Healthy lunch box ideas

jen51, Oct 9, 8:10pm

martine5, Oct 9, 8:28pm
Yoghurt, fruit, dried fruit, unbuttered pop corn, almonds

marree, Oct 9, 9:59pm
As above & celery / carrot sticks, nuts, raisins, sultanas, healthy type crackers with vegemite or marmite, salad & chicken / ham sandwiches / rolls etc.It is good to see someone taking the time re lunches.I see so many kids getting their 'packs' from the dairy in the morning or fronting up at school with a good $5 or more to spend on pies etc (ok once in a while, but not every day - besides it's damn expensive).

red2, Oct 10, 3:37pm
have a look for some ideas

chell15, Oct 10, 4:57pm
Yes, I'm one of those mothers who puts in selection of healthy food and home baking in the children's lunch boxes and they come home with someone's packaged food rubbish.

lizab, May 21, 5:54am
I've been making my son little pots of jelly and in the morning I pour over a little yogurt. Pack the tightly lidded pot in a ziplock bag with a spoon.