I need some ideas... will post in General as well... .
Jun 18, 2:51pm
Wholegrain oats, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, a few almonds, handful of frozen blueberries, organic yoghurt and a drizzle of genuine maple syrup.
Sometimes I'll change the fruit - in summer, nectarines or peaches... but I NEVER get sick of it. Occasionally I'll have it for lunch too :-)
Jun 18, 3:30pm
home made mÜsli and joghurt----fresh fruit
Jun 18, 3:30pm
A bowl of special k with chopped banana.
Jun 18, 3:33pm
Bacon, eggs fried in butter and mushrooms fried in duck fat. Cup of coffee with a splash of cream and a teaspoon of coconut oil. All low carb, healthy, delicious and sustaining. Off to enjoy now.
Jun 18, 5:33pm
I want to get away from toast... . is why I've asked...
Jun 18, 6:55pm
Think about what our ancesters would have eaten for breakfast, thats what we would have evolved to survive and thrive on.
I can tell you it would not have been toast or special K! Fruit might have been around for one or two months a year.
Jun 18, 8:11pm
What does the coconut oil do? Somes yum, does it taste like coconut?
Jun 18, 8:36pm
It stops you from being hungry at morning tea time, thus you eat less - and yes it tastes very nice. I often eat it off the spoon. This time of year it is solid though. In summer it is a clear oil.
Jun 18, 8:38pm
There's a long running thread here about coconut oil. Just put it in the search box to the left and select 'anyimte' in the drop-down box.
Jun 18, 9:28pm
Lol ie; Raw Meat. (Although that's purely my prefrence)
Jun 18, 9:45pm
Porridge oats, soaked overnight in yoghurt and enough milk to loosen the mixture. I add in a chopped kiwifruit and half a banana. It keeps me going from 6am to lunchtime. I eat this winter and summer, varying the fruit and often adding dried fruit to vary the taste.
Jun 18, 9:50pm
Muesli and a cup of black tea.
Jun 18, 10:44pm
Yep. Meat, a variety of fruit, veges etc. And the meat would have been anything, bugs too not just roast sheep, cow or pig. The amount of processed grain people eat these days is whats bad for you. Eat nothing made from flour of any kind nor any breakfast cereal.
Jun 19, 12:43am
Steamed salmon with rocket leaves and boiled egg with some homemade mayonnaise.
Tomorrow morning I am having flounder for breakfast. Yum.
We had hens and bantams when I was growing up, plus cream was cheap so my mother always made us scrambled eggs with cream, then she'd put it all into a pudding basin and then into a pot of simmering water, so we could help ourselves. Yum. Still like that and I'm old and have no health issues at all.
Leftover free range chicken from the night before.
I have discovered freshly boiled hot water with a kaffir lime leaf and a teaspoon full of coconut oil. Note: water should always be boiled fresh and from cold. Reboiled water, with all the oxygen boiled away, will make anything taste disgusting.
Jun 19, 12:50am
Didn't you tell us some time back that you are basically on a paleo or low carb diet? Have you seen our lovely new NZ low carb website yet? :)
Jun 19, 1:17am
at the mo im trying to be a bit more low carb, so im having an omelette filled with cooked silverbeet and cheese its really yummy and im not sick of it yet! ! !
Sep 18, 3:08pm
glass of Just Juice fruit drink. I can't eat anything until normally about 11am as otherwise I feel crap/sickish don't know why but do.
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