And bumping for Gildon for your fudge cake recipe at post 365 Valentino. thanks for the recipe. I'm going to make it tomorrow.
Dec 5, 4:47pm
Pecan Honey & Caramel Slice. 2c flour, 1/2c firmly packed brown sugar, 180gm cold butter chopped. Topping: 125gm butter, 1c firmly packed brown sugr, 1/3c honey, 1 1/2T cream, 250g pecans sliced, 1 1 1/2 tsp vanilla. Whiz the flour, sugar and 1/2tsp of salt in food processor for 15 secs. Add butter and whiz until mix resembles breadcrumbs. Tip into your prepared slice pan which you have lined with baking paper. Press mix out evenly. Bake @ 180°C for 20mins until golden. Towards the end of cooking time, make the topping: Melt butter in saucepan. Add sugar, honey, cream & 1/4tsp salt. Stir for 2 mins until sugar dissolves. Bring to boil & reduce heat and stir for 2 min. Stir in pecans and vanilla, then remove from heat. Remove base from oven and stand 1-2 mins. Spread topping over base. Bake a further 16-18mins until topping is bubbling. Allow to cool, slice and serve. Keeps 5 days & freezes very well.
Dec 6, 7:12pm
I've had a great time reading all these recipes when I have had lots of other things i should have been doing! A tip for making rolled out biscuits or shortbread. I hate cutting out bisc etc so now put all the mixture on to a piece of baking paper and roll it into a log about 2in thick. Put in fridge or if in a hurry put it in the freezer for about 20 mins.It slices very easily then and bisc all look a uniform shape
Dec 7, 8:24pm
Chocolate Brownie Does anyone have a easy yummy chocolate brownie recipe!
Dec 9, 2:41am
Part way down P5! Saving
Dec 9, 3:53am
Hi Reanbeau. You could make good ole Anzac Biscuits. let us know if you don't have a recipe.
Dec 9, 2:53pm
Apricot and White Chocolate Fudge This is so yummy. My sister gave me this recipe and everyone likes it!2 pkts of Wine Biscuits, 8 oz butter, 1 tin condensed milk, coconut, dried apricots (chopped), jersey caramel lollies (chopped), 1 family size block of dream chocolate.Melt butter and condensed milk together. Pour over crumbed biscuits, apricots, coconut, jersey caramels and 3 rows of the chocolate chopped up.Mix well and press into greased tin.Melt the remaining white chocolate and ice the top of the fudge with it. Refrigerate.
Dec 9, 3:14pm
Many Thanks To the ladies who have posted these recipies, I have just started to check out these message boards and they are fantastic. Ange
Dec 9, 7:25pm
q. q
Dec 9, 11:30pm
I can't stand all the bumping.there should be more recipes so I guess I'll post a few.
Dec 9, 11:33pm
Date Bars. 2 1/2c chopped dates, 1 can evaporated milk, 2T sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, 125gm butter, 1/2c brown sugar, 1 cup flour, 3/4c rolled oats, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 salt, 1/2tsp cinnamon. Combine dates, evaporated milk, sugar & essence in med saucepan. Cook over med-low heat stirring occasionally for 10-12mins or until thickened. Remove from heat. Beat butter & sugar in large bowl until creamy. Beat in flour, oats, soda, salt & spice. Press half of this mix into a lined square tin. Spread on the date mix and top with the remaining base by crumbling over the dates. Bake @ 200°C for 20-25mins.
Dec 11, 1:24pm
CRISP COCONUT BISCUITS These are super easy to make,super easy to eat too! and if you like coconut,have a heap of taste. Makes about 40. 124g butter;1 cup caster sugar;1 egg;2 cups s.r flour;1 cup coconut;extra caster sugar. Cream butter and sugar,beat in egg,add sifted flour,salt & coconut.Roll into balls and press flat beweeen your palms.Dip top side into extra sugar.Place on greased oven trays,sugar side up;allow for spreading.Bake in mod hot (190c) oven 10-15 mins.
Dec 12, 1:46am
bunping for anyone else
Dec 14, 12:07am
Christmas Time, school holidays etc.
Dec 15, 7:42pm
Bumping for someone specal. Post number 365.
Dec 16, 8:02pm
Bump. Great recipes in here
Dec 16, 9:10pm
Citrus Slice Does anyone have a recipefor this - made with the crushed wine biscuits
Dec 17, 10:10pm
Melt & Mix Choc Chippies 2C flour,1/2tsp baking soda,1/2tsp salt,185g butter-melted,1C brown sugar,1tsp vanilla,1 egg,1C choc chips . Sift flour,baking soda & salt into a bowl.Beat together melted butter,sugar,egg & vanilla. Add to flour,etc along with choc chips & mix well.Place balls on lined tray.Flatten with a fork & bake 170C 12-15 mins.
Dec 19, 6:23pm
Please help with previous request. Interesting to know this please. recipe that is.
Dec 19, 7:23pm
Lemon Coconut Slice. 80gm butter, 3/4 c condensed milk, 250gm pkt of plain biscuits, 1c coconut, 1T lemon juice. Icing: 1 3/4c icing sugar, 2T lemon juice, 1 1/2T coconut for sprinkling on top. Place butter & condensed milk in saucepan over medium heat stirring occasionally. Remove from heat when butter melted and mix is smooth. Crush biscuits and add in coconut. Stir in lemon juice and condensed milk mixture. Press mix into a greased & lined slice pan. Refrigerate while preparing icing. Icing: Combine icing sugar & lemon juice in a sml saucepan over low heat. Stir until mix is warm to the touch & completely smooth. Spread over base and sprinkle with extra coconut. Refrigerate until cold and firm and slice into squares. Store in airtight container in the fridge or freezer.
Dec 21, 3:37pm
bumping . . .
Dec 24, 2:09pm
Bumping. this back up
Dec 28, 1:02am
bump from pg 6
Dec 31, 2:31am
bump de bump
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