What Is A Whole Food and Why Are They Important

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buzzy110, Apr 23, 5:56pm
fruitluva2 the same goes for your foul language. It just shows what sort of a person you are when you have to resort to the use of gutter language in order to express yourself.

If you are overweight, have visceral fat around your belly or a cluster of the common ailments besetting modern western populations, I can see that you would become defensive, especially at my suggestion that it is the sort of foods you choose that is the cause.

However, now, having read my thread, you cannot say that you weren't told.

Oh and one more thing, you seem to have selective reading retention skills. There are others in this thread who support it being here.

maxwell.inc, Apr 23, 6:25pm
Brix is basically Sugar griff :o) We used to use the brix meter to check to see if the kiwi fruit where at the correct "sugars" to be picked for the pack house. .

"Degrees Brix (symbol °Bx) is a measurement of the fraction of sugar per hundred parts aqueous solution, by mass. It is measured with a saccharimeter, an instrument that measures specific gravity of the liquid, or more easily with a refractometer. For example, a 25°Bx solution is 25% sugar, or 1 part sugar to 3 parts water. "

"Brix is used in the food industry for measuring the approximate amount of sugars in fruits, vegetables, juices, wine, soft drinks and in the starch and sugar manufacturing industry. "

cookessentials, Apr 23, 6:27pm
buzzy would argue black was white-if you want to continue to preach buzzy, the recipe section is not the place for it. So, so childish buzzy and not really a good look.

fruitluva2, Apr 23, 6:48pm
Do you mean sh! te is foul? ? oh get real woman nor is it the first time its used in the forums compared to the bare all of many, but obviously you are not taking this thread to the Forum concerned which Is in HEALTH seeings you want to 'educate a following', pffft. You have muddied the recipe forum so some may as well join and voice their opinion. Afterall you are not right in everything including your assumption of othertm cooks, mb'ers and readers as to whether they are obese, bad cooks etc ( alas curiosity got the better of me so any chance you rock / exercise to zumba? Try it and get fit).

fruitluva2, Apr 23, 7:05pm
Yes always amazing to see ones like this turn up obviously without reading the thread just accuse along with her soul mate thread starter unless she is purposely along with poster 1 and ignoring the other side - opposition.
I strolled in innocently until it seems Buzzy has to go on counter-attack with everyone that utters the merest negative post. Obviously not a real Cook at heart if she has not the faintest of respect for Food etiquette and other cooks.

bedazzledjewels, Apr 23, 7:28pm
What? Some punctuation might make it easier for us to understand your point Fruitlova2

elliehen, Apr 23, 7:53pm
bewilderedbling? Joke, joke...

bedazzledjewels, Apr 23, 7:58pm
Yes! I like the sound of wild red bling though Elliehen!

cookessentials, Apr 23, 8:06pm
I have a spelling checker
It came with my PC
It plainly marks for my revue
Mistakes I cannot sea
I've run this poem threw it
I'm sure your please to no,
It's letter perfect in it's weigh
My checker tolled me sew

fisher, Apr 23, 8:31pm

bedazzledjewels, Apr 23, 8:38pm
Outstanding movie Fisher. Have you seen it all?

fruitluva2, Apr 23, 8:55pm
Well unless I look up the threads concerned shouldn't be hard, there was a nuisance pack of mb-ers that recent - like came on the scene and have causedhavoc in this forum amongst the faithful old. I have never bothered to read the what and who the ringleaders were. And with that blardy sofia Pirate bairch with the tm mirror- site who has added 110% more dissension to the forum is no help. So just continue being rude as you were asked nicely at first Buzzy, but draconian spite is your arsenal which going by your post in here shows.

uli, Apr 23, 9:14pm
fruitluva2 I am not sure what you are on - but it seems to interfere with what you are trying to convey... .

maxwell. inc. I have yet to talk to someone personally who did the Kay Baxter course with all that brixy stuff.

I could not quite understand what several people told me about it. I wonder if they know that brix is just the amount of sugar - and has nothing to do with measuring "nutrient dense" at all. But what I have gathered so far she teaches that anything with a high brix level is better for you ... with which I would certainly disagree. Maybe there is more to it though - so will see if I can gather more info.

maxwell.inc, Apr 23, 9:33pm
Yeah it left me a bit puzzled also. . as I know why we used it (it was referred to as "testing the sugars"), and further research into it years later (we had the orchard when I was in my teens so wasn't interested then lol) showed that it really just was about the sugar load. with the kiwis the sugars had to be at a certain level before they could be picked. . pick them too early with too low sugar and they wouldn't 'ripen' and have 'flavor' once the ethyl was pumped in (half the problem with todays cool stored fruit). . to high and the ripening process couldn't be stopped by cool store.

so yeah long story short. . brix has nothing to do with nutrition, but everything to do with flavor when it comes to fruit.

buzzy110, Apr 23, 10:16pm
fruitluva - calm down. If this thread annoys you go elsewhere. Start a thread specifically aimed at me if you like. I fail to see how imparting knowledge about the foods we eat can be considered rude, draconian or spiteful. In fact, if none of you had come in here to denigrate and attempt to ridicule this whole controversy would have been avoided.

I am well within my rights to respond to your own, very negative and not very pleasant posts. Remember this - I wouldn't be saying anything at all if you and your cronies refrained from commenting about me personally and confined your posts entirely to the benefits of refined foods and the unhealthiness of diets of primitive culture's.

Do you have anything at all to say on this issue that would educate and enlighten people who may be 'frightened or offended' to learn that a diet rich in whole foods is more healthy than processed foods.

elliehen, Apr 24, 12:10am

Peiouns ystewed.
Take peiouns and stop hem with garlec and with gode erbis ihewe, and do hem in an erthen pot; cast (th)erto gode broth and whyte grece, powder fort, safroun, verious & salt.

Gees in Hotchpot
For to make gees in hochepot. Nym and schald hem wel, & hewe hem wel in gobettys al rawe;& se(th) hem in her owyn grees, & cast (th)erto wyn or ale a cuppe ful;& mynce onyons smal and do (th)erto & boyle yt & salt yt & messe yt for(th)e.

hezwez, Apr 24, 12:29am
Can I pass on the whyte grece?

fruitluva2, Apr 24, 12:33am
I'm not the only who objects to having this bludy thread in Recipes', theres nothing reflecting recipes, just tomes' of read more suited to the HEALTH Forum- Thread!

uli, Apr 24, 12:38am
white grease is ok with me - but I would use my feijoa wine rather than ale.

elliehen, Apr 24, 12:39am
Eat your whyte grece, you wycked maid!

bedazzledjewels, Apr 24, 12:41am
Maybe a medieval recipe thread would be most amusing Elliehen!
Thanks for that - I really enjoyed trying to decipher that - it was easier to do than Fruitlova's earlier post - lol!

uli, Apr 24, 12:41am
So why do you keep coming back and complaining about it? Beats me! Recipes now has 129 pages of threads - and you worry about two on here?

Why are you actually on TM when you have never traded since over 2 years? It all seems fairly strange to me.

vintagekitty, Apr 24, 12:42am
Damn, Peiouns were sold out at paknsave, May have to dial Hell Pizza instead.

Is white grease Lard?

hezwez, Apr 24, 12:46am
Maid? Ahem, I lost my maidenhood anon! But herewith a recipe to set the matron's heart aflutter... or should that be atrotter?
Food Recipe for Sheeps Feet
To fricate Sheeps-feet. Take Sheeps-feet, slit the bone, and pick them very clean, then put them in a Frying-pan, with a Ladlefull of strong Broth, a piece of Butter, and a little Salt, after they have fryed a while, put to them a little Parsley, green Chibals, a little young Speremint and Tyme, all shred very small, and a little beaten Pepper; when you think they are fryed almost enough, have a lear made for them with the yolks of two or three Eggs, some Gravy of Mutton, a little Nutmegg, and juyce of a Lemon wrung therein, and put this lear to the Sheeps feet as they fry in the Pan, then toss them once or twice, and put them forth into the Dish you mean to serve them in

hezwez, Apr 24, 12:47am
Double damn vintagekitty, Pak N Save are right out of chibals too...