you might have a tough time with this thread. Try googling recipes for horse meat
Apr 29, 4:39am
I would just use a recipe like with beef. horse is delicious! ! ! ! !
Apr 29, 5:07am
I ate horse meat in France. It was a little chewy! I think stewing it for a long time would be delicious. I don't think you can buy horse meat here. Don't you dare look around your NEIGHbourhood for a free meal.
Apr 29, 5:13am
Trough out on a good nag EH! Chewy was it Lindy, did you take the saddle off? Personally I'd have thought the jockey would taste better but I had a steak in Brussels and it wasn't too bad at all nice texture and flavour. I preffered the Whale steak I had in Tokyo though.
Apr 29, 6:00am
You used to be able to buy it for petfood, but they stopped doing that a long time ago. My parents grew up in WWII so did eat horse meat and hankered after it every now & then (I thought them making me eat rabbit was bad enough and was disgusted when they mentioned eating horse). The meat I eat doesn't come from an animal, it comes from the freezer in supermarkets ;) (I'd be vegetarian if I didn't like meat so just don't associate it with the animals I talk to along the way).
Apr 29, 3:02pm
It's lovely, have eaten it numerous times when living at home in the Netherlands. My Mum marinated it with cloves and bayleaves, covered all the ingedrients with vinegar. Let it marinate for at least 24 hrs. Then fry lots of chopped onions add the meat and spices, salt and pepper, when all has browned add the remaining marinating juices, simmer for 3 to 4 hrs, add enough sugar to take the zing out of the vinegar and thicken the gravy a little, Yum Yum.
Apr 29, 3:46pm
Shouldn't you be eating kangaroo, skippie?
Apr 29, 4:02pm
Good idea... there's too many of the buggers around here, reaching out to eat my shrubs, and messing up the paddocks. . Yum Yum :-)
Apr 29, 5:58pm
I will have neigh of it! ! !
Apr 29, 6:12pm
lol johnston, you invested in a slow racehorse? in which case you would be after slow cooker recipes :P
Apr 29, 11:56pm
This thread is too funny! LOLI hate the smell of rabbit cooking. We ate my pet rabbit as a kid! Times are getting harder though, I think we will be eating more wild animals soon.
Apr 30, 12:13am
Ooooh, poor you. I'd be devastated, which is why I could never live on a farm. I know if you're starving you'll eat anything, but I'm so pathetic i cry if I have to put my pet birds down (don't have them anymore). Mind you, I probably could've eaten my guinea pigs, as could never get attached to them.
Apr 30, 3:47am
Neigh, Neigh
Apr 30, 4:19am
oh man, what a crack up.
doing it RITE!
Apr 30, 5:45am
And Real estate Agents.
Apr 30, 6:17am
no way . . not enough meat on theirbones latey. ;)
Apr 30, 6:33pm
try in pets, they might have some ideas.
Otherwise one of those cook in the pot sachets might do the trick.
Apr 30, 10:45pm
just stew it as you would beef
May 1, 12:17am
As much as I love horses - I would rather that us humans ate their meat rather than have it used solely for pet food! What a waste of a magnificent animal!
May 1, 4:55am
You may find this site interesting #1 http://www.metro. ca/conseil-expert/boucher/viandes-domestiqu es/viande-chevaline/methodes-cuisson-viande-chevaline. en.htm l
May 1, 5:07am
from Recipiezar! !
No, I'm not kidding. Horse meat is very popular in Kazakhstan, and this recipe is really good. Honest!
* 1 lb horse meat * 1/2 cleaned and washed tripe * 1/2 lb liver * 1 beef heart * 1 cup spinach * 1/4 cup vegetable oil * 2-3 onions * salt or pepper * 3-4 bay leaves * 1 bunch fresh dill * 1 teaspoon paprika * 1/2 teaspoon cumin * 2 cups broth * fresh kale, for serving
1. 1 Cut the horse meat into serving sized pieces sautee until brown. Halfway through frying, add chopped onion, liver, heart, and continue frying. When done, pour 2 cups broth into the pot. Add washed tripe, bay leaves, . 2. 2 spinach, salt, pepper, paprika, dill, and cumin. Bring to a boil, then lower heat and cover. Let simmer for 1 hour. Stew should be thick. 3. 3 Remove bay leaves and serve over fresh kale.
May 2, 12:12am
blerk! ! ! liver, heart and tripeYuk.
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