Best way to arrange recipes for flatting teen?

meg1971, Jul 5, 8:02am
My teen is shifting out soon and i would like to set him up with a listing of the family favourite recipes.he's quite into his cooking.I thought I would do it as a file for his laptop. Any recommendations on the best way to do this?Any downloads or what applications?Thanks for your input

sooseque, Jul 5, 8:13am
Maybe also print them off in a clear file they can be wiped if needed and with tags to seperate different categories

meg1971, Jul 5, 8:17am
So just as a word document?

greerg, Jul 5, 8:19am
I've sent everyone away from home with recipes printed on cards in a file box.I have a couple of very large word files and have chosen a selection for each one.

duckmoon, Jul 5, 9:04am
what kind of printer do you have???
If it is an ink jet, will need to be covered with something water proof (will smudge if it gets wet).

If you ahve access to a laser printer, then not a problem

motorbo, Jul 5, 9:32am
mayb let him do it...let go mum

pickles7, Jul 5, 10:39am
LOLjust as I see it. If he dosn't cope he will move a nice young chick in, He will soon learn to cook for for her..

carl-van-essen, Jul 5, 11:00am
I was just thinking maybe you could get a fridge magnet made. I keep important recipes held on the fridge with fridge magnets. Maybe a wallchart might be an idea.

spongeypud, Jul 6, 4:33am
Print them out and get them laminated and put them in a file that's what I do, I try and print a photo of what it SHOULD look like at the top of the page.

feris04, Jul 6, 5:42am
Just go with word, and if you have 2007 you can turn said document into a PDF which makes reading it a bit easier. But if hes like me he will end up with favorite recipes in his head.

ange164, Jul 6, 5:56am
doesn't matter too much, but a cross referanced index is a helpful thing in the edmonds cookbook. Crock pot stew would come under both "budget" "dinner" and "easy"

gjnalm, Jul 6, 6:00am
Buy him an ipad, they have some great recipe apps

lx4000, Jul 6, 6:02am
print off then laminate!!

meg1971, Jul 6, 8:00am
um, there's no worries about this.He's off fishing in the deep south for six weeks next me there is no letting go needed.It was merely a nice little something i wanted to do for him.Most of our fav recipes are handed down thru the family and i want to continue the tradition.And he's a great cook, specially his lasagna apparantly... he reports the ladies like it...

carl-van-essen, Jul 6, 10:04am
When I had my final assessment at Polytech, I had the recipes all laminated and that really helped being organised when your in a hurry.

patsy3, Jul 6, 11:17am
Get a blank recipe book with the index's, (Red Recipe Book) and write in some recipes, print some out and paste in. He can add them as he goes. Love the idea, when you see a great recipe in a mag at the dr's, you just take a picture, rather than try to rip the page out.
It just seems more personal to have the "hard copy", and will keep the book for a lifetime, with the recipe's such as Aunt Gladys Choc Chip cookies, Gran's savory mince.

charlieb2, Jul 6, 11:20am
I'd go for the clearfile folder with laminated recipes inside... then you can pull out the recipe you need... without havinga big book on the bench, wipe it down and put it away when finished.... Great idea

kob, Jul 6, 7:47pm
what I did was each time I cooked a meal I would take a photo, and then compile recipes that went with each photo, that way that had mums view of how their food was and should be.
I added little tips and tricks for them how to get the best value for money on meat used or how to tenderise a cheaper cut of meat to make it more cost effective, it took me a whole year to do and I presentedit to my son and future daughter in law for xmas a couple of years ago, although he is 21 he takes on the role of cooking the meal a few nights a week as FDIL works till 7 pm, they were exstatic about it, but now I miss the phone calls, mum i want to cook ??? and i have a block of meat how do I defrost it and make into ??? but all is good, and their is a personal section on G'S absolute favourites so that he will always be able to have cooked or cook himself his favourite two doshes. Was definately a labour of love

pamellie, Jul 6, 8:00pm
I wrote mine out in word and then printed them and put in a clearfile for my daughter. On each recipe I also added tips about what to useand what to cook in etc.

lindylambchops1, Nov 14, 5:10pm
My daughter is going to live in Japan for a year.She leaves end of July.I told her to get some cooking lessons whilst she is there!