I've eaten healthy for over half my life, bike at least 50km a day, walk 7-10km a day, watch my carbs, eat heaps of protein, raw veg, fruit and my weight never goes down.My doc is over 6 ft and skinny as and has this thing about weight, but what the hell else can I do!Now I just try to keep things even and be happy.
Mar 9, 9:07pm
My dr thinks everyone is overweight who isn't built like him.Never mind he obviously had some good genes to start with and I'm 5 foot nothing.
Mar 9, 9:13pm
I lose weight by eating until I'm full.
Mar 9, 9:34pm
I have to laugh at this. Doctors are funny creatures. One I went to (once only) started lecturing me on how I needed to lose weight. I was fit, healthy and well within acceptable weight parameters for my bone structure. My bones were visible in places. Nevertheless she continued on recommending a low fat diet, while I sat there contemplating her rolls of fat oozing over her chair and resting on her lap and wondered just what planet she was on.
Mar 9, 10:03pm
me too.losing weight by eating small amounts of really low fat and boring food works well enough but most people can't keep it up for their whole lives.
Mar 9, 10:22pm
I think portion size is the key - you can have anything you want then so never feel deprived.When we emigrated we were amazed at the size of scones and cake here, but it did not take long to get used to it!
Mar 9, 11:57pm
garfield are you asking if you can lose weight solely by changing to a better diet, or are you doing other new exercise apart from the abcircle pro!Cos eating healthier is part of the solution, but you also need to be burning up more than you are consuming and I'm thinking the abcircle pro isn't going to be enough.
Mar 10, 12:10am
Mate, that must really suck! especially if you ARE trying to lose weight! How is it possible, what does your dr have to say about it!
Mar 10, 12:11am
Once again you're wrong on this. Certainly no surprise there. Plenty of metabolic ward studies, but I guess those aren't mentioned in your "books".
Mar 10, 12:11am
Yes, I am!9kg so far :) and I've been happy too!I think the secret is herbs, spices & flavour!You can not enjoy food without flavour.My fave addictions are chilli, coriander, cumin, mint (with yoghurt especially) & salt & pepper.I've always loved vegetables so I'm lucky I guess.I want to start exercising a bit though as well.Nothing hardcore, just some walking would be good.Congrats on your weight loss OP :)
Mar 10, 12:25am
Have you heard of the new book out called "Accidentaly Overweight"?by Dr. Libby Webster. Very interesting. I have managed to lose weight thru Weight Watchers, but it always creeps back on. And with the whole menopause thing it's an uphill battle!
Mar 10, 12:26am
sumstyle one doesn't lose weight by doing exercises.
Sure - it might speed up your metabolism - but so does a spoonful of coconut oil.
In general diet is 80% of weight loss and exercise 20%. If you do too much exercise it is counterproductive, as you will get too hungry.
The best weight loss diet is one you can continue for years to come - so you avoid jojoing all the time.
Mar 10, 12:33am
You know even a half to one hour walk with a friend in the evning 3-4 times a week can make a difference. I also found that as I lost weight & slowly increased my exercises I gained more energy which in turn allows you to push yourself a little harder.It's a great feeling to have more energy when your'e eating healthy. I try & stay away from processed foods, grow alot of veges, yes & watch portion size. In my expereinec sometimes what we think are hunger pangs is dehydration, so what I ahve tried to do is when I feel hungry, drink a glass of water first & wait 10 mins or so before eating. Anyway read the BOOK- Accidentally Overweight. Even drinking water with our meals is a big NO NO because we dilute the acids in our stomachs which break down food for digestion! No wonder we feel stomach aches & discomfort!
Mar 10, 12:36am
Exercise uses calories, so will help towards putting you in a deficit, and then you will lose weight. Exercise doesn't make all people hungry either. There have also been studies done that show while some people did increase appetite with exercise, the extra food they took in was generally less than what was consumed calorie wisewith exercise.
Mar 10, 12:41am
I think it is Libby Weaver.
Mar 10, 2:45am
Yes I have been told that so many times & I have done it myself.Far easier to eat better to lose weight than to exercise for weight loss.ideally I guess you'd do both, but if I had to choose one it would definitely be diet over exercise.
Mar 10, 2:54am
Poster one asked for advice.I asked her if she was also doing exercise to burn excess calories.I didn't say don't bother with eating healthier.
From my experience of losing nearly 30 kgs, eating healthy certainly helped reduce my weight, and when I exercised more my weight loss per week was consistently higher.
Mar 10, 3:06am
sumstyle and garfield - Define 'healthy'. We all appear to have a different opinion on what constitutes 'healthy' eating and the conversation will make no sense until we discover what it is you think is healthy.
Mar 10, 3:10am
I have had success recently (am only slightly heavier than I need to be) by sticking to a low GI diet and having Nutrastart in the morning instead of breakfast (I still have porridge but no toast). Nutrastart is a 4Life product and yummy. I attend a community weight loss challenge meeting every week and some really overweight people are losing around 3 kg a week. Everyone who has been attending for the past six weeks has lost weight. It's great fun, especially as it is not a diet, just healthy eating.
Mar 10, 3:15am
What baby kangaroos - joeys - do.Jojoing Jojoing Jojoing.
Big kangaroos go Boing Boing Boing :)
Mar 10, 3:24am
buzzy as it's not my thread I will graciously withdraw from the discussion
Mar 10, 4:07am
W = Fd
Mar 10, 12:04pm
Exercise has other benefits than just calorie consumption. And you have a very simplistic (and wrong) view on diets. One day you'll click that the only way to lose bodyfat is to consume less calories than you use. Hunger doesn't always come into it, depending on your food choices with your diet. Plenty of people have successfully dieted and kept the weight off. Maybe you need to get your nose out of the books you read and take a look at real world experiences.
Mar 10, 3:07pm
I have been on a low carb (low GI) diet for 5 weeks and lost 5 kilos.doesn't mean I can't have any carbs just burgen bread not other, porridge made with water (add yoghurt to make it tasty!) etc less potatoes at tea time. Haven't been hungry as my portion size hasn't changed. Good luck!
Mar 10, 3:40pm
Unless you have a captive group of people to study, there is no way any research on ordinary, everyday people, with free will can ever be accurate or considered a valid study when it comes to diet. Every day people make food choices that may, or may not, fit within the parameters of the foods that researchers wish their subjects to eat.
While there may be plenty of general studies carried out involving interviewing people, these studies cannot be classed as ionclast and can only be taken as a guide.
Even as a low carb person, I have been known to be in situations where I am not in control of the food presented and am forced to eat against what I would consider healthy. So even for low carb people, none of us can guarantee that our diets remain 'pure'.
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