This week is going to be flat out for DF and I We need instant/ very very low effort meal ideas to keep us going.
I will be out of the house by 7:30 (back quickly for lunch) then off again and back by 5:30. I have a slow cooker, bread maker, oven etc
Any ideas?
So far my plan involves Corned beef meal in the slow cooker, all I have to do when I get home is whip up a batch of sauce and eat.
Any similar ideas?
Apr 30, 5:01pm
Steak.... If you have the makings of salad in the fridge... Potatoes and Any variety of meat... this very simple meal can be on a plate in 20 mins.
Or you could make some meals up today and freeze, their are plenty of threads on that topic.
Apr 30, 5:07pm
Steak, sausages, chops, bacon and egg sandwiches, stew in the slow cooker, and maybe put some dumplings in when you pop home at lunchtime, fish is quick as well, and some homedone oven wedges.
Apr 30, 5:18pm
Better get a bag of salad and some steak :)
Burgers will also be on the menu, couldn't be easier
Toasties probably as well
We are experts at getting to dinner time and just being too tired to make something so we get takeaways, slow cooker solves that problem
Apr 30, 5:57pm
are you able to make a big stew or something today to eat later in the week? I find that makes a big difference. My other quick meal standby is to always have some fresh pasta and sauce in the fridge so all I need to do is add some tinned tuna or similar and some veges and we're done!
Apr 30, 6:05pm
I love chilli for busy weeks, make it once in the slow cooker, have one night with rice, one night with baked spuds, one night with tortillas or tacos and salad - three meals with one lot of effort!
Apr 30, 9:33pm
Our family loves soup. Which you can serve with toasties or grab a fresh loaf, or if you have the energy whip up a batch of savoury scones in the food processor.
Apr 30, 10:08pm
Soup, have 2 flavours simmering away here ready for the weeks meals. Will do a couple of crockpot stews during the week to break it up, balance can be frozen for the following week.
May 1, 2:06am
A large lasagna that would last for 2 nights. One night with a salad and garlic bread and the next night maybe beans etc
May 1, 4:56pm
This week is going to be flat out for DF and I We need instant/ very very low effort meal ideas to keep us going.
I will be out of the house by 7:30 (back quickly for lunch) then off again and back by 5:30. I have a slow cooker, bread maker, oven etc
Any ideas!
So far my plan involves Corned beef meal in the slow cooker, all I have to do when I get home is whip up a batch of sauce and eat.
Any similar ideas!
May 1, 5:01pm
Steak. If you have the makings of salad in the fridge. Potatoes and Any variety of meat. this very simple meal can be on a plate in 20 mins.
Or you could make some meals up today and freeze, their are plenty of threads on that topic.
May 1, 5:18pm
Better get a bag of salad and some steak :)
Burgers will also be on the menu, couldn't be easier
Toasties probably as well
We are experts at getting to dinner time and just being too tired to make something so we get takeaways, slow cooker solves that problem
May 1, 5:33pm
Great ideas thanks :D
Last night was takeaways at work Tonight is stir fry Tomorrow is corned beef in the slow cooker Then something with the left overs?
Yummy soup for lunch today too
May 1, 5:57pm
are you able to make a big stew or something today to eat later in the week! I find that makes a big difference. My other quick meal standby is to always have some fresh pasta and sauce in the fridge so all I need to do is add some tinned tuna or similar and some veges and we're done!
Aug 29, 5:00pm
Great ideas thanks :D
Last night was takeaways at work Tonight is stir fry Tomorrow is corned beef in the slow cooker Then something with the left overs!
Yummy soup for lunch today too
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