Why are our potatoes horrible.....

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herself, Dec 16, 3:37pm
LOL Me too!I'm liking Agria spuds a lot.

actros2, Dec 16, 5:20pm
I agree Nadine are yuck, but they are really common in the 10kg bags at the stupidmarket. Must be real easy to grow or have big yields or something.

mwood, Dec 16, 6:14pm
agreed - Agria are just a media hype - they are disgusting yellow fleshed kumara wannabes - Rua, Ilam Hardy even Nadine are better choices

gerry64, Dec 16, 6:23pm
Have bought Nadine over here in Oz - as they were $1.99 for 10kg washed - have been cooking them whole in the microwave and they are perfect - detested Nadine in NZ but these are very different -but am really missing my agria -

brish, Dec 16, 6:30pm
Funny how no-one likes the Nadine ones, but they are the most commonly available ones.Are they cheaper to grow?I'm growing some Ilam Hardy and I'm hoping they will be delicious.We had a few last year and hoping for more this year.

paora-tm, Dec 17, 12:59am
Bought the worst ever 10kg bag of spuds the other day from Super Value - Quality Potatoes "Bag A Meal" - Pretty bag with photo of potatoes printed on it. Quite a few had brown spots inside and the ones that looked okay made the absolute worst mashed spuds. Tasted horrible and awful texture. I noticed PaknSave selling the same bags.

paora-tm, Dec 17, 1:02am
$1.99 for 10kg!

Bought 10kg unwashed and small sized nadine spuds at food town last week - $10+ . At least they cooked up okay, to my satisfaction.

lizab, Dec 17, 1:21am
I believe the potatoes farmers call Nadine potatoes the 'Dumb Blonde' !! Can't for the life of me remember where I read it, but I'm sure it was for Nadine lol!!

iamkat, Dec 17, 3:09am
here is absolutely nothing good about a nadine potato - I love van rosa and agria.You will find if a bag of potatoes doesnt have a variety label on the bag then they are usually nadine !
I am growing cliffs kidneys and agria and a small amount of maori purple potatoes NOM!

yapper, Dec 17, 3:31am
I agree, they are disgusting - I have taken to buying 'loose' ones then i can choose the sizes and the 'look'. Turns out to be only marginally dearer than the pre-packaged ones.I will do this from now on, I am so fed up.

gotland3, Dec 17, 7:38pm
Some fish&chip shops use Agria because of the chip quality. I purchased a 10kg bag of Moonlight spuds at $8.99 from Rangiora Countdown recently; grown at Coutts Island.( Wont mention the well known grower family.) They were so badly marked and small; that they would probably have been regect seed. What we used to call only good for pig spuds. Best to purchase loose spuds sometimes. The Moonlights were some of the worst ivé ever purchased. Majority were boiled up with the chook mash.

loislane1, Dec 17, 9:57pm
Ilham Hardy are great - but they seem to only have a short season that they are in stock.When not available we are Agria fans here.

meathead_timaru, Apr 22, 11:35pm
$10/10kg... Foodtown... there's your problem right there! Foodtown.

uli, Apr 22, 11:47pm
I think you overlooked that the post you quoted was posted on Fri 17 Dec 2010! Obviously those were expensive early potatoes dug for Xmas!

jcdm, Apr 23, 12:03am
agrias here too they are far superior than any other

poppy500, Apr 23, 4:41am
Maybe your spud grower has mislabelled a padock? I grow mine and they are definately still yellowy fleshed, big and lovely tasting- (from seed potatoes from Bunnings)!

meathead_timaru, Apr 23, 11:35pm
$10/10kg. Foodtown. there's your problem right there! Foodtown.

deb1110, Apr 24, 1:16am
please keep your receipt and take them back - complain to retailer, its the only way to let the growers know we don't want their cr.p nadines and others!!

kuaka, Apr 24, 1:47am
It's not just nadine that are horrible - I bought some "vivaldi" a while back (what a stupid name for a potato!) and they are awful.They don't mash any good, you can't chip them as they just go brown before they are cooked, they do roast, but not all that well.I'll never buy them again.

dec1066, Apr 24, 2:32am
In the past couple of weeks I've bought 2 lots of potatoes from 2 diferent supermarkets, both labelled agria and they were anything but.

uli, Apr 24, 3:10am
And you didn't bring them back after the first cook-up?
And why not?

rivercottage1, Apr 24, 3:48am
nasty nadines, give me agaia anyday

poppy500, Apr 24, 4:41am
Maybe your spud grower has mislabelled a padock! I grow mine and they are definately still yellowy fleshed, big and lovely tasting- (from seed potatoes from Bunnings)!

beaker59, Apr 24, 8:56pm
I don't get the hype over Agria they are good roasters for sure but also very variable often a bit dissapointing. Currently our local greengrocer has some very nice "driver" potatoes which are a good gp potato not long ago they had some "Ilam Hardy" which were also pretty good.

elliehen, Apr 24, 9:09pm
If you grow your own, it's Ilam Hardy to plant early and dig for Christmas, and Rua to plant for winter keepers.