gardieit looks like you need to come back in here and tell us what sort of breakfast you want as your low carb idea gets pulled to shreds LOL :)
".I'd love some breakfast ideas. I quite enjoyed my protein shakes cos they met all the requirements however I want to be back to easy real food - healthy stuff. I don't have a lot of time in the mornings and I really do like low carb so what can you suggest. I don't want to be cooking!."
Jan 5, 2:36am
I make my own soy yoghurt. Get a tub of Tonzu yoghurt - you can eat some, but use it as the starter. Put in a good 3-4 tbsp into the yoghurt maker container, fill it with soy milk (So Good is the best), shake, then leave it in the yoghurt maker as per usual. It doesn't turn out thick like dairy yoghurt, it's more creamy but it is nice for smoothies and over cereal.
What soy yoghurt are you buying from the supermarket! I quite like the Kingsland yoghurt, tastes just like dairy yoghurt (although it's been a while since I've had dairy yoghurt!).
Jan 5, 2:37am
Eggs in any form, fried, omelettes, scrambled, boiled etc. with tomatoes and mushrooms, bacon or leftovers from dinner.
A fresh green salad goes well with eggs or meat too. Can be prepared the evening before and kept in the fridge, then you only need to add the salad dressing in the morning.
Greek yoghurt with berries or other summer fruit or in winter with a spoon or two of LSA added.
In winter I often have some beef and vege soup for breakfast (or for any other meal when I need a quick meal).
If you have a bit more time you could do some pancakes or crepes with almond meal if you don't want to use flour. I did banana pancakes yesterday for lunch as they all ripen at once of course.
ULI.Interesting that in gardie's initial post she said she didn't want to cook.but look at all your suggestions in the second post.I guess one of the reasons I suggested my "healthy" breakfast option of SK and Banana (which is a fruit) I wish I had time to cook beef and vege soup for my breakfast.
Jan 5, 2:39am
So what are the low carb non-cooking quick breakfast options!
Jan 5, 2:47am
The breakfast slab recipe off the low carb cooking in style website is good.I have cooked it on a Sunday a couple of times and used for the next few days. Could also be used with a salad for lunch.
Jan 5, 2:49am
I guess it depends on why she she/he is low carb!Weetbix/SK are both good breakfasts.yes they are carbs, but they also give energy.If she wants to cook then probably scrambled would be best!
Jan 5, 2:49am
1 raw egg ¼ oz Worcestershire sauce free from crabs. That is if you not in, kid.
Jan 5, 3:14am
Mark Sissons, unusually for a low carb enthusiast, rates foods by their total carbohydrates, not net carbs.This casts a very different light on his recommendations.
Jan 5, 3:20am
*checks Worcestershire bottle in pantry to make sure its free from Crabs*
Jan 5, 3:35am
Oooh, that could be painful!
Jan 5, 3:47am
omg.are you always so rude!
Jan 5, 11:32am
Maybe in a face to face situation, a very few of these comments could be construed as light hearted ribbing - given body language to read as well.Unfortunately, in the written form, the comments come across as being nasty in my opinion.
Jan 5, 12:01pm
Well, I guess, if out of the whole "conversation", that one comment was seenas nasty, then things here are stranger than I thought.
Jan 5, 12:27pm
Not necessarily, depending on the food itself. Again, for the average person, he says up to 150g/day is ok. Certainly the Special K and banana would happily sit within that.
Jan 5, 1:07pm
It wouldn't fit his recommendation of zero grains and cereals though, would it!
Jan 5, 1:33pm
I wouldn't know - I gave up reading his site early on in the piece. I find it laughable that he promotes a diet based thousands of years ago, yet sells overpriced supplements that weren't available back then.
Jan 5, 1:35pm
That explains a lot!
Jan 5, 1:36pm
That he is just out to make money! Yes, yes it does.
Jan 5, 3:32pm
If you don't want to cook a breakfast because of time restraints or whatever then preparing something the night before or having leftover from the night before is the way to go for you.
Jan 5, 3:52pm
I don't cook beef and vege soup in the morning - I cook it in the evening when the woodstove is going anyway LOL :)
It is actually really fast to reheat a cup of soup in the morning - and if you are in real time constraints then you could even use a microwave maybe!
But yeah - not-cooked breakfasts that are low carb are a bit difficult (except the yoghurt and berries).
I would go for the pre-prepared salad in that case and boil 2 eggs to go with it - or open a tin of fish.
Jan 5, 4:12pm
I have got a microwave egg boiler, that does 4 eggs at once, and take a boiled egg to work for breakfast. Its really easy, you just add water, set for ten minutes and walk away, Great no minding, so I always have boiled eggs in the fridge. And they are so versatile just to have on hand.
Jan 5, 5:08pm
I'm certain, that this suggestion is not a carb managed suggestion. I was wondering if you are confusing low carbohydrate (low carb) with low cal (low calorie) or, as they now should be calling it, low kj (low kiljoule).
Jan 5, 5:12pm
uli, do not worry about knowsley's penchant for calling me names. I can cope with what cook's kindly calls, "light hearted ribbing" in my own way. In fact I am delighted to be considered a friend of yours because while you try and post positively and helpfully most of the time, it is the toxic name callers and those who belittle by using "light hearted ribbing" that I would not like to be associated with in the least. Just let it all slide off and use the solution that I asked Prue to tell you about. That will be more effective in the long run.
Jan 5, 5:19pm
They are great, except mine got buckled when the inner was showing once I now cook eggs in the mic using those little plastic chickens they are great also.
Jan 5, 5:26pm
I got one of those as well, and use both
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