I am cooking this over night in a slow cooker. 16 neck chops 2 medium ch onions 6 peeled and chopped carrots 3 tsp salt 2 tsp gr. black pepper 2 cups of water 1 chopped habanero chili 4 hand fulls, of chopped up silver beet stalks. cook over night cool, set, take off the fat. Return to cook on high, when it is simmering add a can of peas, drained, reserving the liquid to mix 3 Tblsp of cornflour in. Add to the stew, may need a little more cornflour, depends on how you like a stew.
Jul 14, 12:51pm
you must be Bog Irish - were's ya taters lass ?
Jul 14, 8:47pm
I was wondering that too! It goes to show you how a recipe can vary from person to person. I've never made it but my mother used to make it. We always knew what the meal following roast lamb (or mutton) would be! She just used to diced the cooked meat & toss it into a pot with 2 onions, plenty of spuds & carrots & water. She'd boil it until the spuds & carrots were mashable, season with salt & pepper & then we'd all dive in & add butter + worchestershire sauce to our individual servings. No other veges were seen at this meal.
Jul 14, 11:01pm
taters, If they were added to the slow cooker , and cooked all night, would have been lost. Total cooking time in my house was 8 hours. Simple & Delicious . "Nourishing", if I have to add anything to this . ####Omit the chili####, If you don't like the "heat n ya meat" Add a little Worcestershire sauce, to replace the chili. I will serve my Irish stew, with mashed potato, whole carrots and silverbeet.
Jul 15, 2:04am
It's a Pickled Stew not an Irish Stew
Jul 15, 2:09am
Its a salty, peppery, chilli stew... :}
Jul 15, 3:35am
Being Irish myself, I can honestly say I've never had a stew with chilli in it. My mam has probably never even bought chilli before. Noticed that you have carrots in the recipe and you said you'll be serving it with whole carrots. That's alot of carrots! Anyway, as long as YOU enjoy it, thats the main thing.
Jul 15, 4:03am
Jul 15, 4:09am
Mmmm I made irish stew the other day from a recipe out of the paper - so simple and so yummy. Was just lamb - browned, spuds, a couple of carrots cut chunky, a couple of onions cut chunky, beef stock, sprig of thyme, couple of glubs of Worstershire sauce, S&P and all in the slow cooker then added a roux 10min before serving to thicken it up.
Jul 15, 4:11am
Fancy making a statement such as that ... . fisher... . without tasting. TUT TUT.
It requires more salt... . fisher... . 16 neck chops, no mean Irish stew. I wouldn't add any more pepper, the heat from the chili is just right... . mwood... there isn't anything in my Irish stew that would Pickle, it.
Jul 15, 4:15am
Good on you , I like to thicken mine as well. To sit down to something thickened with just the spuds leaves me cold. We prefer our potato cooked by themselves.
Jul 15, 4:24am
Thing is Pickles7, I really dont need to taste it... and quite frankly, definitely wouldn't want to. . ONLY 2 cups of water and ALL that salt and pepper and then a WHOLE habanero chilli. . talk about overpowering and then you call it IRISH STEW. . 6 chopped carrots and then as a side dish you have ? ? ? errr WHOLE carrots. . and not a spud in it in sight. . short of imagination were we last night hehehehe. . TUT TUT yaself. . Antoniab now that's an Irish stew and not a pea in sight... :} I just hope some new poster Searching for IRISH STEW does not stumble across yours pickles7... honestly...
Jul 15, 8:30am
Pickles7 - you are overlooking the obvious - and if you are going to post generically named dishes then, please, they should at least be authentic - you could just as easily have called it Thai Stew.
Jul 15, 9:12am
I must say the, Irish Stew was delicious. The chili was less hot, after the peas, and the thickening was added. The peas enhance the lamb/mutton flavour for sure. I can put worcestershire sauce on at the table if I wish. enjoy.
Jul 15, 9:13am
Don't be silly
Jul 15, 9:17am
I concur - pickled ? - (I think she's completely soused this time)
Jul 15, 10:43am
I think so too... . mwood... . in His own juice. There must be more to say that. I just don't get it. lol.
Jul 15, 8:49pm
I've never had an 'Irish' stew that needed to be thickened. It was always cooked to a point where there was just enough liquid so that when it was mashed, the liquid enabled the mix to become a bit chunkier than mashed potato with hunks of meat in it. I used to joke that it was 'baby food' (probably suited more to a 1yo though)
Jul 16, 12:19am
The Irish are a mad race anyway, so any crazy stew could be called Irish, I have a very Irish friend and a couple of years ago mentioned I was making an Irish Stew, she asked what that was and when I told her lamb etc she said she had never heard of it and grew up only on beef stews. Pickles your stew sounds very nice and with that amount of meat and vege the salt you used sounded good to me, also the liquid as doing it in the slow cooker I have found it always makes more. The Irish Stew I make is served with mashed spuds and tinned beans, so I never put spuds in my Irish Stew either. Good to read you use the silverbeet stalks, so many throw them away, I sometimes cook them seperate to the green bit and serve in a cheese sauce.
Jul 16, 12:54am
i love irish stew. the first one i made... the recipe came out of a maggi cookbook and it had a packet of potato and leek soup mix in it. was a while ago, but it also had taties, carrots and onions in it and what ever else. but it was sooooo yummy. i cant seem to find that soup mix at the supermarkets anymore, shame coz it makes a nice flavour base for me irish stew.
Jul 16, 1:46am
I have never heard of an irish stew made like that... the only thing thats irish about it is the lamb.
Jul 16, 6:50am
Sounds very nice im going to try this "Irish Stew" butthinking on cooking this on my fire top but how would it cook as my fire getstoo hot would neck chops be stuff if they cook fast . . ? . . As I like to cook Stews on my fire top this time of the year. .
Jul 16, 7:47am
Gotta have potatoes to be Irish in my opinion, but I do like a stew and that looks like a goodun. Someone said should have lamb well in our family it is generally only irish stew if its mutton and potatoes after that you can add what you like.
Jul 16, 10:43am
You are very cleaver, lol. A lot of recipe's work out like that. or we would be consulting a higher being as to the correct label to give any dish, we concoct. .
Jul 16, 10:47am
Long and slow is the key, let the meat fall of the bones. I picked up 16 neck chops on special, We had 1 meal and froze 3. If you have children omit the chili, although the chili did get some what lost, I do like hot n spicy. Put your pot on to one side of the cooker if it is a bit hot. enjoy.
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