I agree with Toadfish. A lot of what is posted in here ( IMHO) should be in "health". I come here for recipes and tips.
Apr 24, 7:24pm
Buzzy you seem to have sidetracked. Toadfish is not asking what others think of RECIPES on the board, but whether they think the long, instructive monologues on health... with not a recipe to be seen... . are appropriate.
Apr 24, 7:27pm
So, are you the only 'real' cooks?
What is a 'real' cook?
Apr 24, 7:29pm
why do some people feel that they MUST educate people even though nobody hasasked for that help. .
I have been cooking for darn near 60 years. . I dont NEED to be educated on the how tos. .
and because a couple of you are going to offer less recipes the whole recipe forum is going to implode ? ?
Apr 24, 7:31pm
Grannypam - sorry to have to say this after all those years - go and get a life ... I am thoroughly sick of your interjections ... and that has nothing to do with recipes at all now.
Apr 24, 7:39pm
excuse me uli. .
I do have a life . . a very satisfying one. .
but why the aggro from you all the time. . I know I am not the only one who comments on it. .
just that I am not a bloody hypocrite. .
Apr 24, 7:41pm
Whatever. The result is the same. You will soon be free to offer up whatever meagre supply of tips and recipes you have and have these boards to yourself. Just stay away from the information threads though, because you definitely don't want to know all that stuff.
mbos I'm sure that as you know exactly how to open a packet of processed bread, butter/toast it and spread it with jam/marmalade as well as knocking up a passable cuppa tea your advice will prove invaluable. I'm sure everyone will be delighted to know how to create meals that cookessential has searched for and posted, verbatim, onto here, in place of having tried and tested them herself.
Everyone will be thrilled to learn exactly how to create a pavlova, ad infinitim, where to buy the best packets of waffles and be confident that their pasta sauce is the best one on the market.
Probably no one will answer dumb questions like where to buy powdered malt, or how to get a sour dough starter going but, who cares. They are just fringe eaters anyway and deserve to be ignored. I'm sure lindylambchops would have been far better off as well.
Apr 24, 7:43pm
Remind me, what is sarcasm the lowest form of? Edited to add that ~ buzzy, you have been invited out for a walk in Cornwall Park at 1. 30. (in your low carb thread) Fresh air is wonderful for the constitution. But you probably don't need that advice. Hint: Post #34 could have been added to post #32, using the edit function which is enabled for 15 minutes.
Apr 24, 7:45pm
In fact, the only other poster who offers excellent and very helpful recipes and tips is 245sam. Be careful not to turn on this poster, when we are gone because she is your only hope.
Apr 24, 7:49pm
Good grief buzzy.
Have you ever heard the expression, you catch more flies with honey?
I don't pretend to be a GREAT cook, but you don't actually know my culinary abilities at all.
Perhaps you ought to open up your pantry and see if amongst all the staples, at the back, there is a packet of humility still waiting to be opened?
There's a lot of good cooks on this forum - possibly you don't rate them, but perhaps they don't rate you.
They might not cook, eat, live or breathe the way you do and the way you clearly feel all right-minded individuals SHOULD do so - but their recipes are very much appreciated by us lesser mortals who very much enjoy their recipes that they generously share without an unnecessary or unrequested dollop of arrogant condescension and judgment being thrown in for good measure.
Apr 24, 9:12pm
kirinesha, personally, there are no posters I like or don't like... how could I? I don't know these people. They are anonymous posters with pseudonyms. And I'm interested in ALL subjects.
Some posters who choose to lay bare their private lives do seem more familiar than others though - rather like TV characters or minor celebs in women's mags.
Another point, one or two posters talk about 'my thread' or 'our thread' as in 'my house' or 'our house', as though you can only enter by special invitation. Really?
Like the majority of posters, I'll continue to read and answer questions about cooking, post recipes, or comment briefly if I think I have something to offer. I do think Recipes works best as a question and answer board, rather than a lecture hall.
Apr 24, 9:16pm
So what are the new rules handed down from the social police then? Is it to be only recipes and no opinion? What about household hints, shouldn't that be in "Gardening and DIY" what about kitchen equipment I see someone is asking about bowls for mixers thats not a recipe? I'm confused or is it just that some people are unacceptable on here? Am I OK I am a bloke who cooks is that acceptable still?
Apr 24, 9:29pm
damn poster #1 aren't you a little precious, you wanna rip a new one, for the person who posted a recipe question in TMG? BTW I aint pink & fluffy i prefer open and honest.
Apr 24, 9:38pm
What about dieting threads does that comply with the new rules?
Apr 24, 10:03pm
So by this statement you mean JUST you and 245sam. . ? ? and when you have gone, she will be the last one with standing. . in your eyes. . Ive been wasting my time for the last 8 years...
Apr 24, 10:07pm
no you haven't fisher . .
you are very much appreciated . . lol
Apr 24, 10:20pm
cheers granny as have you been. . Can sympathize why you dont post anymore. . :} Beaker. . so funny... you actually nailed it tho. . Household hints === Gardening /DIY all those greasy marks and stuff. . dont want that near a recipe really... Kitchen equipment is directly related to the cooking process. . cooking process is relevant to ==== recipes and cooking therein... Dieting== health and beauty... its about reducing food intake and all these lovely recipes will only entice folks to eat more... then post more lol:}
Apr 24, 10:28pm
Well I was not even going to bother posting here ( sorry Julia) because I could see where it would all head and true to my concerns, in came those that have decided to be smart alec about it in what ever way they see fit. After reading this quoted post, I can see WHY the recipe section has become the way that it has... like buzzy and Watraud(aka-uli) are THE only people that come on the section to offer "proper" advice. Sorry to burst your bubbles, but belive it or not there are a host of people here that give such wonderful recipes, ideas, tips and tricks... and you know what? they do it without being rude andadopting condescending manner which seems to be the "norm" with the two of you (mainly) What, pray tell me buzzy is a "real cook"? I would just love to know. Is a "real cook" someone who criticises someones particular use of ingredients? or tells them that the type of food they eat is wrong? I dont think so. After reading the majority of what has been written in your thread... frankly, sounds like it has been copied directly out of a text book. I note that you are so concerned about the foods one eats and the state of ones body, but what about the state of ones mind? all that negativity, nit picking and superiority MUST do some sort of damage, dont you think? the only sense of humour I have ever seen is usually at someone elses expense and damn near every thread I look at where you have "helped" someone, you rubbish them or treat them as inferior to you... . hope you enjoy opinions and hopefully the recipe section will return to a place where people can come and ask for help and get genuine help from others who are willing to do so withoutscorn and ridicule placed upon them. Sadly, I do not see you as an educator at all. "Teachers should guide without dictating, and participate without dominating. "
Apr 24, 10:32pm
no need to be silly beaker... . dont you think that mixing bowls form part of the kitchen which is where our recipes come from? Toadfish is a very gentle person and I think she feels, like a number of us do, that there is a place for recipe related threads and ones for nutrition which I see as coming under health.
Apr 24, 10:32pm
I agree, poster #1, to an extent.
I've got some great low-carb recipes etc, and I think it's great to have threads specifically for low-fat, low-sugar etc recipes.
However, I don't want to go into a thread for chocolate recipes etc and see people saying how 'unhealthy' some of those recipes are... If I want to engage in, or read about, nutritional health I'll go into a thread that relates to that specifically. It shouldn't be coming up in more general recipe threads.
I hope that makes sense... .
Apr 24, 10:34pm
Waltraud... you are incredibly rude and if anyone needs a life love, its you. I dont think I have EVER seen you add anything positive to ANY thread here, you are never happier when criticising people.
Apr 24, 10:35pm
well said melissarose
Apr 24, 10:38pm
the very thing we DONT need and EXACTLY what toadfish was getting at
Apr 24, 10:41pm
I think you nailed what I was trying to get at as well Melissarose.
Anyhoo this thread has gone just where I hoped it wouldn't...
I personally feel we have hundreds of good cooks frequenting these pages... some not as often as others and some with more contributions than others.
Perhaps this has gone to show that there is a place for discussions about health in Recipes but maybe the general consensus is "some" of us wish they wouldn't enter every thread.
Believe it or not i tried really hard to word it so it wouldn't offend, I thought it might be a way to stop the nit picking and genuinely wanted others opinions... . but now I think this thread could get nasty... so I am voting. . and invite others to join me.
Apr 24, 10:42pm
right so havn't read the whole thread... however... i love being 'blessed' here with all sorts of helpful recipe idea's hints etc... and i enjoy being able to share mine in return... however... i do find it a bit much when some poster 'press' their views in regard to the nutritional values of some food groups. we are all adults... if we wish to know more about the nutritional value, or not, then that is up to us to go looking... . each to his own point of view, but lets be respectful of each others life styles and accept the fact that we will all live our lives as we so choose... . blessings all.
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