Breakfast: easy/healthy/fast

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cookessentials, Jan 5, 5:28pm
Well thats great that you can now deal with it in your own way.well done. Hopefully I wont see the likes of this again any time soon.
Quote: buzzy110 "And even this post is abusive. This is a trick your learnt of that other spiteful cow, cooks, who decided to abuse me by referring to me as it rather than as a person. She has since learnt the error of her ways."

buzzy110, Jan 5, 5:35pm
Uncooked low carb options are few and far between, basically because most are based around dairy of some description. However, it is not impossible to have a breakfast that does not require cooking at breakfast. One of my favourites is to make a nice batch of homemade mayonnaise (egg yolks, lemon juice, a tiny bit of mustard, sat, pepper and olive oil), boil up a dozen or so eggs to just before they go hard (so they are nice and orange still) and cook streaky bacon or have a tin of salmon, or cooked fresh salmon on hand and some avocado and parsley.

Now all one has to do is put these units together in a big bowl as a salad and close the lid. Take out what you would want for breakfast or lunch, add some cucumber or tomato (no cook, just and easy slice up), roll up in a lettuce leaf or two, and eat.

Salad 1 - quartered eggs, chopped parsley, sliced up crispy streaky bacon and a dollop of mayonnaise.

Salad 2. Chunks of avocado, chunks of tinned or cooked fresh salmon, parsley and a dollop of mayonnaise

Salad 3. Chunks of avocado added to salad 1

Salad 4. Chunks of cooked salmon (tinned or fresh) added to salad 1

Salad 5. Make any combination salad you like

buzzy110, Jan 5, 5:41pm
I also have to cook my Grandie mush and I find that is fantastic for making 'fritters'.

I make mush made from lightly cooked fresh vegetables and lamb mince (or some other protein -freshfish is another favourite) process in a small blender attachment on my stick blender. Then I mix it all up with three or 4 eggs, till it is quite runny (from the eggs). At this point grated cheese could be added but I don't. Make fritters. They have to be cooked slowly, so it is best to do a whole lot at once and store in a covered container in the fridge. I use egg rings and either lard or butter to fry my fritters in.

In the morning they can be gently re-heated in a warm frying pan while showering and dressing. Or they can be eaten cold. Or you can place cheese on top and grill. Or you can put sliced tomato, lettuce and avocado between two fritters and you have a sandwich for lunch.

pickles7, Jan 5, 5:46pm
yum.buzzy110.they all look great.

buzzy110, Jan 5, 5:47pm
They are. And so high in satiety as well.

pickles7, Jan 5, 5:57pm
yes, I used to just eat 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast when we were so very busy. Kept me going until lunch time, easy.

buzzy110, Jan 5, 6:58pm
The salads I mentioned kept me going all day long, with just a black coffee with about ½tspn of coconut oil for lunch. Have to remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day of course.

buzzy110, Jan 5, 10:01pm
So it is light hearted ribbing to refer to someone as 'it'! I see that as pure spite. And it originated from you first. Do you not like it when people treat you how you treat them!

knowsley, Jan 5, 10:04pm
I note that it's your vile posts calling me names that have been removed.

Is that solution the one where you stop posting unscientific rubbish that you try to pass it off as fact! Cause that would work.

bedazzledjewels, Jan 5, 10:08pm
Buzzy - thanks for those suggestions further up.
I'm going to try Mark Sisson's bakin' bacon recipe too, where he precooks the bacon in a very slow oven and then reheats quickly for breakfast.

buzzy110, Jan 5, 10:37pm
Lol. We all need science now to post a recipe! I'm sure that would discount 100% of the Recipes posters.

knowsley, Jan 5, 10:51pm
YOU don't need science to post anything. it is an annoyance that just gets in your way - I do love the way you side step it.

bedazzledjewels, Jan 5, 11:11pm
Original poster - I hope you come back in to tell us what breakfast options you've tried out.
I've decided to make an effort this year to try out more recipes but I won't be changing my breakfasts much as I love them!

gardie, Jan 5, 11:30pm
I'm definately going to try the whipped coconut cream mentioned above - just need to get some!I'm also going to make up a 'muesli' with a little rolled oats and lots of nuts and seeds - I find them quite satisfying.I am already up at 5.30 most mornings so don't really have time to cook.Might have to try the boiled egg in the fridge thing - will certainly let you know.

cookessentials, Jan 6, 12:04am
Well, sorry, but I couldnt show all the other nasty and vile things you posted because Trademe removed them, luckily for you because then you really would have looked a fool. As for the "you did it first" really need a reality check. I love it when people treat me as I treat them, thats what usually makes the recipe section such a lovely place for people to come as most of us treat everyone with respect, however, nothing you have ever said to me ( or many others) deserves our respect. 90% of the time, I will ignore you. I dont need to drag up the past in regards to ALL of your nasty posts, you seem to have a knack of giving fresh insulting ones on a fairly regular basis.

buzzy110, Jan 6, 1:03am
Then I shall certainly continue to treat you as you treat me. I'm glad that is settled.

uli, Jan 6, 2:27am
Great to see you back - DO let us know how you get on :)

gardie, Jan 6, 2:30am
Have been around closely watching the thread - just didn't like the way it was going so kept pretty quiet!Will do though - gotta go shopping first.Just saw davidt's recipe for the ricotta pancakes - sound great!Could freeze them and take one out each morning - I love a hot runny egg on a pancake - my dear old Nana used to do that as a special breakfast many, many moons ago.

beetle18, Jan 6, 5:46am
I have the same breakfast every morning - I never tire of it. I make up a large batch of "cereal" which sits in an ice cream container in the fridge (LSA, vanilla flavour whey protein, chia seed, melted butter, a little sweenener, cinnamon). Each morning I cook a small bowlful for a minute in the microwave and eat it with a few blueberries and cream. I look forward to it! (Inspired bythe low carb stylish site )

gardie, Jan 6, 12:24pm
Are there quantities, and how do you cook it (add water/milk)!Sounds a bit expensive but would be nice for a treat!

bedazzledjewels, Jan 6, 12:26pm
You'd better find the website mentioned by beetle18. Can't give you the link but you'll find it if you google Oeufs Meulemeester & Variations and check out the Breakfast section.

cloudberry, Jan 6, 12:57pm
There are some breakfast ideas here at this link:!nl=1

cookessentials, Jan 6, 1:07pm
Thats really interesting.interesting when I get told I self promote, different when the boot is on the other foot I just depends on how sneakily you do it I suppose!

bedazzledjewels, Jan 6, 1:15pm
Difference is I'm not selling anything Cooks. And I've always appreciated your advice when I've asked questions about kitchen equipment.

turtlet, Jan 6, 1:28pm
Bedazzled I tried your nut etc meusli - very good.I haven't managed to find coconut flakes yet but will check out a couple of places next week.