What's the worst meal you've ever eaten!

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praxis2, Nov 14, 8:29pm

nfh1, Nov 14, 9:50pm
Do they serve food there!

uli, Nov 14, 10:10pm
Some people seem to think so .

carolyn20, Nov 14, 11:09pm
Funny thread!My tummy hurts from laughing.My worst meals would have to be my own - decades ago when I left home with nil cooking skills I would FRY cuts of beef like chuck & blade that I'd marinated in soy sauce and brown sugar - you can imagine the result.

davidt4, Nov 14, 11:37pm
My worst meal in recent years was in a steakhouse in Bangkok.We'd been eating Thai food for a couple of weeks and were desperate for a big steak and lots of solid veges.The (very expensive) steaks were cooked from frozen and tough as boots, the red wine sauce was mainly vinegar, the "seasonal" vegetables consisted of a pile of boiled bean sprouts and a gherkin, the (amazingly expensive) red wine was undrinkable.It cost a huge amount of money and we ended up going back to our apartment and frying some eggs.

eastie3, Nov 14, 11:51pm
This abomination isn't confined to boarding school.At one time when I was unexpectedly in hospital a very kind family member fed this to my children for dinner,two nights in a row.The ungrateful little brats still occasionally mention it,twenty years later.The poor woman had to feed these extra kids at very short notice and was doing her best.My late MiL who had a large family of hungry boys would add baked beans or (tinned)spaghetti to mince to stretch it.

My own worst meal! Probably the one that landed me in the short stay unit at Wn Hosp with an IV drip for three days with campylobacteriosis,a seriously nasty bug.

waswoods, Nov 15, 12:34am
Are you serious thinking that Buffalo Wings come from buffaloes!

kuaka, Nov 15, 12:38am
And to those of you who have mentioned hospital food, I have to admit that fortunately I haven't had many hospital stays, and those I have had have mostly been short, and mostly the food has been perfectly adequate, although not cordon bleu (which I wouldn't expect in hospital), but after one brief spell in hospital,when I was home again hubby asked me what the food was like and I replied that it was "all white".So he said "oh well, all right is better than awful".I said "No, it was all white, not all right".For our main meal of the evening the first night we had poached white fish (species unknown as no flavour whatsoever), mashed potato, cauliflower and mashed kumara, followed by rice pudding.Next night we had fish pie, mashed potato, mashed kumara and parsnips, followed by ice cream and almost white custard.I must admit it wasn't that bad tastewise considering the circumstances, but it just looked so insipid and unappetising.

destiny6nz, Nov 15, 1:40am
was out to dinner at someone elses house andthey served me parsnip and carrot mashed. I thought it was pumpkin and potato.

i nearly vomitted, had to hold it in and slowly swallow it

uli, Nov 15, 1:43am
How funny :)

uli, Nov 15, 1:44am
What's wrong with parsnip and carrot mashed! Huh :)

jennyfenny1, Nov 15, 3:24am
i remember when my parents went on holiday when us kids were 6-14 years old we had a very old lady come and look after us. i don't know how she did it but she managed to turn perfectly good quality mince into a grey, watery mixture with little rubbery lumps of meat for dinner. i think we went through a lot of tomato sauce while she was staying with us - our way of making her cooking edible

kuaka, Nov 15, 3:39am
Hmmm, and I wonder how old that very old lady was, probably about 50 - she would have seemed ancient to you.

jennyfenny1, Nov 15, 3:54am
yeah at the time im sure we thought she was ancient! haha but was probably 60 something

terachaos, Nov 15, 8:19pm
Um, BBQ Master-Taupo, yuck!

creeky1, Nov 15, 10:12pm
boiled cabbage by anybody, haven't eaten it since i left home. only way to eat cabbage is in coleslaw.

crystalmoon, Nov 16, 8:24pm
hahaha hi guys,Uli it wasnt banana pancakes,i love those,this was regular scrambled egg with mashed banana stir through it.Still gives me shivers,she not as bad cook when she has too,i developed more of the cooking skills(maybe so I could take over from her lolz) hehehe :):)

mss2006, Nov 17, 1:57am
Not the worst meal by any means (in fact it was the most memorable meal I have ever had).

We have just returned from a trip to Cambodia and our Tuk Tuk driver knew we wanted total immersioninto the culture.So he took us to his shack out the middle of no where to meet his family one night. (Very rural and basic).

On the way he spotted a road kill snake.

You guessed it. we had for dinner snake with lemon grass, catfish (also found on the side of the road) and frog for dinner.

Such a wonderful memory we will never forget!

He really did give us what we asked for as far as real living in Cambodia.

And by the way if you are interested, snake tastes like fishy chicken, not offensive at all :)

kuaka, Nov 17, 2:49am
Just the thought of eating snake would make my stomach heave - I think I would have to be absolutely near death from starvation to be tempted to eat snake or frog.

mss2006, Nov 18, 1:57am
Not the worst meal by any means (in fact it was the most memorable meal I have ever had).

We have just returned from a trip to Cambodia and our Tuk Tuk driver knew we wanted total immersioninto the culture.So he took us to his shack out the middle of no where to meet his family one night. (Very rural and basic).

On the way he spotted a road kill snake.

You guessed it. we had snake with lemon grass, catfish (also found on the side of the road) and frog for dinner.

Such a wonderful memory we will never forget!

He really did give us what we asked for as far as real living in Cambodia.

And by the way if you are interested, snake tastes like fishy chicken, not offensive at all :)

gennie, Nov 18, 3:20am
Flatmate while I was at uni once cooked us fish with a teaspoon of peanut butter on it, in the microwave.How could anyone ever think that would taste good!

poppy103, Nov 18, 3:53pm
Fish Chowder "Worst ever"
We had taken a wrong turn home and ended up North instead of South (my navigational skills) which by this time was early evening on a Sunday night in Hunterville. Saw a Cafe just closing and begged to be given something quick and easy. Warm water filled bowl with frozen fish and frozen peas and carrots and to top it off a hunk of triple microwaved bread.We thought is was a joke and laughed but had already paid by eftpos and they didn't do refunds.I now hold my breath the whole way throughwhen travelling as the thought of looking at that place produces bile.

figjamto, Nov 18, 5:48pm
Being made to eat school dinners in England.if somebody even mentions bread and butter pudding to this day, I feel I want to throw up.Idislike beetroot for the same reason

iriegirl, Nov 18, 6:06pm
In my youthful travels, my cousin and I were in Tunisia, met a charming waiter at our hotel who invited us to his home for a meal and as the guests of honor we were very proudly presented with couscous and.sheeps eyes! I managed to sneak one of them into my bag, however I had to eat the other one! Yuck!!

claudeandstu, Nov 18, 7:39pm
A supposedly heart friendly recipe. For a brocoli pasta sauce. Basically it was pureed brocolii mush it did have other ingredients but you could not taste them.Love broccoli but not as a sauce.
Turned out to be very heart unfriendly as we had finsh and chips instead.
Funniest bit was DH and I had not been marired long. He was on to his second bite when I tasted it.