Biscuits & Slices

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rkcroft, Jun 29, 9:41pm
Easy Lemon slice. 1/2c condensed milk, 100gm butter, 200gm plain biscuits, 1c coconut, 1 lemon rind finely grated.Lemon Icing: 2c icing sugar, 40gm butter softened, 1 lemon juiced. Put condensed milk & butter in saucepan. Cook 4-5 mins until butter is melted. Process bisuits to crumbs in food processor. Combine biscuit crumbs, coconut, & lemon rind in bowl. Mix inbutter mix. Stir well and press into a lined slice pan. Chill in fridge 1 hour till firm. Make icing by combining all ingredients in bowl & beating til smooth. Spread over slice.

lojo30, Jun 30, 3:19am
Hi there Im looking for a slice with a marshmellow type top! I think it has shortcake base/biscuit base with jam in middle and marshmellowly top.TIA.

jenna68, Jul 2, 8:02pm
bumping for .. tigg's ques

kpmac, Jul 2, 11:04pm
bumping cos its baking day tomorrow! yay!

rkcroft, Jul 3, 12:27am
Easy Peppermint Slice 2 packets of malt biscuits, 1 tin condensed milk, 185gm butter, 250gm block of Peppermint Chocolate, 185gm choc bits or plain dark chocolate chopped up, 30gm butter (extra). Crush biscuits. Place into large bowl. Melt together condensed milk, butter & peppermint chocolate in a saucepan over low heat until smooth. Add mix to the crushed biscuits and mix well. Press into a lined 20x30cm baking tin. Melt the dark choc bits & butter together in the microwave. Stir until smooth & spread over base. Chill in fridge till set.Nb: can be difficult to cut when fully set.Try cutting up after only a couple of hours of being in fridge, then pop back in to firm up completely.

rkcroft, Jul 3, 12:31am
Peppermint Slice Base: 185gm butter, 1 1/2c self raising flour, 1 c coconut, 1/2c brown sugar. Filling: 250gm icing sugar, 1 1/2T milk, 1 tsp peppermint essence, 45gm kremelta. Base: melt butter & add to dry ingredients. Press into a lined 28x20cm slice pan & bake @ 200°C for about 20mins. Filling: Mix together icing sugar, milk & essence. Melt kremelta & pour into icing sugar mix. Mix well & spread over hot base.Allow to cool completely then either ice with a chocolate icing or drizzle melted chocolate over the top.

jenna68, Jul 3, 8:02pm
bumping for . tigg's ques

valentino, Jul 4, 6:13pm
Bumping for amonnk To peruse.

penny130, Jul 4, 6:21pm
brianmac. no. 7, your coconut slice recipe.for the topping how many eggs and how much sugar! i see the 2c of coconutsbut not the others.thanku

penny130, Jul 4, 6:24pm
71 not 7 whoops

doree36, Jul 4, 8:58pm
heres an uncooked citrus slice for you UNCOOKED ORANGE/GRAPEFRUIT FUDGE SLICE 3 ozs butter, 1/2 tin
condensed milk, 1 packet super wine biscuits(could use malt) - crushed Grated rind &
Juice of orange/grapefruit, 1/2
cup coconut, 1/2 cup chopped walnuts.
Melt butter and condensed milk.
add to dry ingredients. Press into sponge roll tin. Ice with butter icing Using some
juice) Sprinkle grated rind on top. Quick and delicious (have made this slice for
nearly 50 years)

tat2eddude, Jul 5, 3:41am
*bump i liked the jelly slice best!

willow4, Jul 5, 9:46pm
Mumble Jumble and Rice Bubble Cake recipes needed Can someone supply me with these two recipes! Rice Bubble cake using honey (newer edmonds book doesn't have it)and a recipe for Mumble Jumble - made it heaps for my kids years ago but have lost recipe - has rolled oats etc and a spicy date and sultana centre.
Many thanks :)

jenna68, Jul 6, 4:44am
Bumping. :o)

brianmac, Jul 7, 4:55am
Post all your yummy recipes here.
ALMOND BISCUITS:1 egg white;1/2 tsp runny honey;1-2 drops almond essence;250g ground almonds;3/4 cup caster sugar;1 egg white extra;1 cup icing sugar approx;60g flaked almonds. Beat egg whites until firm peaks form,fold in honey and almond essence.Combine ground almonds and sugar cont.....

brianmac, Jul 7, 4:58am
add egg white mixture Cover & let stand 12 hours or overnight. Beay extra egg white until firm peaks form,add half the egg white to almond mixture.Roll tsp full of mix into small balls.Roll in sifted icing sugar.Place on greased oven trays and flatten slightly with the base of a glass.Brush tops with remaining beaten egg white.Press a few almond flakes on top.Bake mod slow oven about 20 mins. Makes about 30.

brianmac, Jul 7, 5:05am
Monte Carlos 185g butter;1/2 cup brown sugar,firmly packed;1 egg;1 tsp vanilla;1 1/4 cups s.r flour;3/4 cup plain flour;1/2 cup coconut;raspberry jam.FILLING:60g butter;3/4 cup icing sugar;1/2 tsp vanilla;2 tsp milk.Cream butter and sugar until light & fluffy.Add egg and vanilla,beat well.Add sifted dry ingredients and coconut,mix well. cont...

brianmac, Jul 7, 5:09am
Roll tsp fulls into balls,shape into ovals and place onto lightly greased oven trays,rough up surface with back of a fork.Bake in mod oven 10-15 mins or until golden brown.Cool on wire rack.Put a tsp of jamand a tsp of prepared filling in centre of half the biscuits..Top with remaining halves,press together lightly.FILLING:Cream butter and sifted icing sugar till light & fluffy,add vanilla and gradually add milk,beat well.Makes about 25 complete biscuits.

brianmac, Jul 7, 10:17pm
Meusli Slice 1/2 cup untoasted meusli;1/2 cup s.r flour;1/4 cup rolled oats;1/4 cup coconut;125g dried apricots;1/2 cup brown sugar firmly packed;185g butter;2 tbsp golden syrup;2 eggs. Mix meusli,sifted flour,oats,coconut,chopped apricots and sugar in a bowl.Melt butter & golden syrup over low heat,pour into meusli mixture.Spread into lightly greased 28x18cm lamington tin.Cook mod oven for 30 mins.Cool in tin before slicing.

mumofanangel, Jul 8, 4:29am
great idea brianmac makes life alot easier having designated threads. I have heaps but they are all stolen from here lol. and I didn't save the original poster to acknowledge.

tat2eddude, Jul 8, 4:54am
*bump. so many great recipes. spoiled for choices as to what my next bake will be. any ideas for a tin of black doris plums! been in the pantry a while now.

brianmac, Jul 8, 4:55am
Post all your yummy recipes here.
ALMOND BISCUITS:1 egg white;1/2 tsp runny honey;1-2 drops almond essence;250g ground almonds;3/4 cup caster sugar;1 egg white extra;1 cup icing sugar approx;60g flaked almonds. Beat egg whites until firm peaks form,fold in honey and almond essence.Combine ground almonds and sugar cont.

brianmac, Jul 8, 5:05am
Monte Carlos 185g butter;1/2 cup brown sugar,firmly packed;1 egg;1 tsp vanilla;1 1/4 cups s.r flour;3/4 cup plain flour;1/2 cup coconut;raspberry jam.FILLING:60g butter;3/4 cup icing sugar;1/2 tsp vanilla;2 tsp milk.Cream butter and sugar until light & fluffy.Add egg and vanilla,beat well.Add sifted dry ingredients and coconut,mix well. cont.

brianmac, Jul 8, 5:09am
Roll tsp fulls into balls,shape into ovals and place onto lightly greased oven trays,rough up surface with back of a fork.Bake in mod oven 10-15 mins or until golden brown.Cool on wire rack.Put a tsp of jamand a tsp of prepared filling in centre of half the biscuits.Top with remaining halves,press together lightly.FILLING:Cream butter and sifted icing sugar till light & fluffy,add vanilla and gradually add milk,beat well.Makes about 25 complete biscuits.

brianmac, Jul 8, 2:53pm
well, I dont see that it matters you can just acknowledge that it was posted here originally by someone else. If it helps everyone I think its great.