anyone got a good way of cooking new spuds,so they don't end up looking like yesterdays dishwashing dregs
Nov 21, 4:37pm
don't cook them for so long - test regularly
Nov 21, 5:37pm
Choose med spuds, leave the skin on and wash.. slice into quarters and boil in a pot with salted water.. Soften some butter and add some very fine chopped garlic and fresh parsley and mix well.. Drain spuds and put herbed butter over the top of the spuds.. salt and black pepper and stir lightly to coat and then "lightly" crush with masher till skin breaks .. serve...
Nov 21, 7:53pm
After years of trying to boil them I now only ever steam them in my electric steamer - and wished I had had one a long time ago.I never put my new potatoes near boiling water now and 100% success.
Nov 22, 3:52am
I just put enough water in to come half way up the potatoes so that are semi steamed.Sprinkle salt on then cook till a skewer goes in easily.They are very yummy and not at all mushy.A lot of the water evaporates so take care they don't stick to the bottom.
Nov 22, 5:08am
There used to be a kitchen saying, "New Hot; Old Cold" for the water you cook potatoes in.I also read somewhere that you should not salt the water until it boils.
Nov 23, 12:06am
I put the spuds in a pot of salted water, bring to the boil then turn it off. I leave them sitting in the water with the lid on until they are just soft (15 minutes or so?) That way they don't get smashed.
Nov 23, 12:11am
I halve them with skin on. Sprinkle a baking sheet with either salt and rosemary or salt and caraway seeds and put halved potatoes on with cut side down. Roast for 30 to 50 minutes depending on size.
Nov 23, 1:56am
A waxy new potato boiled fast with skin on till it's just tender can't be beaten.....even tastes good without butter and salt.
Nov 23, 2:03am
I dont boil anything, including new potatoes. I steam them with some fresh mint
Nov 23, 2:40am
Mint? Poor spuds!
Nov 23, 2:47am
poor you
Nov 23, 2:51am
Me - never :)
Nov 23, 2:59am
Totally agree - mint with new potatoes is absolutely delish........ Have got a heap growing ready
Nov 23, 3:04am
Yes, we have Jersey Bennes for Christmas, Swift and Desiree this year and some lovely old fashioned mint, just for the occasion!
Nov 23, 4:05am
Parsley, sage, thyme...
We don't all have to sing from the same song sheet.
Aug 30, 5:02am
Absolutley and what some people like, others dont.
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