bought a bag, not sure what the name was, and when they are boiled they are kinda glassy inside. others seem to have big bag bits inside. gone are the days, where a spud was a spud, and didnt matter how they were cooked, they were creamy when mashed and nice and white. Anyone recomenc a really goodbrand.
Dec 7, 6:49am
You need to buy ones specifically for mashing. They will usually tell you what they are best for on the bag.
Dec 7, 7:27am
Buy agrias.I won't eat anything else.
Dec 7, 8:05am
Were they imported or NZ?
Dec 7, 8:10am
Have no idea.
Dec 7, 8:38am
so what do you do when agria aren't available ???
Dec 7, 8:48am
Agrias get my vote too.They are the best!
Dec 7, 8:48am
Best all-round potato is a variety called 'Maris Anchor'.
Dec 7, 9:05am
Look in the Four Square at Spring Creek.They have them when others don't.
Dec 7, 9:31am
Spring Creek being where??? I'm in northland - I see you're in Blenheim.Seems a long way to go for 10kg of spuds.
Dec 7, 9:36am
I love them too great roasters or frying, but isn't that a bit restrictive to only eat Agrias there are some beautiful other varieties out there which make much better potato salads and for boiled spuds.
Dec 7, 11:17am
Agrias are brilliant for making chips with. It's a bit of a pain when you're on a tight budget and can only afford one bag of spuds. Ideally I'd like to have the spuds specifically for mashing and the Agria for chips and roasting. Of course the smaller amount you buy (bagged) the more you pay. Though i must say, I've found freezing mashed spud works very well, so it's possible to cook up heaps and freeze what you aren't using. If you are freeze them in a large ice cube tray (that is, a tray with large cubes) and just take out as many "cubes" as you want and nuke them.
Dec 7, 5:47pm
elliehen...that is the name of the ones on talkback on sat. i didnt quite catch the name, will DEFINATLy be looking for them. the talkback person, said they are the only ones to buy. Has anyone in the Hawkes Bay area seen them for sale. we travel to wgtn a lot, so if anyone knows of them on the way, please let me know. Agria are ok, what happened to rua and illam hardy.thanks all for info
Dec 7, 5:55pm
The BEST potatoes are the ones you grow yourself. We have "Swift" which we are eating at the moment, we have Jersey Bennes for Christmas/New year and we have Desiree fr later dow the track. The flavour that comes from a fresh poato just dug up out of your garden cannot be beaten.
Dec 7, 7:40pm
Agria are great for baking, roasting and chips but not as good for mashing as say Maris Anchor or some of the red ones like Desiree or Red rocket.I usually have two bags on the go in winter - one of each of M. anchor and Agria but right now the Jersey Bennes are too good to resist.Nadine are the most commonly available "all purpose" potato in Christchurch and I think they are horrible - they can have that glassy texture you mention Korbo.
Dec 11, 7:37am
in such a hurry tonight to see some groceries, and i grabbed....a bag of nadine spuds. didnt realise till they went thru the checkout. it is only a 2.5kf bag, so hopefully they will be ok.
Still waiting to hear of anyone in my area who knows where the maris anchor spuds are.
Dec 11, 7:50am
Have just checked my current bag of Maris Anchor, korbo, and it has printed on it "Kowhai Bush Farms, Stirling".I buy mine in New World Supermarket.
I would think if one New World stocks them, others might,
Dec 11, 8:22am
Agria gets the vote in our household - even for mashing.No Agria at the supermarket the other day, so I bought Ilam Hardy.Have only used them for wedges so far - they were fine.
Dec 11, 8:28am
Most of the potatoes available at the moment are new season and are waxy and full of sugars. That means they don't mash or roast very well. You need starchy potatoes for that.
Dec 11, 2:23pm
Agria or rua potatoes are good. I live in WA and the only potatoes you get here are Nadine (which I hate) Royal blue which is like all purpose or ruby reds. These are the only three types of pototatos allowed here. I miss my rua potatoes and I will add my Pacific Rose apples.
Dec 11, 11:17pm
When Agrias first became available they were oddly shapen, dirty and looked like potatoes you would dig up from your own backyard, plus they were a golden colour inside, now they are uniformly shaped, smooth and about as tasteless as the other varieties, I have noticed this all year so it is not JUST a seasonal thing.They definitely are not the same now as they were when they first came out.
Dec 12, 2:33am
When it comes to potatoes, I say "no, no Nadine!" Those are awful.
Dec 12, 8:32am
thanks ellihen, bought nandine by mistake yesterday, but have to admit, just boiled them gently tonight and they were fine. will still keep looking tho.
Dec 16, 9:58am
Nardine spuds are alright if you add an egg instead of butter!!!!!!!!
Dec 16, 10:09am
blackbart - blerk!
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