"Recipes" versus "Health" Topic your opinions....

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cookessentials, Apr 24, 10:59pm
"Quote from buzzy" "I'm sure everyone will be delighted to know how to create meals that cookessential has searched for and posted, verbatim, onto here, in place of having tried and tested them herself.

whatNASTY NASTY person you are buzzy... really showing your true colours now. IF, I ever post a recipe that i have copied, I say where it is from... ... ... ... ... ... get on off to opinions, I wont miss you you ungrateful woman. Oh and by the way, you talk about healthy eating but you would be quite happy to pollute your environment from your boat I see-what a hypocrite. Sorry Julia... buzzy is a pain in the proverbial and I will be voting this as well. She has to be THE most undemocratic person I have come across with a schoolyard mentality and she goes hand in hand with Waltraud. voted

cookessentials, Apr 24, 11:01pm
I have been cooking for some 30 years and I actually have quite a substantial recipe selection OF MY OWN. Also happen to run a cookware store, so I do have a LITTLE experience. As for you buzzy... . . you seem to be a "Master of everything"

cookessentials, Apr 24, 11:08pm
"The authority of those who teach is often an obstacle to those who want to learn. " -

buzzy110, Apr 24, 11:11pm
#1. How do you reconcile you desire to see recipes only for recipes when you took great delight in adding your opinion to the War Zone thread started by another poster who only wants Recipes to be about recipes?

Maybe the irony is once again escaping you.

cookessentials, Apr 24, 11:13pm
thought you were off to opinions buzzy? you're late!

mbos, Apr 24, 11:35pm
Why vote it?

Healthy and robust exchange of views and all that?

margyr, Apr 24, 11:38pm
i was called a hypocrite earlier and asked what it was that i had said to offend the poster calling me that, so please don't remove it till i have had my offensive comment pointed out to me please.

snapit, Apr 24, 11:38pm
buzzy have you ever thought of starting you own blog about the education you want to impart and then just post a link here.
You would reach a lot more people and those that wanted that type of information and education could visit you thereand there would not be this agro on the forum which should be happy and not intimidating to others.

elliehen, Apr 25, 12:14am
toadfish is being misrepresented by just one or two posters. She is not trying to shut down opinions. She is trying to point out the difference between a poster's brief comment/opinion on someone's recipe, dietary hint etc and the long-winded, self-indulgent diatribes and monologues that get in your face and up your nose every time you ask a simple question, so that the answer to the simple question gets buried in a mucky mess of unwanted advice on how to live your life, how you're killing your children, making your spouse sick etc

I am grateful to many posters for a vast number of interesting recipes and ideas, from high carb to low carb and every colour in between. Thank you all.

No thanks to the very few selfish individuals who want to trample all over the boards in jackboots.

hezwez, Apr 25, 12:20am
This from the low carb thread pretty well sums up buzzy's intolerant "save the world" stance.

mbos, Apr 25, 12:25am
The funny thing is, I don't come in here to ask why it happened, how I can ameliorate the problem or reverse the problem (re coeliac disease in my four year old).

There is no way on God's green Earth I am going to mess with my child's health on the say-so of an anonymous self professed and ordained expert on the Trade Me Message Board.

So for that kind of information I go to people I have met, who I have verified their qualifications, and can therefore place due trust in their advice. Likewise, I will go to sites such as the Coeliac Society's website - information from a trustworthy site and source.

What I come HERE for, is recipes. And I very, very much appreciate that people are generous enough to share their recipes, usually without talking down to me, or insulting me while having absolutely no clue of what my abilities, background or anything else are.

Those posters are very generous, and very kind, and I appreciate them immensely.

kay141, Apr 25, 12:34am
I agree with cookessentials in most of her comments. For every link to a piece of "research" on the net, at least two contradictory pieces could be found.

fisher, Apr 25, 12:42am
Toady you are so on the button... ! ! ! !
elliehen . .cookessentials (well said). . toady... . I have been most reserved on these boards and wont post my original typed thoughts as I realise it will make me just like them. . but will now say, I'm in total agreement...
Uli. . you just like to shytestir. . get that chip off your shoulder. . move on:}
buzzy. . I have no recollection of any recipe you have posted that remotely interested me. . What a condescending person you are. .
People have differing degrees of skills and by posting those recipes its how I and all the other folks learn from them. .
bugger off. . ! ! ! !
Far more better cookies have posted on these boards who no longer do than YOU. . I wonder why. .
NO-ONE will miss you. . I'm sure of it. . Start your own blog... no one will come. . why would they go to someone completely unqualified and wears a patch over one eye ? ?
Here's how I see the recipe board to get back to Recipes. .
Gluten free problems and discussions == Health
Gluten free recipes == Recipes. .
Hints and Tips ===Garden / DIY
Weight watchers=== Health
Kitchen gear == Recipes
Whole food and any other lectures == Health
Low carb DIETS... === Health
Low carb Recipes === Recipes
Diabetes etc === Health
Low sugar recipes == Recipes. .
You get the picture...

See its real easy... don't clutter up our once fine recipe forum so genuine recipe folks and those simply not interested dont have to wade through all the crap. . (as seen by the reader of said posts). .

kay141, Apr 25, 12:49am
Hear, hear

cookessentials, Apr 25, 12:55am
THANK YOU FISHER! ! So so appreciated and I also know we have not always seen eye to eye but I think we both appreciate what each of us have to offer. Thank you for adding your thoughts. Dont worry, there was plenty i could have said, but I do consider myself a lady and it would have been beneath me to have made those comments public ( best kept inside ones head methinks LOL)

daleaway, Apr 25, 12:55am
That sounds a good suggestion, Fisher, by and large.
Go for it.

kirinesha, Apr 25, 12:58am
How is Fisher going to "go for it"? Neither he, nor anyone else here has any control over what any individual posts anywhere on the MB.

jmonster, Apr 25, 1:16am
As a matter of fact, Fisher (or anyone) can always vote off posts/threads if they really feel like it.
So in a sense while no-one has any control over what is posted, the "group" controls what stays on the board.

kirinesha, Apr 25, 1:19am
Of course they can, and that includes recipe threads.

fisher, Apr 25, 1:21am
Cooky. . I am just sick of it all. . I have always had a healthy respect for your "seamly" postings and moreover your in kitchen abilities, as I do many many others here. . for me, its never been about points scoring but proffering a recipe as do others and leaving the requester tochoose one that suits their family taste and lifestyle. . sure we discuss different flavours, herbs, methods and the like but thats all meant to enhance to the final eating experience. . I dont want/need someone to tell me about wholefoods... grains etc and if that's what I NEED to know, then I will go to the appropriate qualified person. .
Sadly, so many names missing from the postings nowadays... postings and help have dropped majorly and the FUN has gone out of it...
I'm sure folk put/separate all their utensils in the cutlery draw. . When things are in their appropriate place, they are easy to find... right...
I liken the wholefoods spiel to a guy coming in from motoring and telling us how to pull a car engine apart. . then says dont read it if you dont like it... but quite simply its IN THE WRONG PLACE... ! ! ! !

cookessentials, Apr 25, 1:21am
With all due respect kirinesha... I had been into the lo-carb thread very very early on and even when someone there did not agree with my comments, they were always respectful. You only need to read most of buzzy's posts to see that she is not respectful. Sadly for the recipe section, buzzy is not respectful at all and neither is uli. You are quite correct, none of us do have control over what others post. buzzy has said that she will exit recipes and go elsewhere and frankly, it is a good move, hopefully she will honour that. This is not the place for that kind of poster. If I remember correctly it was buzzy who coined the phrase "pink fluffy brigade" well, call it what you will but as far as I am concerned respect and manners go a long way whereas out and out nastiness do not. buzzy likes to also veil her nastiness in being sarcastic and condescending as does uli.

fisher, Apr 25, 1:24am
daleaway... . just a pleb... dont have mod rights anymore. . :}
It was just "my" suggestion as to how to ensure some semblance of order is restored to the recipe section...

doug57, Apr 25, 1:25am
Crikey. . this place gets worse and worse! LOL

I think recipes could stay 'as-is' with people choosing to start a thread as they wish. If their heading is clear, then anyone with help to offer can pop in and share their words of wisdom.

I feel the only thing that needs to be 'controlled' is personal comments and rude remarks about posters.
Idon't agree with the way some posters must trawl through previous threads to lift quotes and re-post in other threads... things get way out of hand.
We can't always agree with what others have written, but there are polite ways to respectfully disagree.

charlieb2, Apr 25, 1:31am
I respectfully AGREE with you doug

cookessentials, Apr 25, 1:32am
Thank you fisher for your comments, much appreciated. I think with the recipe section (pre broomstick brigade) everyone enjoyed helping others, no question was ever a dumb question and each of us respected other cooks versions of the same recipe... . . sadly in the last while it has been replaced by those few who continually find fault, and generally "laud over" everyone else and woe betide you if you do not agree with them! I always wonder how these people cope with others on a day to day basis and what people actually think of them - or are they too scared to say anything! !
From my point of view, I like to encourage people and give them confidence, is that not what it is all about after all? to try and "teach" someone by ridiculing them and "scolding" their food choices is certainly no way to encourage them to cook or even to come back here. I think your list above is about spot on... if it is a recipe whether for a special diet or allergy, so long as its a recipe, then I think this IS the best place however, to continually bombard people with a diatribe more often than not copied directly from a book or some other publication simply turns people off... then to make it worse, when someone offers an alternative to then be shot down is not at all helpful for anyone... sadly buzzy or ulli do not see this, they always seem to take the stance of "I'll get them before they get me" and you know, all that negative energy flowing from them just turns my stomach and makes this recipe section an unpleasant place to visit. Lets hope that buzzy and ulli can take something out of these comments and take a long hard look at themselves instead of continually causing dissension. Toadfish, thank you fror posting this, you were not wrong in doing it at all, it sadly has caused plenty of dissension but also got many peoples feelings out in the open- many who were probably afraid to say something because they did not want to experience the wrath of either uli or buzzy.