Spoke with both of my sons this am for my birthday. Both of them asked "When can you send us some Marmite".
Sep 9, 1:10am
I have enough marmite for 5 maybe 6 crumpets ( my Sat, Sun breakfast staple, lol) .they better hurry it up!
Sep 9, 4:01am
I gave in and got Vegiemite. I am so mad with myself for not getting two jars when there was still some on the shelves - I didnt want to be selfish and knew we could last until July - but then they changed the date.
Sep 9, 4:08pm
So still November then!
Sep 9, 4:16pm
I understand Sanitarium promiseed to keep updates listed on facebook has anybody seen anything.I'm not registered for FB.
Sep 9, 4:19pm
I tried Mr 6 on Vegemite at the beginning of the shortage. He took one bite, told me the 'Marmites gone bad' and hasnt touched it since ;) Hes a good kiwi boy :)
Sep 9, 6:10pm
i was told at my supermarket last week , to be more likely december, darn, but still have 1/3 of a jar to go
Sep 9, 6:32pm
OOH, I'm scraping the sides of my empty jar.
Sep 9, 7:40pm
Very sad here too - I gave in to Vegemite after one month without and it's okay, but will never replace Marmite.Then I recently read in Healthy Food Mag that the best alternative to get us through these dark times is Promite.What a mistake that was . yuck, yuck, yuck!Even the cats know it's terrible. They love a little Marmite now and then, will tolerate Vegemite and pulled a 'what the heck is that' face when offered Promite lol.
Sep 10, 2:18am
Promite is a love or hate it job. Myself and son really love it, my daughter and another family member hated it.
Sep 10, 4:12am
Well so is Marmite when you come down to it. Overseas visitors think we are nuts for liking it. But I'm starting to make dips to replace it.
Sep 10, 6:42am
I still have 3 jars - one is half full. Don't know how I managed to accumulate 3 - tend to use vegemite more.
Sep 10, 7:04am
i miss marmite :(
Sep 10, 6:53pm
I heard today that its not going to be back till next year! I'm not sure of the reason though.
Sep 10, 9:18pm
OMG i do too! Got some Promite, its ok, but nothing like Marmite! I crave it in the mornings!( would never in a million years touch Vegiemite)
Sep 11, 3:26am
I checked the shelves for marmite substitutes on sunday (way tired of vegemmite now) I stumbled across Promite! Never seen it before, gave iot a go and LOVE IT mmmmmm promite.its a wee bit syrup-ish like it didnt set properly but I'll forgive it b'cos its so freakin nice.
Sep 11, 3:28am
*Runs off to eat promite. Straight from the jar*:P
Sep 11, 3:29am
Nah - it really isnt the same.
Sep 11, 4:48pm
Aha steve56467 you have discovered the delights of Promite! I found it when living in Sydney years ago and when I came back had it mailed to me for years. Then it finally came in here but for a long long time i used to keep a large stock of it in case the importation ceased. Just finally starting to relax about it.
Sep 11, 9:56pm
It was on the radio yesterday that production of marmite will resume october but . because they are getting some ingredients from different suppliers it could take a good month or so after that to start hitting the supermarket shelves, Theres still quite a few auctions on TM for marmite
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