Mine is a 25yr old cast iron pan with a wooden handle. Talking with afriend today who told me they had been through lots of frying pans... but had never tried a cast iron one. So to help my friend decide which type to buy next, I thought I'd ask in here. Non-stick? cast iron? stainless steel? electric? ... other? Which do you like to fry your eggs / cook a steak / create a risotto in?
Jan 29, 3:19am
I invested in a Jamie Oliver Professional earlier this year. I love it, absolutely brilliant, so much so I went and bought a 2nd one. I have two sizes, one small, and one large. Brilliant
Jan 29, 3:35am
I have a Jamie Oliver Tefal non stick pan and i would probably grab it first if the house was on fire! I love it! Have had many different pans in the past but this is perfect for everything.
Jan 29, 3:35am
my favourite is Circulon infinite. its the best non stick fry pan around and it cooks beatifully. make sure that your friend reads all the care instructions including if he gets a non stick pan to never use it on a high heat. a medium heat will cook things perfectly.
Jan 29, 3:35am
my favourite is Circulon infinite.its the best non stick fry pan around and it cooks beatifully.make sure that your friend reads all the care instructions including if he gets a non stick pan to never use it on a high heat.a medium heat will cook things perfectly.
Jan 29, 4:46am
hmm. . seems these non-stick pans are popular. It has been years since I bought one so am out of touch with all this new-fangled technology lol! Anyone use a stainless steel one - or is the JO Professional one stainless?
Jan 29, 8:14am
I also bought a Jamie Oliver Tefal non stick fry pan, and love it. Just bought the bigger one today. They are great for cooking, and wash up easy. Highly recommend these.
Jan 29, 8:17am
I find food sticks to stainless steel
Jan 29, 8:33am
If you can't use it on hot then it's a coating not real non stick. I still use my 12 yr old Baccarat. On HOT sometimes too.
Jan 29, 10:36am
Real non stick is still a coating. to get the best life time out of your non stick it is recommended to use it on a medium heat. you can still use it on hot but your pan wont last as long.
If you are after a top of the line Stainless Steel pan Zwilling J. A Henckels does an amazing SS that cooks beatifully and if used correctly can seem almost non stick. they are fantastic.
other good SS brands are Raco and Scanpan Coppernox
Jan 29, 6:10pm
I love my Viking frypans on medium and if I want a really high heat then out comes the cast iron.
Jan 29, 6:16pm
CAST IRON - Same here - tried and true Cast Iron 16" M&H brand one - been in NZ for 11 yrs this april had it pretty much all that time - best a person can buy is Cast Iron (mine weighs in at 5Kg roughly but is worth the extra weight in gold! ! )
The problem with frying pans (especially non-stick) is that most people 80% in my opinion wash themincorrectly
DO NOT USE ABBRASIVE cloths and wire scrubs to clean them! ! Wash over with clean soapy smooth cloth and leave to soak overmnight rinse and re-wash in morning and they'll never become non-stick!
Jan 29, 6:46pm
I love my cast iron ones. (have 3 different sizes) Mine can be used on stove top. in oven or on bbq as wanted as they have cast handles. I also agree with male_timaru coments.
Jan 29, 7:06pm
Just to add to above person's comments - agree 100% you can use cast iron in any kind of cooking media pretty much - coal oven, bbq, oven, (not microwave lol) and even a camp fire! !
Sold 3 skillets to a guy recently who lives in the bush and he uses them on slow/medium cooking heats whilst he is away fishing or hunting all day!
Jan 30, 2:46am
I don't understand what you mean with your last sentence ... "Wash over with clean soapy smooth cloth and leave to soak overmnight rinse and re-wash in morning and they'll never become non-stick! " Is this what you're telling folks they should do ... or shouldn't do? ? ?
Jan 30, 3:14am
That's what you should be doing - most use those nasty disease gathering green scourers and it scratches the surface off and removes the non stick and we rinse in industrial catering circles (used to anyhow) in boiling water rather than scrub! !
1 time a month we scrubbed and that was the cast stuff only
Jan 30, 3:17am
but you say "... and they'll never become non-stick! " I guess you meant the opposite ...
Jan 30, 3:21am
Cast iron pans are great they last for ever. Save your dollars.
Jan 30, 3:22am
I have a set of cast iron Robert Mong pans I was given as a wedding present 30 years ago. That husband is long gone but the pans have lasted beautifully.
Jan 30, 3:35am
no- re-read what i said - if you DO wash them that way then they will remain non-stick a lot longer depending upon if you use the correct utensils etc rather than modern day plastic and metal ones!
Jan 30, 3:46am
Large cast iron pan with a cast iron (not wooden) handle so it can go in the oven as well. Anything that won't cook in that pan isn't worth cooking - adds iron to the diet too ;)
The middle one of the set I gave to a friend to melt lead for sinkers.
The smallest of the set is useful for heating up a winter muffin on the firebox of the log burner.
Jan 30, 4:06am
Male_Timaru - no... I think YOU actually wrote this badly.
According to what you wrote (above) if you wash them the way you recommend they will never BECOME non-stick.
Whereas in fact people with non-stick pans would want them to REMAIN non-stick.
Jan 30, 4:19am
Have two which are 18-10 stainless steel - one is a Wolfgang Puck and the other is a no brand name chicken fryer! Never used over high heat! The non-stick is a Castamel from Spain. I use Mr. Clean Magic Erasers for cleaning.
Jan 30, 5:38am
Thanks kirinesha - I'm pleased it's not just me finding male timaru's instructions bizarre!
Jan 30, 5:58am
Definitely not Winnie!
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