What's The Best Oil For Deep Frying Chips In?

chynna2, Oct 24, 12:46am
What does everyone use for their deep fryers for cooking chips!

I've seen some threads which reckon that canola oil is no good, which is what I have previously used.

BTW - I know I could do oven chips, but my family loves their homemade "fish & chips" LOL!

chynna2, Oct 24, 12:48am
Sorry, just noticed there was another thread about canola oil and asking for different oils to use.If nobody wishes to add anything to this thread, then that's OK! :-)

knowsley, Oct 24, 1:01am
I use peanut. Tasty :)

taurushat, Oct 24, 4:37am
Rice bran oil for me

48bubbles, Oct 24, 4:46am
Yep I use rice bran oil as well

chynna2, Oct 24, 5:12am
Oh thanks everyone.I think I will be trying one of those options out.

Thanks for not telling me to use the search bar LOL! :-)

thewomble1, Oct 25, 5:10am
hot oil