Marmite, Ok admit it who went and got it this morn
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Mar 19, 9:21pm
I did and Countdown had a free jar when you spent over $50, came home and had Yummy breakfast of Marmite, butter on vogels toast bread. was so good, seems like they havnt changed it, same great taste
Mar 19, 10:13pm
I don't even eat the stuff but got given a jar this morning. I notice it has a best before date of 2015! So it'll keep until the marmite eaters come home.
Mar 19, 10:34pm
Yuck, loathe the stuff.
Mar 19, 11:04pm
I don't loathe it but I can't really find any way to eat it either.I didn't get a jar because I still had a jar when Christmas came round that was sitting forgotten in the back of my fridge. I gave that away to my SIL who thought I was the greatest MIL on Earth. Yikes. If I'd known it was going to induce so much unwanted adoration I would have given it to his wife to give to him.
Mar 20, 12:40am
Me. I got my two jars (that was the limit). The kids will be stoked.
Mar 20, 12:58am
Just got my jar ! num num num :) I'm a Happy camper!
Mar 20, 1:13am
Not me - I'm a Vegemite person!
Mar 20, 1:45am
I went just after 8am to Countdown just to buy it before it sold out. Enjoyed it on fresh vogels toast too. So good to have it back but I think it might sell out pretty quickly. Part of me thinks sanitarium have really milked this so called re launch by delaying its return and building up the hype when they clearly had plenty made and ready to go! Regardless I love the stuff!
Mar 20, 2:06am
Not me, I still have 1/2 a jar. Don't eat it very often.
Mar 20, 2:09am
Same as kay141,still have some left.Must check the 'use by date'.LOL.
Mar 20, 3:34am
I don't eat the stuff, but in another thread someone thought the new one tasted a bit different, and posted pics of the labels for old and new.
The differences:one has WHEAT maltodextrin, soy, yeast (80%), and sugar before salt. The other has CORN maltodextrin, NO SOY, yeast (!%), and salt before sugar (less sweet).
Those small changes could alter the taste perhaps!
Mar 20, 3:36am
Me too, just tastes like salt.
Mar 20, 3:43am
I got mine yesterday the local 4 square put a few small jars out! So been having lots of toast lol.
I debated whether to take it or not when offered at Countdown, in the end I said yes, but we don't really care for it, we have proper English Marmite in our house which I normally get in 500g jars yum yum!
Mar 21, 6:32am
English marmite was awful when i had it.
Mar 21, 8:11am
Me too.Vegemite all the way!,
Mar 21, 9:09am
Mind you, daughter (born and bred kiwi) informed me that she first tasted it at school camp last year and loved it, so this morning what I thought was chocolate spread (and far too much and unhealthy for my liking) anyway turned out to be bloody Marmite! I noticed on the ingredients that they put sugar in it - whatever for! it's a yeast spread it absolutely doesn't need it and that is maybe why so many people like it. Cor blimey!,
Mar 21, 9:11am
Almost as bad as that awful excuse of a chocolate drink they call Milo!
ok whingeing pom quietly leaves the room now, tip toe.- .
Mar 21, 11:46am
yuck. i had fresh snapper on toast with american cheese and tomato.marmite on toast how boring,,
Mar 21, 11:51am
i wonder will they reduce the size of the jar and put the price up,,
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