What Is A Whole Food and Why Are They Important

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buzzy110, Apr 24, 3:09pm
Sugar is then sent out to homes and factories across the land and added to things like breads, breakfast cereals, sauces, jam, chutney, relish, pickles, alcohol and many other products, even meat.

When we consume this sugar the enzyme sucrase in our bodies will break the glucose/fructose bonds in literally seconds and send them, via the bloodstream, around the body. The body can use glucose so it is sent to cells via insulin to provide energy. As we only require 1tspn of glucose in our bloodstream at any time, the excess is sent to fat cells where insulin, transports it into the fat cells and converts it to fat for future use. Glucose also triggers Leptin production. Leptin is the chemical that tells our brain we have eaten and are full.

Fructose is a substance that is rarely found in any quantity in wholefoods, even fruit. Millions of years of adaptation means that our bodies can only handle very small quantities of fructose at any time. Fructose is sent to the liver, where it undergoes various alterations, till in the end it is delivered to our bloodstream as VLDL's (very low density lipoproteins). They are stored as fat if you are lucky, or if fat cells are saturated, will circulate around the bloodstream causing damage to your vascular system unlike plain old LDL's which try to repair the damage.

The brain doesn't register fructose because fructose does not trigger leptin production. Like ethanol, fructose is a toxin and modern people eat too much of it.

buzzy110, Apr 24, 3:20pm
Sugar is also a pure carbohydrate. It possesses none of the original nutrients found in the sugar cane and is rather easy to eat. If you were eating the sugar cane you would not get very much sugar at all.

An endocrinologist, Edward Gordon found that "concentrated carbohydrates have a remarkable sodium and water retaining effect". Another researcher, Walter Bloom, noted that "eating carbohydrates prompts the kidneys to hold on to salt, rather than excrete it. The body then retains extra water to keep the sodium concentration of the blood constant". It has also been observed that by removing concentrated carbohydrates from the diet acts like and anti-hypertensive, allowing the body to excrete excess sodium and the stored water along with it.

hezwez, Apr 24, 3:26pm
Fascinating how many sayings have a food link:
Stir crazy
Mad as a meat axe
Nutty... .

buzzy110, Apr 24, 3:31pm
Why should this matter?

There is now a recognised disease called Syndrome X or Metabolic Disorder. This disease is not just one disease, it is a cluster of diseases that can unerringly signal the onset of serious diseases cause by diet.

For instance when doctors diagnosehypertension, they will probably also note that the patient is obese, has higher cholesterol and triglyceride levels and will probably have hyperinsulinism or insulin resistance. It is easy enough for them to connect that to a future diabetic.

But those who worked with primitive people's before they were introduced to western style, highly refined carbohydrates and who ate foods in their whole state, never had hypertension, were rather difficult to fatten up and never suffered from clusters of any metabolic or auto-immune diseases. Nor did they get cancer, fatigued, suffer from infertility or any of the other diseases that beset us now.

The one of the common denominators is that they didn't eat refined sugar.

hezwez, Apr 24, 3:34pm
A sandwich short of a picnic
Fruit Loop... ...

buzzy110, Apr 24, 3:38pm
It is telling that the workers in the cane fields, before conditions changed and they were given a ration of ½lb of sugar a week, never suffered from obesity, tooth decay or diabetes. Before that time they used to just suck on the cane itself getting as much of the whole as is possible when sucking on a tough and fibrous stick of cane.

It is easy to attribute their good health to the hard work they were required to do. Growing, harvesting and moving sugarcane was incredibly hard and labourious work. In the meantime, their bosses and sugar executives did suffer from metabolic disorders.

Eventually, once the workers were given sugar as of right, they too, started to suffer from all the diseases they were once inexplicably 'resistant' to.

cookessentials, Apr 24, 3:47pm
you then wonder why people get their backs up buzzy, obviously diplomacy is not your strong point.

buzzy110, Apr 24, 3:56pm
You can probably deduce from hezwez's weird and unusual and often insulting and derogatory postings, that she too is suffering from an over consumption of refined carbohydrates and some of the more rare afflictions of metabolic disorder.

Symptoms include denial and disbelief of human biological facts, inanity and childishness, chronic stupidity, a tendency toward anger, irrelevance, the constant desire to start fights with people who can clearly outclass her intellectually and bullying, name calling behaviours.

This cluster of symptoms would be easily diagnosed by any competent doctor, pointing, as they do, to a decline in mental stability which will escalate to insanity.

Hezwez. Cut back on easily digested, refined, concentrated carbohydrate and the effects will, like hypertension, probably be reversed.

Good luck with that and do let us know how your recovery went.

grannypam, Apr 24, 4:10pm
may I ask what you do for a living buzzy. .

buzzy110, Apr 24, 4:13pm
Actually I have now decided to bow out of this thread. There are obviously some very unstable people out there who would rather you all remain ignorant of the facts.

These same people would rather be allowed to disseminate total rubbish such as the advice given to another poster than low fat yoghurt is better than whole milk yoghurt based on a rather spurious biological plausibility that diabetics have poor kidneys and can't eat too much fat.

That goes against the advice of the foremost Diabetes specialist, Dr Bernstein who definitely recommends cutting down on refined, easily digested carbohydrates to stabilise blood sugars and take away the need for kidney and liver damaging medications.

Secondly, who would have thought that whole milk (which is the opposite of low fat) had too much fat in it. Surely Mother Nature didn't see to it that all the foods that we traditionally ate, before mechanisation and refining took over, were so injurious to our health that they were deadly, whilst seeing to it that every other species on Earth was given the correct food for their health continued survival.

For those of you who can actually see an obvious truth when it is presented to them, but lack the knowledge to act upon it, you'll have to find your own paths.

elliehen, Apr 24, 4:13pm


6 bunches of elderberries
tsp pepper
1 tsp anchovy essence
4 fl oz (125ml) wine
4 fl oz (125ml) passum
4 fl oz (125ml) olive oil
6 eggs

Remove the fruits from the elderberry bunches. Wash, place in a saucepan with a little water, and simmer gently until just softened. Drain and arrange in a greased shallow pan. Add the pepper, moisten with anchovy essence, then add the wine and passum and mix well. Finally add the olive oil and bring to the boil. When the mixture is boiling, break the eggs into it and stir well to bind. When set, sprinkle pepper over it and serve hot or cold. If you are unsure of any of the plants in these recipes please check before picking in the wild and eating.

elliehen, Apr 24, 4:49pm
By the way, PATINA OF ELDERBERRIES is an Ancient Roman recipe and Passum, one of the ingredients, was a good cook's tipple.

Passum was a raisin wine (wine from semi-dried grapes) apparently developed in ancient Carthage and transmitted from there to Italy, where it was popular under the Roman Empire. The earliest surviving instruction constitutes the only known Carthaginian recipe. It is a fragment from the Punic farming manual by Mago (agricultural writer) in its Latin translation by Decimus Silanus (2nd century BC), and it survives because it was summarised by Columella(1st century AD)

Mago gives the following instructions for excellent passum. Harvest well-ripened very early bunches of grapes; reject any mildewed or damaged grapes. Fix in the ground forked branches or stakes not over four feet apart, linking them with poles. Lay reeds across them and spread the grapes on these in the sun, covering them at night to keep dew off. When they have dried, pick the grapes, put them in a fermenting vat or jar and add the best possible must (grape juice) so that they are just covered. When the grapes have absorbed it all and have swelled, after six days, put them in a basket, press them and collect the passum. Then tread the pressed grapes, adding very fresh must made from other grapes that have been sun-dried for three days. Mix all this and put the mixed mass through the press. Put this passum secundarium into sealed vessels immediately so that it will not become too austerum. After twenty or thirty days, when fermentation has ceased, rack into other vessels, seal the lids with gypsum and cover them with skins.
Columella, De Agricultura 12. 39. 1.

Passito, the modern Italian wine is made in this fashion. A notable passito comes from Pantelleria, an island in the Sicily Channel not far from the site of Carthage.

Some healthy fermentation going on there ;)

cookessentials, Apr 24, 10:52pm
no... .cos those symptoms seem very similar to you buzzy... . so what's YOUR excuse?

beaker59, Apr 24, 11:32pm
"When we consume this sugar the enzyme sucrase in our bodies will break the glucose/fructose bonds in literally seconds and send them, via the bloodstream, around the body. The body can use glucose so it is sent to cells via insulin to provide energy. As we only require 1tspn of glucose in our bloodstream at any time, the excess is sent to fat cells where insulin, transports it into the fat cells and converts it to fat for future use. Glucose also triggers Leptin production. Leptin is the chemical that tells our brain we have eaten and are full. "I am reading and notice you say Glocose is converted to fat surely that is chemically difficult as one is a Sacharide and the other a Fatty acid in a glyceride configuration. I always understood that sacharides were used as an energy source in preference to triglycerides and that the triglycerides were easier to store thus fatty storage cells. What is your understanding of that mechanism I am only surmising really. (My chemical knowledge of the two groups is not food based so I may have it all wrong I have worked with cellulosic's and fatty acid polymers like alkyds etc)

fisher, Apr 25, 3:47am
terrific, just what I needed to know... how long do I cook it for and do I add salt... hahahaha. . Take it to Health. . this is Recipes. .
exact reason this recipe board is so stuffed up...

beaker59, Apr 25, 5:17am
SO are you going to make the same post in the household hints thread Fisher or are you just targeting some people or some content.

fisher, Mar 2, 2:54pm
Lol... how does what you have posted in #143 have any relevance to Recipes... ? ? ? I already told you... Household hints should be in DIY. .