yum for the chip sarnie!!! cheese with green onion chips would be a threat to yours!! lol
Feb 28, 2:03am
That sounds like the recipe right there, vintagekitty ;)
Feb 28, 2:06am
Lettuce and Marmite yum yum nice and fresh and crispy :o)
Feb 28, 2:10am
or, my other fav salt and vinegar chippies sprinkled over vanilla icecream
Feb 28, 2:21am
has to be english marmite and one must crush the chippies in the packet first then use finger to lick up all the bits off the side of the packet - also must put marmite on both sides of the bread so you get the taste explosion in your mouth. - think you might be going a bit far with the salt and vinegar on vanilla icecream - thought you were perfectly normal before you posted that vintage kitty!! lol
Feb 28, 2:33am
OMG I Am munching on that right now when i read this thread hahaha awesome
Feb 28, 3:53am
Yes please - do give a detailed recipe please.
Feb 28, 3:54am
sorry uli I cant. Ive now decided to keep it under my hat for my winning entry into NZ masterchef next year
Feb 28, 4:28am
The Bestest Sandwich in the whole wide world is lovely freshgrainy bread ...marmite and lots of chopped up walnuts sprinkled on.....yum yum.
Feb 28, 5:53am
What's a chicken chip? I need to know!
Feb 28, 6:08am
Vegemite and chip! )not chicken, or bbq or meat flavors thou! Veggie here:)
But then chip and peanut butter sammies are just as good!! We could order them at primary school and yummieee as!!
Feb 28, 6:09am
Flavoured chip!
Feb 28, 7:46am
Here is a YouTube make-your-own, complete with chicken salt shaker.
Oh yes!! Alhtough, I used to just like potato crisps and the bread and butter on their own sometimes. You have to eat them as soon as they are made...gotta be crunchy LOL and for me plain crisps...not a fan of flavoured chips ( apart from salt & vinegar.
Feb 28, 8:36am
Waves to stack of recipes - did you know that all this is copied from trademe co nz ???
Who is stack of recipes? - I see there are no details on the site.
Feb 28, 9:02am
Someone from Auckland apparently - makes money with it so they say ... not sure how ...
Feb 28, 9:07am
how strange - there does not seem anything to buy or any ads to click on.
Feb 28, 8:05pm
yum, yum must have a marmite and chippie sammy again. Used to have them for my school lunches (many years ago) but you have reminded me of their scrumminess, will devour one today for lunch.....
Feb 28, 9:02pm
Now I know what a chicken chip is, (thank you!) and I am sadly disillusioned. I was imagining some kind of crispy thing made out of actual chicken, but it's only a blardy chippie! (Yes, I know. I don't get out enough.)
Feb 28, 9:35pm
cloudberry, you DO lead a sheltered life ;)
Feb 28, 10:16pm
sliced tomato and green onion chipsis scrummy
Feb 28, 10:20pm
sorry cloudberry you were prob thinking it was some gourmet creation!
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