Well, Great topic poster #1 Good food for thought.
And to all the others who leapt at the opportunity to slag off this poster - SHAME ON YOU :( Elliehen, your incredibly rude tirade is what I have seen often from you, and it is mainly due to your responses in threads that I choose to lurk and read and not post.
Hope you all have a good evening.
Apr 23, 2:10am
Oh please, Buzzy you are rude, and I bet socially inept Do you want NO BODY to post in this forum but you and your whole food, low carb tinfoil wearing friends that preach on and on. Its boring, I dont care what you post, when you post. but the rude comments do not do you any favours
Apr 23, 2:12am
*insert tui ad here*
Apr 23, 2:12am
... . Pass the tui... .
Apr 23, 2:13am
Snap grannypam!
Apr 23, 2:13am
Miaow! Old catty. Drink a saucer of milk and sharpen your claws elsewhere. Nasty, nasty - are you from parenting?
Apr 23, 2:14am
How bloody anal can you get Hezwez, Aphra1, and Vintagekitty why must you suppress others beliefs and interests in food. Why do you target people for such things, is life really so boring that you should persecute people who don't think like you, get a life.
Interesting reading Buzzy I often wonder why my grandparents lived into thier 90's though grandpa fought in the worst of both world wars and grandma raised a big family, though thier marraige and thus family started during the worst of the depression. I suspect they lived so long because they lived almost exclusively from thier garden, chook pen, and meat from the freezing works where grandpa worked. The only processed food in thier staple diet would have been bread. I say staple diet because they weren't monks and would have the occasional treat of takeaways etc but that was monthly rather than weekly.
Maybe I can live longer if I do the same because I have the advantage of improved medical science as well as my garden.
Apr 23, 2:17am
Not at all. I suggest you pop buzzy's name into the search box and read more of her "helpful" opinions
Apr 23, 2:20am
I haven't started any thread where I have then droned on for the following 16 posts without a break beaker59. Buzzy is well named. Perhaps others in this forum who share recipes are becoming a little tired of the high fat aficionados trying to whip the rest of us into submission?
Apr 23, 2:22am
Why? To stalk someone? To see if you might be justified in your nastiness? I don't think so. I enjoy reading what is posted on the whole, but PERSONAL attacks on others is unseemly, unkind and unwarranted. But if that's what makes YOU happy then get on with it. [There seems to be a whole 'pack' of you that swarm into some threads and rip others to pieces]
Apr 23, 2:25am
You don't need 16 posts to qualify as a droner hezwez! Why would you even bother reading something if it doesn't really interest you? That's what I don't understand. I open a thread and if it doesn't appeal, I move on. We are all different and what appeals to one will not appeal to another. Surely that's common sense? Didn't your mother ever tell you that if you had nothing nice to say then to keep quiet? ! ! LOL
Apr 23, 2:27am
who is jacko205? cant say I have seen you here before
Apr 23, 2:30am
Information educates. Education allows a choice. Choice allows a variety. Within that variety might come healthier and often cheaper options that many people never considered were available.
vintagekitty wants a shitfest, I suggest Opinions is a better location for her. This is recipes, which use food, and their healthiness depends on the making informed choices, which requires information. Thank you for the information, buzzy :-)
Apr 23, 2:31am
Forgive me! I didn't realise I had to 'check in' with you first. As I said, I lurk, but don't generally post. Because of the 'pack' mentality.
Anyway Poster #1, I won't wreck your thread any further, I'm sure others will continue to voice their 'valuable opinions though.
Apr 23, 2:31am
jacko205 has posted once before, in the food lies thread, where he/she had nothing of consequence to say. I suspect this is a dual 'posting' account of one of the high fatties.
Apr 23, 2:37am
No need to be rude... . I cannot say I had ever seen you here before. The only "pack mentality" comes from those few who have turned the recipe section into an unpleasant place at times. As for the original post, I know what whole food is and I am sure there are plenty of us here who do. I actually thought this was the recipe section though.
Apr 23, 2:42am
You may also find that threads like this are what Trademe call spamming? ?
Apr 23, 2:54am
For the life of me I cannot imagine why any of you moaning about this thread would come into it if you don't like the topic? It is clearly stated, therefore it was a CHOICE for you all to come into this particular thread and I actually find you to be quite hypocritical! You are doing exactly what you are accusing the thread starter of doing and ironically you are bumping the thread. This all just seems a bit childish to me - but then I don't come on here often so I don't know who the flavour of the month is or what petty squables you have with each other. Suck it up FGS - can you not be adults and stay away from threads started that you don't like or started by people you don't like? Truly bizarre!
Apr 23, 2:58am
In a nutshell, yep. Spot on.
Apr 23, 3:07am
Guess that goes for all threads then doesn't it?
Apr 23, 3:17am
Amazing really - why go into a thread when you know who started it (and you do not like that person) - and why contribute to a thread that you find boring? Beats me ... Maybe nothing else to do - or what?
Apr 23, 3:22am
Thanks Andrea1978 well said
Apr 23, 6:38am
Buzzy, there are people like me you don't put up messages but do enjoy your thoughts and reading about your knowledge on our diets and much I agree with, please keep it up and please don't be put off by the bitchiness of others. I don't understand, why bother to comment if you are not interested in the thread.
Apr 23, 6:54am
I find this thread and this poster buzzy110 very interesting, from a sociological standpoint. I think these lengthy lecturing threads that buzzy110 starts are a cry for attention and imply a feeling of underlying insecurity. Last week she said: This is not about 'Get Buzzy'. It's an attempt to help her find a more appropriate and more receptive place than Recipes to pour forth her ideas. She said recently that what she herself called her 'reforming zeal' has 'tainted' her name on the messageboards and she was looking to choose a new name to post on the low carb cooking website. That speaks volumes.
Apr 23, 7:02am
Lucky we all have you Ellie to put Buzzy and us in our place, thanks for the direction. I will sit and await furthur instructions.
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