil,a big squeeze of lemon juice and some freshly chopped mint and parsley.Delicious over raw mushrooms,steamed broccoli or new potatoes :-)
Dec 27, 1:55pm
While I think it must be very trying for you all - what has this to do with "recipes"? Why not start a thread in "Christchurch Quake" - which TM has opened for you all - or even in "General"? Thanks.
Dec 27, 2:03pm
My heart goes out to you all in Christchurch and neighbouring areas. I cannot begin to imagine how unsettling this is for you. Keep posting in Recipes. We DO care and think of you all. At times like this it doesn't matter who you talk to or where, sometimes you just need to talk. I have seen others in here talking about weather, floods, drought, children, travel, health and how they were raised. It is all fine. Take care out there.
Dec 27, 2:34pm
Uli the thread does mention food, isn't that enough? doesn't have to be recipes onlyposted but food in general. Santa forgot to call in with your pressy?
Dec 28, 4:17am
...as much or as little as Callanetics - the "recipe" for a so-called beautiful body does ;)
Dec 28, 11:48am
Jeez Uli, it's only one thread.Ignore it if it bothers you.Perhaps show some sympathy and remember THIS IS OUR LIFE AT THE MOMENT!!
Dec 28, 12:00pm
Dec 28, 3:12pm
Thankyou for saying what I also wanted to say.
Dec 22, 8:57am
Thinking of you all there..
We had a 4.4 here this morning.. nothing like what's happening there though.. keep safe Everyone..
# Reference Number: 3438658 # NZDT: Wed, Dec 29 2010 3:14 pm # Magnitude: 3.3 # Depth: 5 km # Details: 10 km north of Matata
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