I am on a challenge, one that I have set myself, for our family of 4.I have been spending $200 on groceries every week (includes everything) but I am reckoning I can do it for $150. Will let you know how I get on.
Apr 4, 2:36am
go for it, i made a mince mix tonight for dinenr to have with corn chips, added a can of (even cheaper if you cook up yourself) of lentils, lentils are great as they take on the flavour of the dish i had maybe 150g mince and vege bulked it out, the amount made would have feed 4 or more
Apr 4, 3:09am
this recipe is really good and quite economical as you can add lots of other vegies to the recipe and add rice to make it go further.All the best
Are people into growing vege gardens these days? We have a huge one, only coz we live in the country, I guess if you're in town you can always swap veges with your neighbours. NOthing like homegrown!
Apr 6, 2:58am
Are people into growing vege gardens these days! We have a huge one, only coz we live in the country, I guess if you're in town you can always swap veges with your neighbours. NOthing like homegrown!
Jul 23, 7:51am
Yup, I have a big vege garden and my siege mentality means I have 2 full freezers plus the one on top of my fridge. I freeze huge amounts of home made tomato puree for winter, stocks, soups etc. So far, second week in I am doing ok. I find its easier and cheaper to actually shop every week, that way I don't run out of stuff, I basically know what I need to buy regularly and can pace the more expensive items. Grocery prices are so ruddy unpredictable though! One week something is $3 the next its $6. And don't get me started on milk. We have chucked away more this year through it going off, than in our entire lives!I even ventured into Pak n Save instead of Countdown this week to see the difference. I won't buy meat there, I go to the Mad Butcher, but I found PnS really cheap for some things and about the same for others.
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