Pineapple & White Choc Drops. 120gm white choc, 1 c caster sugar, 1tsp cinnamon, 1/2tsp ground ginger, 4 egg whites, 2 cups coconut, 2/3c chopped dried pineapple, 1/3c macadamia nuts chopped. Melt choc. Combine sugar, cinnamoon & ginger in bowl. Beat egg whites till soft peaks. Gradually add the sugar & spice mix beating into the egg whites. Add melted choc & rest of ingredients. Fold till just combined. Place heaped tablespoons of mix onto lined trays about 3cm apart. Bake @ 180°C for 20mins or until cooked.
Oct 15, 4:10pm
#339, I can vouch for this recipe -pear and boysenberry shortcake -it was from "food in a minute" and Mum and i tried it when her and Dad came to stay -we did it for dessert and it was very nice.
Oct 15, 9:06pm
heh bumping as this thread has some awesome recipes in it
.oO Kree Oo.
Oct 15, 11:06pm
Snickerdoodle Biscuits 250g butter, 2 eggs, 2 tspns cream of tartar, 1/4 tspn salt, 1 1/2 C sugar, 350 g flour, 1 tspn baking powder. Topping: 4 Tbspns sugar & 2 tspns cinnamon mixed together. Mix butter, sugar, eggstogether then add the rest of ingredients, shape into balls and roll balls in topping mixture, place balls on tray allow room to spread, fanbke 180 8-10 mins.these are yummy and so soft the kids love them.
Oct 16, 8:43pm
cheesecake brownies - so bad they're good. 150gm butter chopped, 300gm good quality dark choc, 3 eggs, 1 c caster sugar, 1 1/2c plain flour, 1/4 sour cream, 250gm cream cheese at room temp. Melt butter & choc till smooth & lumpfree. Cool 5 mins. Whisk 2 of the eggs in small bowl. Add these & 2/3c of the sugar to the choc mix and stir to combine. Add the flour & sour cream. Use beaters to beat the cream cheese and remaining sugar together until smooth. Add the remaining egg and beat till just combined. Spoon choc & cream cheese mixes alternately over the base of prepared 20cm square pan. Use a skewer to create a marble effect. Bake @ 180° for 30mins or until skewer comes out clean.
Oct 17, 12:22pm
,. ,
Oct 18, 2:31pm
Apricot Coconut Slice 250g plain sweet biscuits (such as Nice)125g butter,melted;2 tbsp apricot jam;250g dried apricots,chopped;3 1/2 cups coconut;400g can condensed milk;1/2 cup coconut extra. Crush biscuits finely,add melted butter;combine well. Line the base of a 16x26cm lamington tin with aluminium foil;press crumbs evenly over base of tin;refrigerate till firm.Spread base with apricot jam.Place apricots in pan covered with water,bring to boil, remove from heat,cool to room temp;drain.Combine coconut,condensed milk and apricots.Press over biscuit base.Toast extra coconut on an oven tray in mod oven 8 mins. Cool and press over apricot mixture.Refrigerate,covered till firm. Store in fridge.
Oct 19, 1:57pm
Cinnamon Crinkles 125g butter;3/4 cup sugar;1 egg;1 1/3 cups s.r flour;extra 2 tbsp sugar;2tbsp cinnamon. Cream butter with 3/4 cup sugar,add egg & beat well. Sift flour & add to the creamed mixture. Mix well,form into small balls and roll in combined extra sugar and cinnamon. Place on ungreased baking trays and bake in preheated mod oven (180c) for 15 mins or until golden. Cool on trays until crisp. Makes about 36.
Oct 20, 12:21am
Gingerbread Men Cream 1/2lb butter with 1lb brown sugar, add 2 eggs, 4Tbs golden syrup, 4C flour, 4tsp ginger, 2tsp baking powder. Roll out thinly, cut out with a 'gingerbread man' cutter. Bake 5-10 min at 350deg F . Use currants for eyes, mouth, etc or pipe with icing. This is from an old cookbook so hope you can understand quantities alright.
Oct 21, 8:20pm
gingerbread men :) 1 1/2C white sugar, 3C flour, 1tsp baking soda, 2tsp ground ginger, 150g butter, 4tbsp golden syrup, 1 egg. . Put dry ingredients in a bowl. warm butter and golden syrup, let cool, add lightly beaten egg. Add liquid ingredients to the dry ones,mix well, knead until smooth. roll out 1cm thick (approx) cut with cutters, bake at 190*C 10-15 mins or until golden. . Hope that's what you were after :) happy baking .oO Kree Oo.
Oct 21, 11:44pm
You guys are all AMAZING! Thanks heaps
Oct 23, 2:39pm
bumping up had better add a few more ideas in here methinks!
Oct 24, 2:45pm
Back to the top please
Oct 26, 7:14pm
hey there thinking of making this would i use raw cashews or the salted roasted kind anyone know!
Oct 26, 7:25pm
do i pour it on the shortcake that has cooled! also after i have poured marshmallow on do i just leave to cool! i have never made marshmallow not sure what you do after that! refrigerate!
Oct 26, 7:52pm
this thread rox thanks to all who posted. Pulled out me tins and was able to bake for the first time in 6 months
Oct 26, 8:15pm
i think ive put on a stone just reading this its lovely to know there are those who still bake there are such a lot who dont and its so nice to put in the kids lunchboxes they are the envy of their friends with yucky old roll ups and muesli bars he he
Oct 26, 8:32pm
lemon squares
base 2 cups standard flour 1/2 cup icing sugar 125 gm cold butter
topping 1 1/2 cups sugar rind of half lemon 3 large eggs 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/4 cup self raising flour
heat oven to 160 or 150 fanbake line 23cm tin with one piece of paper uncut sides or mix will run out
for base process ingredients and pressinto tin use the back of large metal spoon as mix is very crumbly bake 15-20 mins till straw colored while it cooks make the topping
put sugar and rind in the unwashed processor and blitz till fine add eggs and lemon juice and flour process till smooth
when the base is cooked pour mix over and cook for a further 30mins or longer, until the top is slightly brown and no longer wobbles when pan is jiggled
when completely cold , slice and dust with icing sugar yum! the topping is lovely and creamy lemon without being to messy to handle thanks to alison holst!
Oct 26, 8:38pm
Perhaps ask winnie in the Friends' thread!She's always popping in there.
Oct 26, 8:52pm
The recipe in the Edmonds Classics book published 2005 is slightly different from this, with the gelatine starting off in cold water.Here it is:
MARSHMALLOW SHORTCAKE Base 125 gm butter, softened 125 gm sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla essence 1 egg 225 gm standard grade flour Filling 1 cup cold water 4 teaspoons gelatine 1 cup sugar 1 egg white 1 cup icing sugar
Cream butter and sugar.Add essence.Add egg and beat well.Sift flour & baking powder.Stir into creamed mixture.Place a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray.Roll or press mixture into a 12mm rectangle.Bake at 180*C for 25 minutes.
COOL, then top with marshmallow.
To make marshmallow, place cold water in a saucepan.Sprinkle over gelatine.Add sugar.bring to the boil.Boil for 8 minutes.Cool.Beat egg white until stiff.Fold in icing sugar then slowly pour in cooled gelatine mixture.Beat until stiff and thick (about 3 minutes).Spread over shortcake immediately.Sprinkle over coconut or allow to set and ice with chocolate icing and sprinkle with nuts.
It does not need to be stored in the fridge.
Oct 26, 9:53pm
I made this for the first time yesterday, I used hazelnuts, they were raw so gave them bit of time in dry frying pan then rubbed skins off.No salt on them.
Oct 27, 1:26pm
any more recipes you guys!
Oct 27, 7:22pm
thanks all for that! wildflower how was it!
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