I'd love some breakfast ideas.I quite enjoyed my protein shakes cos they met all the requirements however I want to be back to easy real food - healthy stuff.I don't have a lot of time in the mornings and I really do like low carb so what can you suggest.I don't want to be cooking!
Jan 4, 11:56am
in terms of speed i dont think you'll get a faster way than a brotein shake.in terms of prep & consumption.as you already know wizz drink & your away. a plate of natural yoghurt with the addition of a couple bananas or other fruit would probably be the next in line in terms of convenience .
or a steak & cheese pie from the bakery hehe
Jan 4, 12:50pm
A couple of options - - get up 20 minutes earlier and have bacon and eggs and mushrooms (it's worth it)! - Make a muesli-type mix of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chopped walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, pistaccios, almonds and coconut flakes. Put some in a bowl with either unsweetened Greek yoghurt or coconut cream and some unsweetened berries.
Jan 4, 1:58pm
Bedazzled, is your muesli mix raw or toasted please!
Jan 4, 2:00pm
Just raw - gives lots of crunch. I suppose you could toast it with a small amount of honey or maple syrup, but I try to avoid that. Use any nuts you like as long as they're raw.
Jan 4, 2:03pm
Thanks, I'll give it a try (raw that is).
Jan 4, 2:25pm
I love the coconut flakes but I've only seen them at Farro up here in Auck. Any other places anyone!
Jan 4, 3:13pm
annabelle langbein has a recipe where you roast the oats in apple juice, cuts back on the fat and is delish
Jan 4, 3:19pm
Eggs in any form, fried, omelettes, scrambled, boiled etc. with tomatoes and mushrooms, bacon or leftovers from dinner.
A fresh green salad goes well with eggs or meat too. Can be prepared the evening before and kept in the fridge, then you only need to add the salad dressing in the morning.
Greek yoghurt with berries or other summer fruit or in winter with a spoon or two of LSA added.
In winter I often have some beef and vege soup for breakfast (or for any other meal when I need a quick meal).
If you have a bit more time you could do some pancakes or crepes with almond meal if you don't want to use flour. I did banana pancakes yesterday for lunch as they all ripen at once of course.
Jan 4, 3:26pm
did you read.!low carbs.greek youghurt & berries will be the only one on your list that fits that criteria,and the omellet & co is ok.O.Ps talking breaky,not lunch or dinner meals for breaky
Jan 4, 4:06pm
Depends on what i feel like, but usually 180g yoplait Greek yoghurt and a piece of fruit. I sometimes will have two boiled eggs and a piece of fruit.
Jan 4, 4:16pm
Waffles are good.They can be healty with the right recipe.They freeze well and can be heated in your toaster, topped with fruit etc for a quick breakfast.
Jan 4, 4:37pm
I don't think you understand what low carb means.All of those suggestions are low carb, including the pancakes made with almond meal.In fact the least low carb is the yoghurt and berries.
Jan 4, 5:00pm
Oh yes - I did read indeed. And do you know anything about eating low carb! Do you know how many carbs are in a fried egg, your leftover meat etc! I do, that is why I recommended it. The Greek yoghurt and berries that took your fancy and the Greek yoghurt with LSA has the highest amount of carbs of all my suggestions.
So what is your low carb suggestion bbq-bro! Maybe a bbq at 6.30am! Very low carb if you hold the bread!
Jan 4, 5:14pm
im not a believer in the atkins diet theory.obviously you 2 are
Jan 4, 5:16pm
bbq 6.30 in the morning suits me fine.high metabolisms great aint it *flexes abs* muhahaha
Jan 4, 6:28pm
I have yoghurt with fresh fruit, LSA and chia seeds as well as an orange or a couple of kiwifruit - keeps me going until lunchtime.Sometimes I substitute the LSA and chia for a small serve of WW cereal and if I have the time 2 poached eggs with some spinach is good too
Jan 4, 6:41pm
When we went on holiday recently I made up a large batch of meatballs.They were then available for snacks or breakfast, lunch or dinner.I've just discovered hollandaise sauce so that went over the meatballs or a tin of tuna, asparagus or cauliflower.Hollandaise sauce easy and quick to make, great for breakfast.
Jan 4, 6:57pm
I am not a "believer" in anything - and certainly not in a "prescribed" diet like Atkins.
But I love eating food - which is anything in my books that hasn't got a barcode on.
So usually I eat meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, a little fruit, some dairy, lots of good fats (avocado, olive, coconut) and some nuts. If I "splash out" then I have a slice of sourdough bread :)
So I am not sure if that fits with your idea of Atkins or not. That is the diet that works for me - and from research has done so for many thousands of years for humans.
So a BBQ at 6.30 am would be great - love it to fire up the fire pit for breakfast!
Jan 4, 6:58pm
As I suspect yours didn't have a barcode on the packet - so how fast is it to make you reckon!
Jan 4, 7:10pm
Thanks guys - love the yoghurt idea but I'm dairy intolerant which is a right pain. I've not been too good at avoiding it lately and I can feel the negative impact it has.Can't stand the soy yoghurt you buy from supermarkets- anyone tried using soy in the yoghurt maker (I'm sure a little bit of starter would be ok).Too expensive to have it fail.Coconut cream on the muesli sounds great too.
Jan 4, 7:12pm
Make coconut yoghurt instead :)
Jan 4, 7:15pm
I never thought of that uli - do you just use a couple cans of coconut milk/cream in the easiyo maker!Will a bit of greek yoghurt do as a starter!
Jan 4, 7:20pm
I have heard Easiyo do a packet of coconut milk flavoured yogurt but I haven't seen it in the supermarkets in Canterbury.I would love to try it.
Jan 4, 7:46pm
Many people think they are dairy intolerant till they try raw dairy.It is the pasteurizastion/homogenisation- process which kills the milk and then does not allow our bodies to digest the milk.This is what causes the problems.Many people who are intolerant to cow dairy try raw goats milk and are fine.Experiment, find yourself some raw dairy and give it a go.
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